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Maya to XNA

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theStoff greentooth
I am currently trying to practice exporting characters with their animations as an fbx to use in xna. The animation looks fine in Maya but when loaded through xna it explodes. does anyone know why this would be?


  • o2_is_alright
    Make sure you export the character in the bind pose position.
    It's been a while since I exported animations for xna so things might have changed, but I had the same problem and that solved most of my problems.
    So turn off autokey if on, set the time slider to the first frame, select the root joint and go to 'Skin' -> 'Go to bind pose' in hte animation tab and finally export.
    Hope that helps:)
  • theStoff
    Offline / Send Message
    theStoff greentooth
    thanks for the reply but I have actually been doing that already, in fact, I had one that worked but I can't replicate that and I have no idea why but I'm going to keep trying.
  • theStoff
    Offline / Send Message
    theStoff greentooth
    Ok, I almost have it working, I had to rebind the model for some reason. However, it still explodes on two frames or so through xna and the foot twitches. Anyone know why?
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