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Gob Smacked at recent news

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Stinger88 polycounter
2 bits of news I just read today. WARNING>>>both bits of news are pretty grim.

Honestly im gob smacked.....thought i'd share for discussion.

I know that sometimes threads like this can explode into sillyness because some view polycount as an "art only" disscussion forum, but this is the only forum I use so this is where I share stuff. So if you have views on either story. Please dont start trolling each other and shit.

I'll comment on this when I gather my thoughts. Mind blown really....

Crazed knifeman decapitates British woman in busy Tenerife shopping centre and runs through the streets with her head

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1386762/British-woman-beheaded-Tenerife-machete.html#ixzz1MGsAm4xh

Eye for an eye: Woman blinded by scorned lover granted permission to throw acid into his eyes by Iran court

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1386809/Eye-eye-Woman-blinded-scorned-lover-given-permission-throw-acid-eyes-Iran-court.html#ixzz1MGsF0Nwx


  • Poribo
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    Poribo polycounter lvl 13
    I'm not sure what to say. It's sad and horrific. Unfortunately there's a few crazy people in the world.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Interesting stories, both of them. The first one, is so sad. Another failure of the system. Surely this lunatic was not able to fake sanity and get released that way... probably had something to do with overcrowding. The part I found the saddest was this woman was an expatriate. She obviously wanted to get the most out of her life and actually made decisions to that effect, instead of living and dying in her own country; and then this happens. :(

    The second story, well, I don't know if my opinions on that would be very popular here. I say its acceptable. Pity she has to do it in such a sterile way, but I assume thats cause of the court order. I'm sure she'd rather just chuck it in his face.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    There are seven billion individual lives in the world. Some crazy shit is bound to happen.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    That acid attack story reminded me of this:

    Warning: disturbing imagery.
  • Sean VanGorder
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  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14

    what the fuck...
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    nr 1: What in the goddamned hell is wrong.. Honestly I sometimes wonder if they should reintroduce gladiatorial sports back into society, so crazy and violent people had some place to go and die if they could not be treated.

    Nr 2: ..It may seem wrong but if someone had destroyed me or someone close to me in that way, I'd be damned happy if I could return the favor...
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    The beheading is pretty fucked up but not as horrific as this one. You never know when someone could randomly lash out. Pretty freaky.

    The acid one... Wow. I didn't think real acid had the same effect it does in movies. I also wonder what's more torturous, having a ton of acid dumped on you at once or slowly dripping it into someone's eyes...

    Also after reading Aesir's article, wow again. I did not realize this was commonplace anywhere. Damn.

    This is why I avoid the news. Why you do dis?
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Sometimes..I can't understand people. I can't understand the hatred in someone's heart that can burn so heard they can do such disgusting pain to another innocent human..
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    aesir wrote: »
    That acid attack story reminded me of this:

    Warning: disturbing imagery.

    This is beyond disgusting and makes my blood boil to no end.
    I'm almost ashamed to be part arab when I hear about things like this.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Ok. Now I've had time to gather my thoughts. Theres alot of bad shit happening in the world every single day. Suicide bombers, war, terrorism, natural disasters, etc. Which are all shocking beyond compare. But these 2 stories really shocked me because of the personnal level.

    The first story reminds me that you can be going about your business, you might be the nicest person in the world but you cannot ever predict whats going to happen around you, or to you. Its Unfortunate for the victim, the onlookers and even the attacker. The system failed to recognise a very troubled mind and this is what happened. I still cant get my mind around how this happened though.

    The second story is more of a dilemma. I ask myself. Could I, weeks after the attack with time to reflect, take away my attackers eyes? I would probably do it by retaliate at the moment of the attack, but weeks after? I dunno. I believe they still chop peoples hands off for stealing (i might be wrong), but this is probably done by an official. Unless this happens to me I'll never know the answer.

    But, If you asked me to press a button that would castraite all the worst peadophiles in the world. I could probably do that quite easily. But i'm still not the victim, having said that though. If I was a victim I'd probably want to do it more.

    Anyway. Sorry to fill your Saturday morning with such grim and deep discussion.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    For me personally first news is the sicker one. Yeah it happens that someone is walking down the street and gets stabbed because he didn't gave his money. Its sick too but decapitation... ? Thats some new level of sickness. Guy with a knife wasn't normal person for sure. Like you wrote Stinger88. You can be anyone. Nicest person ever. Worst person ever. Still some psycho can chop your head off... I know I am not able to comprehend this. Its impossible to understand what the murder thought. Its just like malfunction. But how come people can be so f@#$ed up ? Imagine you hear that someone close to you died in a situation like like that. When somebody dies on a war in a way it makes sense for you. You knew there was a risk. Still sucks but happens. Being killed by a psycho on a street ? I know there is no point in death. Doesn't matter when/for what/why you die but this story is so sick and pointless...
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    the daily mail strikes again
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Skamberin wrote: »
    I'm almost ashamed to be part arab when I hear about things like this.

    That's pretty ridiculous mate, Genes don't make you a misogynist psychopath.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 13
    Skamberin wrote: »
    This is beyond disgusting and makes my blood boil to no end.
    I'm almost ashamed to be part arab when I hear about things like this.
    They're all from Pakistan. The one in OP was from Iran. None of them are arabs so there's no relation to you.
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    Read this in the paper this morning, sick people out there. The guy was known for attacking people before he got locked up in aslyum, very disgusting.

    Personally murders like this should be punished with murder, you can't save somebody who eats or beheads people like this, no matter how long you keep them in an aslyum.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    I thought about it a bit, I just can't comprehend how you can resort to such gruesome deeds as a man turned down by a woman. It's happened many times to me, I feel shitty, for a few days even maybe, but then I just get up the next morning and feel good again. Is it because of the whole way women are treated in the islam world that these men see such deeds as a viable option ?
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 13
    Xoliul wrote: »
    I thought about it a bit, I just can't comprehend how you can resort to such gruesome deeds as a man turned down by a woman. It's happened many times to me, I feel shitty, for a few days even maybe, but then I just get up the next morning and feel good again. Is it because of the whole way women are treated in the islam world that these men see such deeds as a viable option ?
    It's very complicated but people who think they have the right to do so are the same crazy assholes that reason the same way in other places of the world. Even though Iran is known for all it's negativity towards women there is little tolerance towards stalking/threatening women.
    The behaviour of this guy was already bad from the start(Would you be stalking a woman and pester her to marry you even though she didn't want to?). He probably got jelous and pissed off at the end and dealt with it in a way no normal person would. There are lots of guys getting rejected by women there. The normal people almost never act violently, they usually don't even get mad. It's got nothing to do with the culture.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Jesus had no idea whatsoever that it was so commonplace to throw acid in a girls face if she rejected you in countries like that. What scummy little bastards. I reckon they should introduce the 'acid in your eyeballs' punishment to every douchebag that maims a girl like that.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Mr Bear wrote: »
    Read this in the paper this morning, sick people out there. The guy was known for attacking people before he got locked up in aslyum, very disgusting.

    Personally murders like this should be punished with murder, you can't save somebody who eats or beheads people like this, no matter how long you keep them in an aslyum.
    Human rights activist and the idea of equal human rights for every single human in the world ever pretty much ruined any chance of proper justice in the world.

    So a completely psychopathic person, so far lost into the insane part of life nothing can change him; Is still as important and valuable (in regards to his rights) as a fully educated Doctor actively saving lives every day while promoting peace and education.

    But then again, maybe none of this would happen if people lived in smaller societies or something, so people wouldn't fall out of the system..
  • GKWill
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    Oh humanity, you show such 'hope' for the future.

    Fortunately it's only the very minority that does that. I think... I hope...
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    k the first link is just a fucked up person

    but the second link makes me sad for and angry at humanity itself, how the hell can this happen within a species that claims it is civilized.

    If we allow this to happen i'll just go back to living in a fucking cave clubbing everything i want.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    christ, had to remind me of the guy that decapitated a guy on a bus coming from Edmonton then proceeded to canabalize him...
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    bring the hate.


    taliban husband cuts off nose and ears of 16 year old:


    women being raped by iranian prison guards before execution:


    16 year old girl hanged in iran, for "crimes against chastity":


    google virgin rape iran, and you get thousands of stories like these:

  • dogzer
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    dogzer polycounter lvl 8
    Skamberin wrote: »
    This is beyond disgusting and makes my blood boil to no end.
    I'm almost ashamed to be part arab when I hear about things like this.

    You don't have to look into a specific ethnic group to find sick people and unmoral behavior. There's more than enough of people with mental illness, or the wrong education, in every single country of the world to make you ashamed of being a human being altogether.

    You know there's something wrong with your beliefs/education when you start thinking killing and harming others is the solution.
  • dogzer
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    dogzer polycounter lvl 8
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    I know that sometimes threads like this can explode into sillyness because some view polycount as an "art only" disscussion forum, but this is the only forum I use so this is where I share stuff. So if you have views on either story. Please dont start trolling each other and shit.

    I don't understand why you can think something like this can explode into silliness. But I do agree this is more of an art discussion place.
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