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Shotgun - GOW 3 fan art - contest

polycounter lvl 7
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BrianP polycounter lvl 7
So i challenged one of my friends to try and model as much of the GOW 3 shotgun this weekend as possible before going back to work Monday! The game started today as soon as we got off work (6:00 CST). Mabe some polycounters could judge the final result to see who wins or something!

the final result will be game ready and should be reasonable polycount / textures.



ill post both of our most recent WIP updates here

Brian's WIP -



  • simon87pl
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    simon87pl polycounter lvl 13
    looks very interesting:)
    keep posting man
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    It's already off-model, those holes are too large, which means they are curving over the edge of the handle which they don't in the concept. Also, the barrels are chunkier in the concept. And the handguard is too long, and that spike is not at the correct angle, and should be coming off that curved segment, not attached to the main body.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    As Andreas said there are a few things that are off.
    One of the things that stick out the most to me is the curve of the handrail. In the concept it's a lot more pronounced and interesting.

    Keep working on the shapes and proportions before adding details such as the holes in the grip.

    My two cents. :)

    Keep it up!
  • twigdamnyou
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    twigdamnyou polycounter lvl 8
    bit late cus of family stuff yesterday but here is mine

  • BrianP
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    BrianP polycounter lvl 7
    more progress... thx a ton for the feedback i hope this update reflects some of the things said. I get in the habit of trying to doing the details too soon i think.

  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    I read GOW 3 and i thought god of war 3.... are there god of war shotguns or am i trippin aobut the title of this thread?
  • mxb8924
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    pretty sure he meant GeOW which stands for Gears of War. Though people sometimes use GOW for gears its hard to separate it from god of war. Looks good so far.
  • BrianP
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    BrianP polycounter lvl 7
    haha yea i did mean gears of war. Its not commonly abbreviated GeOW though, is it?

    meh anyways. ill have another post tonight hopefully with more block out and such. thx for the comments!
  • Bbox85
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    Bbox85 polycounter lvl 9
    Sweet! I love this shotgun! I did the same thing a while back. Just had some free time over the weekend and did a high poly of this exact concept. I think you got the handle better than I did. I took some liberties in the concept though and changed a few subtle things. Looks like you guys are off to a good start! Can't wait to see more :)
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    Nice little challenge. WIth a concept like that, that has so many odd shapes, your blockouts are going to be key. Spend a bit more time on them then you might usually. Can't wait to see more.
  • twigdamnyou
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    twigdamnyou polycounter lvl 8
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    quack is right, the blockouts are more key than you think. as the old phrase goes, "begin as you mean to go on." both WIPs have a lot of key shapes that just aren't that accurate at all, and it's not that complex of a gun once you start breaking them down per piece.

    if either of you are modeling from having a perspective shot in the window, don't. you're missing key shapes by simply not opening your eyes and realizing the shapes in relation to each other. for instance there is a curve on the lower receiver that neither model has captured. keep your eyes open. that's most of art, the rest is gravy.

    all that said i like this format a lot, hope you do at least one more project in tandem like this. helps old men berate you more efficently :)
  • BrianP
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    BrianP polycounter lvl 7
    thanks a lot guys for more feedback! really loving working on this project because of it. might even do another next weekend!

    another update:

  • twigdamnyou
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    twigdamnyou polycounter lvl 8
    update. changed the front guard thing <--? anyway, i think it looks a little sleeker now but if yall think its incorrect i can change it back.

  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    LOL gears of war -duh!!!!
  • BrianP
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    BrianP polycounter lvl 7
    final post for the challenge! probably going to finish ut up in the next coming weeks. We both didn't get much done the last day because of D&D. :\


    So the looser has to buy the other lunch at the office! If anyone has any opinions please feel free to vote! was really a fun weekend because of this thing.
  • twigdamnyou
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    twigdamnyou polycounter lvl 8
    Woot free lunch :3

  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 6
    I don't think someone said anything, but you changed the spacing of the barrels, from touching to have a large gap between them. I am by no means a gun expert, but I am pretty sure those barrels should be touching like you originally had it. And that's going to make the gun look a lot beefier, and that's all what GoW is about
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    twig you owe brian lunch imho
  • n88tr
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    sure is a funny looking shotgun
    all those knife pieces ahead of the trigger guard look unnecessary but if it's from the ref it is what it is
  • BrianP
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    BrianP polycounter lvl 7
    decided to bake a low poly and throw it in UDK. here is what i have got so far!

  • BrianP
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    BrianP polycounter lvl 7
    textures added to the gun and got some feedback of what to change.


  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    wow i really like the way that turned out. im not too big of a fan of that red overlay thats going on in marmoset on the bottom pic. and also the little circular things seem to be kind of warped on the grip, but i guess thats ok since it would barely be seen in a game situation. very good execution of the concept tho. good job.
  • jeremiah_bigley
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    jeremiah_bigley polycounter lvl 12
    Really slick man! But ease up on the post... That red blue/purplish color has become so popular that I am starting to hate it. I don't mind it if it is more subtle... but your picture before hand looks a million times better. I am also not a big fan of your streaky grunge you have in the background... and your Times New Roman font.

    The gun looks really good... don't kill it in presentation.

    Aside from all of that ;) I am just not sure what material the green is on the gun? Define that material and the one on the front bottom... (front bottom one kinda looks like wood.)

    Edit: Last thing I promise :D Your light and dark scratches look pretty fake with the way they are all criss crossing everywhere. I am seeing this > XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • BrianP
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    BrianP polycounter lvl 7
    so i decided to come back to this and redo the texture. i was going to try and use Ddo but then i realised i have no idea ow to use it. it also took forever to render out 2048 maps T_T. so i just decided to do the texture by hand again. hopefully this time it will be much better.

  • BrianP
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    BrianP polycounter lvl 7
    just did a test of what it looks like in marmoset and thought i would share.

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