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How to create sky environments

Hi all.

I dont suppose anyone has any thoughts on creating nice sky environments do they?

I'm not talking about "how to make a nice skybox". I mean as in environments in a game where they are primarily set in the sky.

I'm thinking something like this concept from Gabriel Villatte from the series "skyland". Essentially a game set in the sky. How would you create the environment for it? What elements would you use and how would it be composited?



  • Noors
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors greentooth
    Sprites and vertex color ? That's how volumetric clouds are done in most games i think. I'm trying to find a video from autodesk where a guy did a setup for an airplane fight with a slight comic feel. It was for rendering but it would work for real time i guess.

    there it is : paths of hate
    at 17min
  • zoombapup
    Noors wrote: »
    Sprites and vertex color ? That's how volumetric clouds are done in most games i think. I'm trying to find a video from autodesk where a guy did a setup for an airplane fight with a slight comic feel. It was for rendering but it would work for real time i guess.

    there it is : paths of hate
    at 17min


    Yeah, that is pretty much how most games do it. The use of 3dsmax and vray is kind of funky though.

    I was thinking of something akin to this:


    But clouds are only a part of it really. I guess the bigger issue is things like atmospheric scattering and crepuscular rays and the like.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Atmospheric scattering can be handled in a number of ways, but it's often handled either in the material in the skydome, or as a post process effect. The latter tends to be screen space only but ultimately more effective.
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