I want to finish this off so, i guess ill put this here for you guys to watch and of course suggest/crit things :poly121:. this will eventually be game ready.
Things for me to remember
- tone muscles groups
- get hands/feet started
- concept armor/props
Heres previous wips

i want people to know that im basing him of the baby goron in majoras mask. im making him grown up for my version.
will be cool to see him finished man (yo can do eet ^^)
Nizza_waaarg - sup man, hell yea ima get it done!
PatrickL - i fkn laughed so hard when i read this omg
funkdelic - thanks bud
heres some ideas so far. i have some key things i want him to have such as Bombs and links deku shield. idk im open for suggestions if anybody has any ???
not much to say cept lookin forward to more updates
duxun - you are right sir, FKn incoming battle gear!
Why molars all the way around that's just creepy heh.
crits/suggestions welcome
I'm not saying you have to follow a strict reference guideline, but it doesn't look much like a goron at this stage.
The Nasal Abyss - its all good man, im trying to avoid the whole cartoony versions.this is my interpretation of the baby goron from majoras mask.
kosh_fotsirk - good idea man! and thanks
also lookin forward to seein him finished,
Anyway, it is a nice looking model, keep it up.
Model and render is looking awesome, those light blue eyes make him even more creepy. What software did you use to render it if you don't mind me asking?
- BoBo
Red render is particularly yummy. Great job!
Moosey_G - take a look at darunia http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/5128/316563-oot_darunia_super.gif
he has this "warrior" sense that i liked and wanted to carry it over. im not making a general goron, im making the infant through my interpretation.
Shiniku - ill keep the association
Noors - thanks ! im saving that for last
MeintevdS - i was thinking about it lol im using max 2012 with mental ray.
BoBo_the_seal - cheers bud!
P442 - i might put something together.
ZacD - i completely agree, its been bothering me from the start, need to connect them in some way, i want it to roll off like this http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1381975&postcount=1743
seth - thanks for the crit! will adjust in next update :P
Noors - yes sir!
cc are always welcomed
thanks macattack, gf said the same thing
I love the Deku sheild on the arm.Its like he bogarded Link for his shit lol!
Keep it up son!
Are you planning on putting more rockyness on his back and forearms?
Not that I suppose it's really needed - keep up the good work!
In response to this comment, I sort of agree - except I think his stomach pops out a good bit as it is now. I notice, though, that when you stick pants on him you've got them somewhat high up covering that lower bump. Perhaps lower his belt so that it falls under the bottom belly curve, so his stomach is sort of sitting on top of the belt? I think that might fix the look without having to modify the stomach.
I agree about the potbelliness/beltline. I'd love to know how you did dem rox
If you are set with this being a Goron I would lose some of the facial detail, go for a wider mouth, and get rid of the ears. If they have anything for ears I think they have a hole in their head. Note also that the goron in the concept art posted doesn't have much of a neck at all, so you it couldn't hurt to widen that area and make it meld from shoulders to head more abruptly like the concept art shows.
Again, amazing work! Those renders look great. I look forward to seeing where you go with this!
I love seeing old game characters re-imagined though, definitely keeping an eye on this
EiGHT- hahaha you know it. dude wants to be just like um
SirCalalot- deff more rocks. just wanted to revive the thread.
POFFINGTON- ill finish you!
Two Listen- thanks for the crit
Funky Bunnies- thanks man, and as for the rocks, i use the trim dynamic for shaving them.
johnicus- this is only supposed to be my version of a certain goron, the design for these guys changed dramatically in twilight princess and still easily recognizable for me. As for the ear, i made them smaller, i didnt want to get rid of them
Tigerfeet- thanks and will do
shrew81- thanks man
Cordell Felix- thanks man, fixed
Ugh i been really sick but im still chipping at this and another project.
made the mouth bigger, ears smaller, belly pudginess etc. shield is still wip and chipping away on details. deff want more rocks all over this dude
Keep the updates coming!