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Mudbox refuse to sculpt on some parts.

polycounter lvl 9
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jimpaw polycounter lvl 9

I have a problem with Mudbox. I started to work on a character recently and have split the scene up in parts. The main character is one part, the ring is one, and the armor + leather band is one. So to the strange part. I can move the verts on the shoulder armor but Mudbox refuse to sculpt on them. I have tried the other parts with exactly the same tools and settings and they work okay.

so what can i have done wrong ? , When i subdivided the armor part i didn't want Mudbox to smooth it so i unchecked the box for that. Can that somehow have fucked it up ?



  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Make sure that you didn't lock the object. Go into your Object list, and check if there is a little Lock Icon next to the objects name. That may be your problem.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    Prophecies wrote: »
    Make sure that you didn't lock the object. Go into your Object list, and check if there is a little Lock Icon next to the objects name. That may be your problem.

    nope i have unlocked all and nothing is freezed. if it was locked i wouldnt be able to move it. any more ideas ?
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    delete the mudbox settings folder in myDocuments...
    sometimes mud screws the brush settings...
  • jimpaw
    Offline / Send Message
    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    oglu wrote: »
    delete the mudbox settings folder in myDocuments...
    sometimes mud screws the brush settings...

    i will try that,thanks man.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    It might be a scale problem. Make sure your model isn't incredibly large.

    i am sure it is, it doesnt matter what measures my obj:s get when i import them in Mudbox. Mudbox ALWAYS fuck up the brush spinner anyway.. but everything except the shouder armor works.. thats the strange part.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    jimpaw wrote: »
    i will try that,thanks man.

    nope that didnt work.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 13
    I'm not sure about Mudbox but I've had this happen to be in Zbrush sometimes. Turns out my normals were not all facing the same way. Maybe check that?
  • [SF]Three9
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    what version of mudbox are you running? I've encountered some errors recently. I have a sculpt i was doing in 2011, and it works just fine...in 2012, some pieces are acting very strange (like i can sculpt/texture it on sub level 3 and below, but not higher)

    try going down some levels and see what happens
  • jimpaw
    Offline / Send Message
    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    [SF]Three9 wrote: »
    what version of mudbox are you running? I've encountered some errors recently. I have a sculpt i was doing in 2011, and it works just fine...in 2012, some pieces are acting very strange (like i can sculpt/texture it on sub level 3 and below, but not higher)

    try going down some levels and see what happens

    I have done that doesnt work either, the strange part is that i can move vertecies on that layer with the grab brush, imprint works the same. and all other objects.

    I am using 2011.
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