Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook - Chyhart

Hi fellow 3d artists. I am in my final term at the International Academy of Design and technology. Just finishing up my BFA in game production with a focus on 3D art. I've recently found that I enjoy character art. I've only created characters in 3ds Max and am now starting to mess around with Zbrush. I will be posting my progress here.


  • chyhart
    Here is my very first attempt at a skull tutorial my Mentor provided me. It ... is... really funny looking!! haha. Zbrush and I are not yet friends, This skull was created from a zphere. IT0ml.png My boyfriend says it looks like Ryu Shoryuken'd its face... haha niceIT0mlphoto.php?fbid=10150775743860484&set=o.198727500149639&type=1&theater
  • AsherOS
    uummm...there is nothing there. I guess i look forward to seeing your work when there is something on here.
  • Eoq
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    Eoq polycounter lvl 8
    I can't see any images ;<
  • chyhart
    Hooray!! I ended up having to make an account with imgur and uploading it from there. If anyone knows a better way- feel free to let me know this.
  • woogity
    o hey every body i will be mentoring Chyhart for the next 9 weeks or so on her way through her program.

    So crits: Ill go over this in more depth with you next time we have the chance to chat, but at a glace, you didnt have your symmetry turned on for this one, meaning you did twice the work :P that said if i cover up half of it to not confuse my eye the jaw is too long and too broad, the eye-sockets are a good bit too small, and the front of the face from brow to chin is a bit too flat.

    Things you are doing well already: you avoided the single worst newbie mistake of jumping too high in your subdivisions too quickly. your form isn't perfect, but too many newbies jump to extremely high sub-d too quickly and think they are done. the general form of your cheekbones and the curvature of the skull, at least on the left half of it, is pretty close, ignoring the jaw problems.

    also, we need to see more images ill go over a quick way of doing that next time we meet. kk till then.

    people feel free to help her out as well if you have any crits i miss, again she is just starting out with zbrush so crit appropriately.

  • chyhart
    So my second attempt I had symmetry in the right place and I used reference photos of human skulls from the internet. VERY HELPFUL! I think this turned out WAY better. I'm quite happy with it. Also I used Zaplink for the images. I also divided this model twice so I had more control over the mesh, especially when it came to masking out smaller areas like the nose cavity.Q9iSg.jpg
  • woogity
    This is looking a ton better already! the eye sockets and nose hole are lookin pretty damn good and you did a nice job for sure in the front and back profiles of capturing the volume of the skull.

    Crits: It could still use a little love for sure, you need a little bit more in the chin area, and the skull from side view seems to have gotten elongated a bit and is flat on the top which you want to avoid. your teeth have a bit of a curve to them also which is kinda odd, as they should be fairly straight from front to back, and i think your nose bridge could be out a bit further. teeth are also a good bit too wide for this skull. that area tends to only be about as wide as the middle of the eye sockets from the front.

    Good stuffs!: cheekbones and eye sockets look really good this time. and from the front it only needs some minor tweaks, for your next one, make sure you have ref from the side of the skull and 3/4 as well, and you should be good. defiantly a marked improvement over the last attempt. nice work!

  • chyhart
    Thanks! I had a handful of reference of all views and it helped a lot.
  • chyhart
  • chyhart
    I think he's starting to resemble Patrick Swayze!
  • chyhart
    I'm having a really hard time with the ears. I keep making then flattening and trying again. ndcoU.jpg
  • chyhart
  • woogity
    Really nice progress, at a glance there is some proportional wonkyness going on still, your eyes are too far forward in your head and the space between the bottom of the nose and the bottom of the chin is defiantly out of scale. The ears are also flat to the sides of the head and too small for this particular head, but from what I can see through the over-decimatedness it looks like you have the anatomy there and the proportion of the ear to itself pretty damn close. I am really impresses with your improvement here from the last head, the nose is just leaps and bounds beyond where it was in your last post. The neck and eyes are starting to come together as well tho the eyes are still much too wide for the face. great progress keep working on it!

  • chyhart
    Re-doing the topology. First time for this, I kept deleting and redoing parts of it. The ears were such a pain. Currently my progress is frozen as now Max will not let me set any new points or select any verts, edges or individual polys. I'm still trying to figure out why. I may have to start again if it doesn't let me finish.xLlYI.pnguZdjT.png
  • Daven
  • chyhart
    An improvement from the first attempt. znkRa.pngHkq08.png
  • chyhart
    A bit heavy in the chin and mouth area. Other wise I think this is a good improvement on my edge flow. xMoGQ.png621Vr.png
  • woogity

    Hey its definatly looking much better than the first attempt, but you are still getting a ton of vertical edge loops that are creating lots of thin rectangular faces. we really want to avoid that and shoot for the most square and evenly spaced faces we can. there is also a monster pentagon on the eyebrow that will cause some serious issues. in the face in general id say you could probably cut your edgeloops by half and it would look significantly cleaner. the balance you have on the back and side of the head is really much closer to what we are shooting for here.

    also definatly take a look at Suburbbums link, he is well respected around these parts, and the link has some quality info in it!
  • chyhart
    Well here's my rough out of my elfs head. She is coming along. Her ears are too small compared to the concept, maybe flush out more in max? Or just pull em around. TBcwC.jpg
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    Hey! You can move the ear geomtry more, but if there is too much stretching in the geometry then it might be a good idea to take it into max and make it so the ear has some polygons that are somewhat even with the rest. You can uniform the geometry inside zbrush but sometimes it gives you really poor results. At least for me it did when i tried it. The best thing if you start sculpting from a base mesh in zbrush is to start... well... with a good one, that doesn't need drastic changes along the road. There are lots of things to change on your sculpt right now. The best thing would be is to post the concept too, so we can compare it to that. Always have your concept in sight if you are using one, if not... then always have some kind of reference... elfs are... you know... skinny humans with pointy ears ;) I'm having a stab at elves... making fun of them... But I'm just kidding. Anyway hope it helps. Sooo grab some reference and work from that, I know you'll find the things I found wrong with it, like the huge distance between the eyes and the place where the skull meets the neck at the back is way too low... anyway that is what I see. Cya and keep at it!
  • chyhart
    I originally had the eyes closer, but when i was looking at the model sheets I am using they seem further, so i tried matching that.. but now that i look at the finished concept of her the eyes don't look so far. So i'll probably move them back. I don't know if i'm allowed to just post the images I am using as it is from a post on Dominance War, BUT i will post the link to the images if your interested. http://www.gameartisans.org/contests/events/3/team14/preview_finals_2_2865.html
  • chyhart
    Concept and design of this character belong to the artist on this link. http://www.gameartisans.org/contests/events/3/team14/preview_finals_2_2865.html , I am simply creating a model of her work. Here are the concepts. ugMXy.jpg9aGrv.jpg
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    Hey again! :) Ahhh thats a very nice illustration. The character sheet is cool and very well done. I remember this one when the competition was taking place. I had my eye on it back then. Anyway I better get on with some words and sentences that might actually help you. :) I'm looking at the character sheet and one question for you comes to my mind. What do you want it to be? A game ready character model with textures? Just a sculpt? Anyway both involve sculpting i guess. Silly me... First thing you should do is to start studying your model sheet. Look at it many times and figure out in advance how are you going to do this and that... etc. Most important thing is to plan things out. I know by now that maybe most experienced zbrush "masters" might already be in zbrush doing everything there. :) But let us be true to ourselves and admit it that zbrush "masters" we aren't. So we need to take the safe and secure road to success. And that in my opinion is to block out everything in max. Best thing right now for you because you are starting out. Use the model sheet on a plane or something so u can see it every step of the modeling process. I'd start with the body, then I would block the armor and other pieces, always making sure that i get the right proportions. Always checking with the ref. and keeping the polygons fairly even. After that you cant get started with the sculpting now that we know that everything is in place and true to the ref. proportions wise. :) Just a "coat" of sculpted details to make things pop and look good. I think you are set for now. Lots for you to do. :) Hope it helps. Keep at it and post progress shots. Maybe some more experienced members might give you better tips than me. All the best for now! CYa!
  • chyhart
    Hi Sandu, I didn't even notice till i read your post about the base of her skull being in the wrong place, I went back to the reference and matched it up. It looks much better, I brought her eyes back in a bit closer together and tried to shape them as best i could off the small detail in the model sheet. And i filled in the front of her neck so she doesnt look like spaghetti neck. I also was able to lengthen her ears and bring them out a bit truer to her concept. As for everything else, well this is for my final project for a class, the point is that i work with a mentor (woogity) who has been following this sketchbook and working with me via skype. I just started her last night and have yet to discuss with him about her progress. But i will not be doing a full body model of her. At least not for my project, perhaps after class is over in a few weeks when i have more time. lfngC.jpg
  • Eoq
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    Eoq polycounter lvl 8
    I'm totally following this thread!! can't wait to see the final result - keep working hard man! :)
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    Okay! :) Keep at it and hope everything turns out good. At a first glance it looks better than before but its stills needs lots of changes. Like I said before pay good attention to the concept sheet. There is too much to write so I will not do it. Instead I put some photoshop magic on your image. Hope you don't mind. If you do let me know. I changed just the proportions a lil as u might of noticed. I just used the character sheet, nothing more. Anyway hope it helps. Compare with yours and see the differences. I'll stop with the crits so mine dont clash with the ones of your mentor. :) Keep at it! cya!changesf.jpg
  • chyhart
    Ok.. here's an update. I have lowered her ears and rotated them out a bit, gave her eyeballs, raised her nostrils and lowered the tip of her nose to match the concept. I don't really have a lot to go off of in the concept and i felt that Kristen Stewert somewhat resembles her so i flared her nostrils out a little bit.. it looks more, nose'ish now. I did work to her jaw line, and chin area, she has a very pointed chin but I don't want her to look so anime'ish. I also brought in her skull so its not so wide behind the ears. I did a lot of work on her lips and have started to define the area around her eyes as well as her brow line. Oh and I've also given her cheeks some more flesh to give her a softer feminine look. C1gup.jpg
  • chyhart
    Here's a close up of the lips as i'm defining them more, Mp6IW.png
  • chyhart
    Look at that ear! That's a fabulous ear huh? hehe IaBjq.png
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    hey! I said i won't crit so my crtis do not clash with your mentor's... but I can't stay away as long as I have some info that might be useful. XD Anyway like I i said in a previous post elves are skinny humans with pointy ears. So take a profile picture of a person and look where the skull meets the neck, where the ears are in relation to other features of the head or just go by the model sheet you have. Btw the placement of the ear is wrong ;) move it a lil... oh wait I'll show you... yeah so i googled elf ear, wish i didn't omg the horror... anyway here is the best example of an elf ear. Try and sculpt that. Always use reference.
    And use this as a guide to positioning the features of the face/head...
  • woogity
    Heyo great progress chyhart! ok so the overall silhouette of your head and neck are looking significantly better. Defiantly don't baulk at Sandu's ref and links geometric guides like that can be extremely helpful. Things i am seeing:

    the details on the eyes are looking really nice, but the overall shape of that area dosnt match the concept, easy fix we will go over tonight. The nose is a bit long and pointy, and the nostrils seem to point downwards towards the tip of the nose which im not seeing in the concept, so we will need to do some work there. Also the back of your head just behind the ears seems to be caving in a bit, causing a strange taper out to the neck, you want to keep the distinction of where the skull ends vs where the neck begins, again pretty easy fix just a little volume adjustment. AAAAAnd, the ears are defiantly a bit forwards on the head, and the face itself is a bit flat. that is our biggest issue and what ill be targeting tonight... again AMAZING progress...tough to believe that the first post was only about 9 weeks ago.
  • chyhart
    I've been bad about updating lately so this is the progress thus far. Will post again soon when i've had more time to work on this4gWot.jpg
  • chyhart
    3f1kB.jpgher pony tail and her main hair tie <3
  • chyhart
    Also, just to toss it up here, her is the other project I was working on for Senior Game project. Environment stuff, not my favorite but I really liked the end result. HTzRD.jpg
  • Zeldrak
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    Zeldrak polycounter lvl 8
    the elf is coming along nicely, i love the work so far, can't wait to see it finished :D
  • chyhart
    I just got my computer back. And can't wait to jump back into my elf project.
  • chyhart
    Doing the Darksiders competition. Sketching up some ideas now.. can't wait.
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