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The OrK

polycounter lvl 7
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sanketpro3d polycounter lvl 7
Hey Everyone !!
Its been a while since I've posted any of my works. Been watching all the progresses and great artworks here for long and finally thought of posting my latest model. This model is inspired from a concept done by Mr. Dern Holdeen. I have developed a Next Gen Game ready model in 16k tris using couple of 2K textures. Zbrush made it possible for the Hi-res and major part of texturing and the low res was done in maya and a bit of texture work in photoshop. used Marmoset Toolbag for realtime grabs.
I hope ya'll like it !!
Cheers !!

Beauty shot


Realtime Grabs

Texture sheets

Hi Res posed

Hi res turntable

Link to video

Thanks for watching



  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    I think the textures need a lot more love. right now they bring the whole piece down. As I first saw the beaty shot I was like "meh" and then I scrolled down and was like "OMG that a fine ass looking highpoly!!" i actually had to scroll back up to check if it was the same model.

    so to speak clearly; the textures and lighting need a loot more colour and contrast. human skin has a lot of variation of colour and I think you could take even greater liberties with an orc. I'm too lazy to get example pictures but just google different animals, as lizards and such and you will see what I'm talking about. go crazy! I really mean it!

    I love the sculpting tough! very nice details! If you get the texturing to the same level as the highpoly sculpting it will be one mean freaking art piece!

  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    yea ur tex detail is fighting the fine details of the sculpt
    no need
    either create the micro from the 2d, or make the 2d support the 3d
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    The Highpoly is nice, but the things throwing me off are the bright-as-the-sun back/shoulder piece, the ton of noise on the club and especially the axe, the bright and saturated leggings, hair, and shoulder cut, and the high-spec bits on the forearms.

    I think this could benefit with a bit more spec on the skin, but definately tone down the high spec bits on the arms, face, hands, and knuckles.

    The axe is just covered in all of this noise, have a few spots still smooth where it hasnt become worn and rough. You had some nice medium details on the axe on the highpoly, but it is now being drowned out by the minute noise. Same goes for the wooden handles of the club and axe, The toenails, and the leggings.

    Those leggings really clash, so much saturation, they almost glow. The pieces that have tons of saturation have totally different hues and its really making it hard on the eyes. I'd say make the leggings a darker brown with a darker green moss in the hairs, to look cool, and do the same for the hair. And I'd tone down the red on the teeth and the back armor. when blood dried it turns darker red, almost brown.

    If you just have to keep the blue hair, green leggings, and red all over the teeth and armor, tone it down, alot! Remember, the name of the game is subtlety! :)
  • percydaman
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    Incredibly well modeled. To me the issue is as much the lighting as the textures. Its coming across as really flat. A good 3 point light setup I think would really help.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    aside from all the great pointers you got from everyone else on the textures and colour choices i think you should also rethink the final beauty shot pose, right now its good for a turnaround and showing off wires etc but not for the beauty shot that you labeled it for, give him something to do with those badass weapons - action shot of him hitting someone, or him defending himself, or hell hes got two of them why not do one where he defends himself with one weapon while striking with the other ! ! ! ! !

    ... i dont really care just do something with a nice solid line of action : D
  • sanketpro3d
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    sanketpro3d polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks a lot guys for the thoughts. I'm glad that the Hi res is luking gud. I clearly see a common feedback from all of you which is of course about the textures. Reading and thinking about them and re-judging my model myself , i do think that there is some scope of betterment with the textures. I'm gonna retouch the textures here and there eventually and will try to make it luk better. thanks for the shares :)

    CandyStripes05 : thanks man, but i really didnt have the plan of posing him in any other extreme pose, so i guess i'm gonna stick to this one for now :)

    cheers !
  • Sandro
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    Yes sculpt is pretty cool. Anatomy doesn't make sense though. Why did you attach beer belly to otherwise cut anatomy?
  • sanketpro3d
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    sanketpro3d polycounter lvl 7
    Sandro : thanks man, well , the beer belly was as per the reference i got inspired from ..
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