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Creators of Dystopia are looking for help on their commercial title, Blade Symphony!

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The creators of the popular Source Engine modification Dystopia, and the upcoming Source Engine game Blade Symphony, Puny Human, have new opportunities for those who are interested. We have multiple positions available that need to be filled immediately and believe that you can offer a positive contribution towards our team's success. The position requires time, commitment and teamwork from someone who is interested in game development experience and making money!

Puny Human is comprised of a close-knit small group of multi-talented game developers with primarily Source Engine and Unreal Engine 3 experience. Our team consists of many industry professionals with work experience from popular studios such as Red Storm Entertainment, Epic Games and more. We are only looking for those that have an avid interest in being a part of the video game industry, which are easy to work with, friendly and can produce work fast and efficiently!

This position has the pre-requisite of being active in our private IRC channel, readily available to the rest of the team and being an active contributor to the project.
Benefits include potential paid work, experience and education from industry professionals on game development subject material and an overall nostalgic feeling of self-indulgence.

We are actively seeking the following positions for development of Blade Symphony:
Producer (1)
UI Programmer (1)
Gameplay Programmer (2)
Environmental Artist (1)
Character/Organic Modeling Artist (1)
Animator (1)

Puny Human prides itself on being a small group of individuals who are well rounded in every game development style. Each of our developers is also experienced with differentiating talents in the game development field. Our Level Designers also serve as Modellers, Texture Artists, Animators, Audio or Music Composers, Programmers or other game-based trades.

To Apply:
Please be sure to check out our website, our media, past news posts and all information regarding our projects at http://www.punyhumangames.com first!
Click one of the above links to the positions, click on the 'Apply now' hyperlink and be sure to include information about yourself, your free time, your motivation, past experience and what makes you a suitable candidate.


  • EarthQuake
    Offline / Send Message
    Is this paid work?
  • Adam L. Gray
    Offline / Send Message
    Benefits include potential paid work

  • urinal-cake
    Offline / Send Message
    Sorry about that guys, I'm at work currently and posted this late at night last night.
    We're looking for people to be a part of our team, and remain a consistent contributor throughout multiple product lifespans. During time spent on Blade Symphony, contributors log time spent, and are compensated based on this time spent after the game has been released and become profitable.

    We just did a Kickstarter, we needed a bunch of money to license the Source engine. We were very excited with the results, and are pushing towards getting this game released. We're just a bunch of guys, working on games as a labor of love for the past 6 years, spread out across the planet. We regularly convene once a year (usually in the U.S.) for a week. We're not some super cereal game development studio, we're <20 guys looking to continue to do what we love to do.
  • tucho
    Online / Send Message
    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    As it is a not paid work offer it must be on request forum, not on "freelance jobs"
  • EarthQuake
    Offline / Send Message
    tucho wrote: »
    As it is a not paid work offer it must be on request forum, not on "freelance jobs"

    Indeed, only projects that pay up-front can be posted in the Jobs/Freelance sections. "Pay later... maybe" projects must be posted in the request section, as the rules state.

    Thread moved.

    If you guys get some more funding and are looking for artists and offering concrete, per-asset, per-hour or per-project, paid work on contractually agreed terms, please feel free to make another post in the freelance section. Please make sure your intents are clearly stated if you do so as well.
  • urinal-cake
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    Yeah, my mistake! I had meant to post this in a forum which was meant for volunteer work. Depending on current investments, we may be able to offer small contracts or work per diem, but it's too early to tell.
  • EarthQuake
    Offline / Send Message
    Yeah if that happens, feel free to come back and post in Freelance, good luck!
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    I've offered to help once before, back on Reddit when you announced the kickstarter. The response I got was, "thanks for the offer, please offer again on our website." But I think the website was down due to the reddit traffic. Although I did talk to someone involved, nothing came of it.

    Anyways, still ready and willing to work for free (well, you know, free except the knowledge, experience, portfolio material and resume building). I can do organic and environmental modeling, see the link at the bottom for examples of both.

    I still dont have an online portfolio up, but you can see some of my work here:

    Work I've done on a game called Broadside in the last two months:
    everything is game-res besides the lion head, which is in the process of being converted. All my work, rendered in Marmoset.

    I'll apply on the website as well.
  • The_hobbyist
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    The_hobbyist polycounter lvl 17
    I might be interrested in working with..

    Doing characters
    Maybe some environment


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