Grabviewport is a FREE MaxScript that enables you to take High Resolution Screenshots of your 3ds Max Viewport.
It also offers you the options to capture animations as well as multiple passes that can later be used for compositing your final presentation image.
For the people who already downloaded the script
Did a very minor tweak to the script so it doesn't show the gizmo anymore when in zdepth mode. This seemed to be a problem in some max versions.
Updated Script available here
However, shouldn't the zdepth be greyscale? At least, thats how I've always seen it/used it.
This should be the result of the zdepth, but i think i already know why your result is different. Do you have a scene with objects that don't have any materials applied to them?
already updated the script so also objects without materials showup properly
Computron: delete the old macro in the following folder
This is an awesome tool, thanks a bunch for the work put in! Have you happened to have any luck with saving out batch images instead of an AVI sequence? Quite a few projects I'm working on involve getting an alpha'd object image sequence (30 frame rotation,etc) and require bringing them into After Effects afterwards. Using this in the past I'd have to render this out frame by frame.
Excellent work!
You can save the animations as image sequences PNG TGA and BMP
i just updated the script so it includes the alpha inside the basecapture if you save your animation as PNG's .
Additionally, since anti aliasing options are no longer available once Animation is selected, the quality is drastically lower than that of the original.
Any ideas?
also i'm not getting such lowres results over here, why is the extension on your image jpg btw?
I tested the alpha again and correct, while using Animation the alpha is not stored directly in the PNG file. It does work, however, when I save it out as an individual frame. I'll see if I notice any obvious differences taking place during the saving process between the two.
could you for all safety please redownload the script and install it?
I've deleted my previous files and have tested it again; still no luck, unfortunately.
General process:
Load max file
Open GrabViewport
Select frame range x to y
Check Alpha
Choose Animation
Change format to PNG
Thanks again for the assistance!
please download it again, should work now
there's a direct link to the mcr on scriptspot too
Anti-Aliasing = Win!
Element Pass = Win!
AO = You have outdone yourself sir!
You made my life SOO much easier.
Haven't tested it yet, but it came just in time for a character I just started texturing.
You can download the adjusted script on the site or scriptspot
tnx for reporting btw
I ran into an error trying to render out my image sequences with alphas.
It renders the first pass fine but it stops at the very first frame on the alpha pass and gives this error:
SideEffect: looks like the filenameparsing isn't working for some reason, could you try to uncomment that messagebox line ,run the script again with the same settings and tell me what the messagebox outputs? Also could you tell me the full path+name of your baseimage that he saved
named it "bluefor" like in the above pic
first file in the sequence comes out as "bluefor0000.PNG"
hit ok
hit ok
get the same boxes as in the above pic
"From To" in the Animation Range
and go from 0-100
run it again it gives me a message box for every frame in the sequence (0001-0100) everytime I hit ok.
"C: \Users\SideEffect\Desktop\bluefor\bluefor0160.P NG"
is the second frame he wants to add the alpha to or the 160th?
also is that space in the .P NG there in the messagebox?
I edited my post after
Yes for That happens on frame 1
(sequence starts at frame 0)
anyway i updated the script so this shouldn't be a problem any more
tnx again for taking the time
works perfect now
also the new crop feature is amazing
One thing I noticed: at huge grabs, it tends to crash Max on the second attempt, highlighting the "ForceRedraw()" line. Im probably really pushing it with my resolutions (I got It to render pure black for a grab that was 13megapixels...), but I do notice you are always saving to 16bit PNG's. I don't think there's any benefit from that, as I'm pretty sure what you get from the viewport is just going to be output in 8bit before you grab it. So best to save some memory by just saving out 8bit images, as 16bit is quite a bit heavier to work with...
xoliul: good point ,i'm going to look into that and see what else can be optimized in the process
could you also give me the number of the line of code it goes to when that error pops up
It goes to 1035
MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception
-- Unknown property: "getViewportShadingSettings" in <Interface:maxOps>
Hope it helps.
I did get the impression that there might be a memory leak, at least i had to restart my computer after a dozen or so screengrabs - but that might be due to a hundred different factors!
Max 2011 64 (tried running as admin and not as admin)
computer made of sauerkraut sandwiches
Thanks sexy
could you go into the listener and type this line
getdir #Scene
and tell me what directory it outputs?
in this case it lists F:\3D\project_name\project
i fixed it by saving the ini file in the max scripts folder if it returns an undefined.
you can download the updated script
tnx for pointing this out