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Blizzard Student Enviro Contest - The Botanists Shack



  • sybrix
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    sybrix polycounter lvl 13
    This is looking absolutely wicked. The added props strewn everywhere really adds to it and fills up the space nicely. I'm starting to really get a sense of personality from the piece (I'm imagining a scatterbrained "mad scientist" botanist who's a bit of a recluse, lol).

    The points about the environment stylistically differing greatly from Blizzard's were quite valid but honestly I think this is developing into a great piece with a strong style of its own that's really impressive.

    Keep it up! :thumbup:
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    @Jackablade: Yeah I darkened it up really quick, but making it more matte will take a bit longer, ill try and work that in later. Thanks. :)

    @Alberto: Thanks dude! I tried it and it was really distracting. Definitely drew attention though. :P I'm going to go back and try to rework the texture to read more like a matte metal. :)

    @Urgaffel: Hey thanks a lot. I honestly have never painted textures before this. Hopefully in up coming projects they will be much better. I need more practice. :/

    @Tokusei: Thanks! I'm hoping the final will look cool.

    @Jungsik: Thank you! Its nice to know that all this work is paying off. :)

    @Oranghe: Thanks! Your sketch book has some really awesome stuff in it, I must say im a bit jelly especially of your concept stuff. :D

    @Andy: Man I really want to push all these textures but time!! :O All those assets too roughly a week from start to finish. It was the painting that was a bitch. :) Im getting a bit faster now though.

    @ZeroCartin: most have there own sheet, but a couple share sheets. I honestly wasnt sure how many props to put on a sheet which is why most have their own.

    @Moose: umm yeah, Bonnie says im wasting my potential so no more classes with her. and Heather has been away. But in all seriousness that was my bad I was tired and it was early in the morning. I fixed it though. :)

    I completely agree about the metal and I admit i might of rushed them a bit. If I have time Ill go back a rework them. The amount of rust was aimed at hiding my crappy metal. :/ Did desaturate the bricks, I'll see what I can do to push them further if I decide to keep them.

    @Sybrix: Thanks for the comments! I am actually pretty disappointed in myself that this doesn't look more WoW like. I feel like while it may be a nice piece by itself, it worries me that I couldn't replicate a given style. Btw I saw your environment for the competition! Keep going dude there isn't much time left!

    Well lets see we have some foliage and ground textures, Also added some rocks which still need to be textured. Also the other tree bark is really bad, I need to repaint that, had a bit of an off day when I painted it.

    Just Want to thank everyone again for all the helpful advice and comments thus far. :)

    Anyways Here are a few shots.

    what do you guys think about the hot pink tree huh? draws attention nicely does it not?

    Thanks for looking. :)
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Dude, you are fast. And work hard too, obviously! I am so jealous of your grass and foliage! :0 This scene is turning out really wonderfully, seriously keep it up haha
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Looking great. The only thing I think it needs now is a little background so it doesn't look like the building is sitting on the edge of the world. Some simple hills with a little atmospheric effect (A semi-transparent, pale blue plane) to distance them would be all you'd really need.
  • jeremiah_bigley
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    jeremiah_bigley polycounter lvl 15
    cool stuff man! Keep it coming! I am not digging the pink tree though. Feel pretty out of place.
  • MadnessImport
    I was browsing you're work on Tumblr and i cried a bit

    I hope you get the job at the preferred studio(s) you're looking for you work hard and fast and learn a lot in very short amounts of time!

    The scene is turning out more beautiful with each update!
    I like the tree but if that turns out to be a type of Lost/Hidden/inconspicuous/Forbidden/secretive ground then its not a good idea
  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    Great stuff, I'm loving how much work and detail you're putting into this in such a short amount of time. I feel lazy now...
  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    Yeah, dude, looks amazing. Really. I've been following this all the way, and I've enjoyed seeing the progress immensely.
    Now, yeah, get rid of the hot pink. It's not doing a thing for the scene, or I don't think so.
    Maybe try a darker reddish purple, like the picture here:

    Looks more natural, and won't scream at the viewer quite as loudly. I think it'd look nice against the buildings colour scheme as well.
  • Arthur Ramazanov
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    Arthur Ramazanov polycounter lvl 12
    Great foliage :)...I like how you did the tree textures -

    Do you know if you have to submit 1 master image or can your 5mb jpeg be comprised of a few high rez images?
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    @Jessica: I like your fluffy cow and yes Im working like a mad man! ><

    @Jackablade: Yeah Im still not sure what Im going to do about that yet, most likely am going to do what you suggested. ;)

    @Jeremiah: haha yeah the pink tree was just for fun. Thanks.

    @MadnessImport: Thanks so much, I hope so too! btw do you have tumblr by chance?

    @Marq4porshe: Thanks, You have a great scene of your own going, ive been lurking.

    @Joopson: thanks again! the pink tree was actually just for the lulz. However I think im going to add flowers to the tree to draw the eye there.

    @Arthur: Thanks! Dude I've been looking at your scene and its really good. definitely more WoW than mine is. Also about the images I am not really sure, im guessing they want one image like the example they gave.

    Ok I've been trying to think of REALISTIC ways to take this scene to the next level. My ideas came to maybe some sort of large animal skeleton? Since I have a few days to spare I thought Id push it one last time. If you guys have any other ideas let me know. :O

    Couple things I change are:
    - The scale of a few of the textures on the building
    - added more soul cactus,and some signs saying "dont touch the soul cactus."
    - finished the rock texture. All 4 rocks all on one 1024x texture sheet.
    - Made the roof one color Red.

    Still need to:
    - Make more plants
    - fix metal textures
    - change brick to stone maybe?
    - add skeleton Maybe?
    - some sort of skydome thing
    - add flowers to the main tree texture.
    - Background elements?

    6 Days and spring semester starting in 12hrs. I can do this.

    Any thoughts if you guys think a skeleton would work here would be great, Im looking for ways to really push this scene.

    Thanks for looking. :)
  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks, I think it looks great and I like the idea of the giant skeleton. Your rocks look fantastic and your textures are rocking. I would make your grass texture fuller green though so the tall grass blends better. You can always keep the current grass texture as the blend for the dirt and the fuller grass. Any idea what you're going to do for the background? Maybe some mountains and further forest with a cool skybox?
  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    Awesome work there man. I'm loving this scene. I have never played wow, but I would say this looks really close to the style of the game. Your textures are very good by the way especially since you've never hand painted textures. But, by the looks of it, you are a talented artist anyhow.
  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    Those rocks look great. Not so sure about the roof texture any more though, the worn bits feel like they might be repeating a bit much. Maybe just have a bit of edging instead of chunks missing? It also looks like it's not tiling properly...

    One last nit-picky thing: the crack/seam on the urn closest to the camera in the last shot (next to the "Don't touch!" sign). It looks like the "bowl" and the base are aligned now, maybe rotate one/shift uvs so they aren't almost a vertical line?
  • MadnessImport
    @toxic_h2o You're welcome! & yes I joined not to long ago http://madnessimport.tumblr.com/ :) Theres to much good stuff on there to see too

    & I like the skeleton be sure to add some dead/old looking grass around it if you go through with it.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    shaping up real nice!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    You know, I think that pink tree actually worked really well as a focal point tied together with the Patterson's curse growing in the field. It was such a striking feature the scene kinda feels like it's lost something now. I really think it'd be worth playing with that idea some more. It needn't necessarily be pink leaves although that doesn't add to the magical nature of the tree having burst forth from the hut. You could give it a mass of blossom like on a flowering cherry or plum tree. Alternatively, you could push it into a different colour. Maybe a vibrant purple-red like you get on a claret ash in Autumn.
    In all honesty though, if it was me, I'd take the original purple tree and run with it.
  • jairo0182

    Thanks for the quick reply! I would like to ask you two more things if you don't mind...

    - How many renders are we allowed to turn-in?

    - If it's just one render, Should we do it like the example that Blizzard provides or more like an environment layout like yours??

    Thanks man!
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    @marq4porsche: Thank you! Did edit the grass texture. :)

    @spectre1130: Thanks so much for the comments. I appreciate it. :D

    @urgaffel: Yeah I'm still not sure about the roof texture, I did add some ivy to cover up some of the tiling. Also the crack urn , yeah Ill see if I can go in there and edit it later. Thanks. :)

    @madenssImport: Following ya! ;)

    @Alberto: Thanks dude!

    @jackablade: I changed the other trees so they compete less with the main one. Im still up for changing the color of the leaves, I still need to play with it some more.

    @jairo0182: I'm not really sure, I think it only allows one image upload, of course you could take a couple shots and put them together in PS and then upload that one image. Probably what I'm going to do.

    Well its getting close to the end. I have a few things left and then I'm calling it quits, I'm really ready to move one to something else.

    Ok so I redid the trees after talking to a buddy of mine, he brought me out of my comma and made me realize how bad the old ones were. So because of that I didn't have time to make the bones yet. Hopefully I can start on them tomorrow.

    - 3 new trees
    - background elements
    - tweaked the post processing
    - tweaked a bunch of textures
    - got rid of the other soul cactus
    - added green tooth.

    Still to do:
    - Model/texture bones
    - one more plant
    - tweak more textures

    ok images.

    Thanks for looking! :)
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks SasoChicken. :)

    Well its done. I'm sad I didn't have more time to polish it but I learned a lot and tried my best. Also really disappointed it didn't come out more WoW like, I really need to paint more and get better at that. oh well Time to start the next project.
    Here are the main textures I used. image is 2048x.

    Thanks for looking and thanks for all the help guys. :)
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