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Studiocompiler not working. Two major bugs.

Hi, I'm trying to start modelling for TF2, and that means decompiling a player model to base things off. Thing is, I downloaded the latest version of Studiocompiler and I've run into two pretty major bugs.

Firstly, when setting up a decompile, selecting a new output directory aside from "My Documents" causes Studiocompiler to close itself. No error messages or even a sound, it just closes.

Second issue is that with all models but one that I have tried to decompile, clicking the "decompile" button makes Studiocompiler stop responding and then crash.

Help, please?


  • cman2k
    Offline / Send Message
    cman2k polycounter lvl 17
    If you have downloaded the Source SDK, aren't there already some TF2 character files in there? I don't think you need to decompile the models in the first place...
  • passerby
    Offline / Send Message
    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    you need to edit a hex value to decompile it first, the decompiler dosnt work with tf2 models out of the box.

    and like i said all character model are provided with the sdk for tf2, you just need something that can import smd files into your 3d package.
  • Mark Dygert
    I decompiled all of the TF2 characters about a year ago because it was such a pain in the ass. The HEX editing was tedious and buggy but I finally got them all. I think I have a bunch of weapon models sitting around too but not online anywhere.

    Here are the character files and the engie wrench:
  • Masich
    I decompiled all of the TF2 characters about a year ago because it was such a pain in the ass. The HEX editing was tedious and buggy but I finally got them all. I think I have a bunch of weapon models sitting around too but not online anywhere.

    Here are the character files and the engie wrench:

    Ah, sweet, thanks for that one.

    If you have any more of the weapons lying about, it'd be awesome if I could get a couple of those too. But regardless, this batch is great, big thanks!
  • Masich
    Er... Okay, more problems...

    Trying to compile something now and it just keeps giving me one of these two errors, either:

    failed: SteamStartup(0xf,0x0018FB3C) failed with error 1: failed to
    take master pipe connection lock


    failed with error 1: Failed create
    pipe: 6, Win32 Error 6 "The handle is invalid."

    I swear this program has some kind of grudge against me, whats going on, please?
  • Mark Dygert
    I think you need to have steam running or the Source SDK window open, for it to compile.

    Looking for those weapons now.
  • Masich
    Steam's always running, haven't tried with Source SDK though, will try that now. Thanks for everything so far guys, specially you for those models, Mark.

    UPDATE: Oh... kay, now it's saying it can't find "gameinfo.txt.", the solutions for which apparently involve going to a website that doesn't exist before running a program that I don't have....

    I strongly suspect this is something to do with my configuration of StudioCompile, I'm useless at this kind of thing, here's what mine is set as:


    Is something wrong with this? I won't be surprised if ther is...
  • passerby
    Offline / Send Message
    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    it is set to the wrong engine for sdk tools.

    replace "ep1" with "orangebox" in the path.

    edit: before you do that, set the game and engine in the sdk launcher, and do a "reset game configs" and a "refresh sdk content"

    also mark is correct, the Source SDK needs to be open for all the the sdk tools to work, if it isnt steam sometimes will lock the files.

    and how did you get that dialog, i thought studiomdl was CLI only.
  • Masich
    passerby wrote: »
    it is set to the wrong engine for sdk tools.

    replace "ep1" with "orangebox" in the path.

    edit: before you do that, set the game and engine in the sdk launcher, and do a "reset game configs" and a "refresh sdk content"

    also mark is correct, the Source SDK needs to be open for all the the sdk tools to work, if it isnt steam sometimes will lock the files.

    and how did you get that dialog, i thought studiomdl was CLI only.

    I'm using the StudioCompile GUI, that's what gave me the dialogue.

    And thanks, will try that now.

    UPDATE: Nope, still getting the handle invalid and master lock connection things...

    UPDATE 2: tried it with the standard GUIStudioMDL in my SDK tools, same errors.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    does the cli one work, i never used the gui one i just drag my *.qc onto the cli one, or depending on the 3d package im using i make the smd exporter execute the compiler on export.

    also have you considered removeing source sdk in steam than deleting all it's folders in steamapps and reinstalling.
  • Masich
    passerby wrote: »
    does the cli one work, i never used the gui one i just drag my *.qc onto the cli one, or depending on the 3d package im using i make the smd exporter execute the compiler on export.

    also have you considered removeing source sdk in steam than deleting all it's folders in steamapps and reinstalling.

    Will try this then, can only hope third time is the charm....

    Nope, still nothing.

    Is it my QC file? This is what I have written in it:

    $cd "C:\Users\Nick Szmekura-Moor\Desktop\hat making gear\Spy\Artist specs\SMD"
    $modelname "player\items\spy\spy_earbuds.mdl"
    $model "Body" "Spy_Glasses.smd"
    $cdmaterials "\models\player\spy\items\sunglasses"
    $cdmaterials ""
    $hboxset "default"
    $surfaceprop "plastic"
    $illumposition 0.000 0.000 2.000
    $sequence idle "idle" fps 30.00
    // $attachment "head" "bip_head" 0.00 -8.99 -1.69 rotate 85 -90 0
  • passerby
    Offline / Send Message
    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    well you declare the material path twice, with the 2nd being null so that could be messing with it.

    but the errors your getting dont point to that.
  • Mark Dygert
    Found the models, wow they where buried deep.

    It's not all of the weapon models, just the majority of the C models, I never got around to doing the V or W models.

    A few notes about the zip:
    • For each weapon I did de-compile, all of the original game files are there, QC, SMD, MDL, ect...
    • For a lot of them it looks like I exported FBX and OBJ's and some have max files. I think I was working in max2011 at the time. But if you have trouble with the FBX files or OBJ's you can get wunderboy's SMD import/export plug-ins.
    • The materials are still in VMT/VTF format but you can use VTFEdit to open them and save out TGA's if you need to.
    • I'm not exactly sure if the orientation on a lot of these is correct, some of them might be rotated 90 degrees...
  • Masich

    Well I can try removing that, but that's the second QC file I made, first one was almost identical sans that. I was using two different tutorials to get it working, so far everything has worked like a charm but the compile.


    Massive thanks for all that, been looking for a lot of those models!
  • passerby
    Offline / Send Message
    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    could you link the qc and smd, so i can see if i can get it to compile.
  • Masich
    passerby wrote: »
    could you link the qc and smd, so i can see if i can get it to compile.
    Sure thing, one moment.
  • Pogo
    Here, have STEP BY STEP instructions on how to get StudioCompiler and GCFScape to decompile a file. We'll use the Equalizer as an example.

    1. Create a folder in My Documents called MDL and a folder called Decompiled MDL

    2. Under Decompiled MDL create the folders parts lod1_parts and lod2_parts

    3. Under those three folders create in each a folder called dmx

    4. Open GCFScape

    5. Open team fortress 2 materials.gcf in GCFScape

    6. In team fortress 2 materials.gcf navigate to the directory root/tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_pickaxe/

    7. Extract all of the files in the c_pickaxe folder to the MDL folder in My Documents. These files are as follows:

    8. Close GCFScape

    9. Run Source SDK in Steam. Run Half Life Model Viewer. Close HLMV and close Source SDK. This is just to make sure the files you need in a second will be created.

    10. Open up StudioCompiler

    11. At the top, where it says "Steam Game Directory", click "Configure"

    12. Put these values in. For Steam Game Directory:
    C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\%YOUR STEAM USER NAME GOES HERE%\team fortress 2\tf
    For SDK Tools Directory
    C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\%YOUR STEAM USER NAME GOES HERE%\sourcesdk\bin\ep1\bin
    Change these accordingly if in fact you didn't install Steam in it's default directory.

    13. Click the tab that says Model Decompile

    14. Under Choose Model File, find your c_pickaxe.mdl in the MDL folder in My Documents.

    15. Under Choose Output Directory, navigate to the Decompiled MDL folder in My Documents and hit Select.

    16. GET PSYCHED!!



    * If you are under the legal drinking age of the country you live in, please subsitute beer with the celebratory beverage of choice.


    Daimao posted:
    That link brings me to the maing page.. What tool are you talking about?
    Oh, sorry, the creator of the website used a frame for the menu. Here's the address.

    This might help get set up with the decompiler

    You may also want to check out the compiling/decompiling sections of this guide:
  • passerby
    Offline / Send Message
    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Masich wrote: »
    Sure thing, one moment.

    ya i checked out the file you sent me and was able to get it to compile fine, with no errors.

    all i did was change to QC to work with the proper paths on my system, which i think was only on line 1, and i removed the extra $cdmaterials.

    and ran the compile using the cli studiomdl.exe

    only error i got was about the missing idle.smd so i just put in one i use with all my models and it works fine.

    though on a 2nd note your smd with the model is completely screwed up, the source sdk model viewer errors out when opening the compiled mdl, and when i imported the smd into a 3d package, there was nothing there but some bones, no mesh.

    edit: i looked threw the whole thread again the the lock error sounds similar to something that happened with hammer and me once, and was fixed with a system restart.
  • Masich
    passerby wrote: »
    ya i checked out the file you sent me and was able to get it to compile fine, with no errors.

    all i did was change to QC to work with the proper paths on my system, which i think was only on line 1, and i removed the extra $cdmaterials.

    and ran the compile using the cli studiomdl.exe

    only error i got was about the missing idle.smd so i just put in one i use with all my models and it works fine.

    though on a 2nd note your smd with the model is completely screwed up, the source sdk model viewer errors out when opening the compiled mdl, and when i imported the smd into a 3d package, there was nothing there but some bones, no mesh.

    edit: i looked threw the whole thread again the the lock error sounds similar to something that happened with hammer and me once, and was fixed with a system restart.

    Yeah, I realise I sent you the wrong SMD, if I send you the right ones, will you get it compiled for me please? I'll happily list you in the credits when I eventually submit this blasted thing.
    Pogo wrote: »
    This might help get set up with the decompiler

    You may also want to check out the compiling/decompiling sections of this guide:
    Well that first guide you sent me didn't work either, still the same old "Handle is invalid" error.

    And I've been following the tutorial you linked there for some time, in fact its the one I was using when I first ran into this bug.

    Will try the system restart.
  • passerby
    Offline / Send Message
    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    @Masich ya if you cant make it work i can do the compile for you.
    don't worry about credits, editing a line of text and running a script isnt much so dont bother with credits for it.
  • Masich
    passerby wrote: »
    @Masich ya if you cant make it work i can do the compile for you.
    don't worry about credits, editing a line of text and running a script isnt much so dont bother with credits for it.
    Regardless, I got a policy of crediting anyone who contributes to anything I do in any way, so you'll be credited and like it, damnit.

    Oh, and restarting didn't help, still getting the Handle is invalid error.

    What does that even mean?
  • Pogo
    Could you post the full log from compiling? It might give some more clues
    it might also be worth disabling UAC, or running as admin.
  • X82
    Sorry I am late to this party, but I was looking for an update.
    I'm in the same situation.
    It takes me forever to set up decompiling-recompiling. And then I format my system months later and have to go through all this each time.

    I've followed everything in this thread. Each time I click extract to decompile, studiocompile states :


    Any updates?
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