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Have you ever asked to see anyones Badge?

polycounter lvl 18
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Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
Sorry guys I gotta get this off My Chest.
So It's Monday Morning, I am exhausted from driving all night, and I get into the top secret area of Blizzard. Before I can swipe My badge, The door opens with some dudes coming out, so I go in the door. One of the guys coming out stops Me and says "You have a Badge?", I laugh at it they way I do, but he's all stone faced and serious. (This isn't a security guard by the way, it's a chubby spikey haired dude with piercings and shit) I say, "Are you joking?" and he says "No, I don't know everybody yet show me your badge" I show it to him and he walks away. But I'm left there like "Show Me your Badge asshole. Ive never seen your stupid face here either!" But I didn't say that because I'm nice.
My question is have you ever asked to see anyone's badge? I mean there have been times when I have seen people I didn't know entering sensitive area's of the various studios I have worked at, But I just look for a badge. Using my EYES. (I have my Badge clearly visible btw I don't what this guy was on.) I dunno. I guess you could rack it up to him being a good employee but he was such a douche about it. But there has to be a more Tactful way to do it.
Anyways now I'm in that funk where I am just daydreaming about all the cool things I should have said to that guy.


  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Seems kind of rude.. Is people sneaking in a big problem with some studios?
    And write us a list of the things you would tell him, so that we may learn and remember, in case it happens to us :D
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ It's probably because you weren't wearing a Star Wars t-shirt, or a Decepticon belt buckle.

    Serves you right, Josh
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    On one hand I think it's rude the way the guy asked you...on the other...it's amazing how easy it is to walk into some studios...
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Probably just a douche, I wouldn't dwell on it.
  • jarrede
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    jarrede polycounter lvl 7
    at a place like blizzard I'd think you would expect to see people you don't recognize. Question is, what are the consequences for not checking peoples badges? I mean, really, was he thinking "ahh fuck, if my boss finds out this guy without a badge got in on my watch Im fuckin screwed!" ...??
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    Andreas wrote: »
    Probably just a douche, I wouldn't dwell on it.

    ~ Pretty much this, buddy
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    you didn't pull out your "badassmotherfucker" wallet instead?


    different strokes for different folks buddy. brush it off and keep on rollin'.
  • Sean VanGorder
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    I would've taken off on a full sprint through the building yelling "Your secrets are mine!"
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Meh. When I first got here, I left my badge at my desk. Had to ask someone to let me in, with their badge. They asked me if I worked there. I said yes. End of story. Sounds like you just ran into a douchenozzle.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    You are a good man josh, for showing ur badge and not saying anything. Nice guy Always finish first. oh wait?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    lol, well, most companies do encourage not allowing 'tailgating', because you don't know who you're allowing in behind you. But, being new, that guy was being a little over zealous, trying to be the company's savior. I'm kind of surprised the other guy wouldn't say, 'It's cool, he works here' or something like that.

    For the record, I don't care. Honestly, if it was that big of a deal, the companies should post security at all the entrances (or require you enter/exit at one location). If they are going to shoot up the place, you aren't going to stop them when you ask for their badge.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    (happened to me once IIRC!)
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    I know how it is, when you start fantasising about the shit you could have said :(

  • Mark Dygert
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    I think you should of said:
    "I am zorath. THE only decent fire mage on your Krograth server. I've come to visit my virtual self, in person. Now step aside before I summon hells fury on your highly flammable hair products" " I DO NOT care where your servers are located my virtual self is in this building, I sense it..."
    Believe it or not even on Nancy Drew games we have badges and in a company that has maybe 25 people I was carded twice the first week.

    Once by a property management security guard who was gearing up to take me down as I walked up to the main door until my badge/keycard went "booop" and the door unlocked. "Have a good day..." Sorry I spoiled the only action you've seen in years... It was 5:30am building doesn't unlock until 7am and none except for 2 other people show up to work before 9am, at least he was paying attention.

    And the other time was by the front desk person when I shot past her on my way to my desk after lunch she caught up with me in the middle of the art dept, it was dead quite... the rest of the art dept gave her a hard time for the rest of the week.

    At GT/Infogrames/Atari we had a huge building and for a while a lot of people on contract coming and going with different layers of security. The good snacks where upstairs and the QA guys would piggy back on us, raid our snacks and then send out emails gloating when they scored. We hung wanted posters... heh.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    What is this the CIA? FBI? shit... are you a terrorist? Should have told spiky to "Get the fuck off me bitch".. or I would have anyways.

    Why does blizzard have a secret area anyways... They making improvised explosives? Fuck off blizzard, shit... Oh no a guy came in and saw a model we're working on for a game, we're going to be bank corrupt now guys, Noooooooo...
  • Sean VanGorder
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    I'm assuming it might be somewhat of a big deal if someone were to leak all of Blizzard's unannounced stuff...lol.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Seems kind of rude.. Is people sneaking in a big problem with some studios?
    Oooooh yeah, it is. Industrial espionage is big business. Just think about the Half Life 2 leak.

    Doesn't mean security has to treat everyone like shit, but then how many friendly and well-adjusted people grow up thinking "I wanna be a security gaurd"?

    You give people the tiniest little feeling of power and 90% of them instantly become total assholes, very much like the greater internet fuckward theory.

    The other 10% are usually super friendly and great, though. Some of the nicest people I've ever met.
  • foreverendering
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    foreverendering polycounter lvl 12
    I haven't had anything like that happen to me here. But, several years ago when I worked as a 3d contractor for the military, I once forgot my badge while leaving the building on a Friday.

    Typically on Fridays, I would have to drive down the street to the contractor's office where I would submit my signed weekly time-sheet. Without my badge, I wouldn't be able to get in that building either, so I turned around and approached the security at the military complex.

    Basically I told them the situation and that I needed to go back to the computer lab and get my badge. They looked at me very suspiciously and asked what the room number was for the lab. I didn't know it because I was fairly new at the time. They asked for my name, which I gave them and they said nothing was coming up in their system. Then they asked for my ID, which I gave them, but they looked at it and said "This isn't a picture of you."

    I was like "What are you talking about ? Of course that's me." Apparently they thought otherwise and didn't believe me. The vibe of the conversation was quickly going downhill at which point they wanted to take me into some private room for questioning (!) but luckily at that moment someone I was working with was leaving the building and I said "Hey! I work with that guy! He knows who I am" and thankfully it was straightened out shortly after that
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    Josh, I'm going to ask to see your badge every time I see you now. Sorry!
  • MartinH
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    MartinH polycounter lvl 8
    that happened to me as well xD and i reacted the exact same way too. Probably the same dude!

    Freaking hallway police
  • Farfarer
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    Yeah, I've gotten asked for ID a few times when I first joined. We've also got a policy to not let folk follow you through the doors if you don't recognise them. Just better safe than sorry.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    acc wrote: »
    Oooooh yeah, it is. Industrial espionage is big business. Just think about the Half Life 2 leak.

    Haha that was a teenager from Germany, no one sneaked into Valve and stole a burned disk from Newells desk :P :poly142: Hacked (pretty much walked, I heard) into one of their non-central servers and got access that way. Read an article about it a while back, very interesting, written like a Dan Brown Novell it was :P Crysis 2 leak thread I believe?
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    That sucks there is always a better way of handling things. He could have handled it in a polite manner and just explained himself instead of going ape shit. It sounds like this guy was just a douche. I wouldn't think much of it.

    On a side note badges could be forged too. :P
    This video shows this guy going around taking pictures of badges and using those badges to infiltrate places. It a video from DefCon about No tech Hacking, its pretty funny.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    It was Cory, wasn't it?
  • Rogue One
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    Rogue One polycounter lvl 7
    Josh_Singh wrote: »
    But I'm left there like "Show Me your Badge asshole. Ive never seen your stupid face here either!" But I didn't say that because I'm nice.

    Haha that gave me a good laugh. I would have asked to see his first! What a knobend! Seems like the kinda guy that would hate work with.
  • TomDunne
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    Well now that I read this again the guy asked you if you had a badge or not, and you laughed at him... so yeah he's gonna be rude about it.

    If you need a badge for some reason or another in the area you're in, you shouldn't say "are you joking" to anyone if they ask you.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    lol. I hate it when I think "I should have said "(insert awesome come back here)"...."

    You should make a T-shirt saying something clever like.

    "Hey! Chubby spikey haired dude with piercings. Here's my fucking badge!"

    (optional extra) add an image of a chubby spikey haired dude with piercings having a badge stuffed up his fat ass.

    Hopefully the chubby spikey haired dude with piercings will see it one day and you'll be triumphant.

    DO IT!

    p.s. seriously..do it. it'll be theraputic
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    That's quite common here in big companies and factories.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    a few jobs back one of the other offices in my building got robbed by a guy pretending he was an HVAC repairman. If I had a HID card I could probably bluff my way into an office by acting like it's my first day and my card wasn't working.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Actually you could have just made a quick turn jade-trick on him.

    He asks for the badge, you show it to him, after that, you ask him for his badge. At this point you have a few options.

    1- Either tell him that Mr. XYZ won't be too happy about this.
    B- Tell him to give you a call (and wink at him).
    3- Say that you expect to see him at your meeting in the coming week to discuss budget cuts.
    D- Pull up your shirt quickly and dress down again.

    Doing something normal will come and go, but doing something unexpected will stay with them throughout the day.
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Normally I'd scoff at the idea of actually asking to see someones badge, but ever since we got our first restraining order against someone as a studio it just seems smart and safe to do if you've never seen that person around.

    I probably wouldn't do it to someone already in the building (unless they looked totally sketch), but definitely anyone trying to get in.

    There are a few crazies out there, and I'd rather take precautions.

    Side note: In our studio our CEO was walking down the stairs. She came across a face she didn't recognize and asked them who they were. It was an uninvited, unescorted reporter who tailgated into the building with camera and all. They proceeded to ask who our CEO was, which promptly got the response of, "I'm the CEO, and you need to leave right now." (Btw this is not the restraining order... whole different story).

    The guy may still be a douche... just putting in my 2 cents.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Yeah, one time I was interning doing customer support for Jagex. I had only just started about a month ago, in a new city in a flat with people I didn't know. I was working a late shift, and went home at like midnight or 2am or something. I cycled home, got to my door - and I realised I left my keys that morning - I was locked out. I didn't know any of my flatmates (rarely saw them), but after about 45 minutes of knocking on doors and ringing doorbells it was clear that noone was home, or awake, to let me in.

    Then it started raining. I was in a new town, I only barely knew about 10 people from work, its was about 2 or 3 in the morning, raining, and noone was answering their phones (unsurprisingly). So Without really knowing what else to do, I cycled back to work, plonked myself down on the sofa in the break room, and played batman arkham asylum for about 4 hours. :I

    I realise this probably shouldn't fly at most companies, and I was kinda suprised it did. But eventually one of the night shift guys came over after the curiosity of why some 20 year old is playing games on Jagex's couch at 4am in the morning became too much.

    'Um... are you supposed to be here? Sorry but do you have a badge or something?'

    So yeah, I've been asked, and I bloody deserved it too. :P
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    When I worked at Ensemble there was a string of robberies concerning a group of teenage girls and the office supply closet. We didn't have badges though. I'm not sure what I would have asked them to show me.

    A better story is when I worked at Terminal Reality. It was late and I was going into work to get my personal Playstation2 and a handful of used games I bought during lunch. As I arrived another artists was walking out. He said he was the last person in the building, but he didn't mess with the alarm because he saw me about to enter. Little did I know about 20 minutes earlier a programmer had already set the alarm, because he thought he was the last person leaving.

    So I get my stuff, and as I'm exiting the front door several police cars arrive and see me with a Playstation2 and some games. They sat me in an office for an hour questioning me until the office manager arrived and she vouched for me. I seriously thought I was going to jail.
  • scotthomer
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    Aahahhaa! Amazing.
    Thats the kinda thing that would happen to me.

    monster wrote: »
    When I worked at Ensemble there was a string of robberies concerning a group of teenage girls and the office supply closet. We didn't have badges though. I'm not sure what I would have asked them to show me.

    A better story is when I worked at Terminal Reality. It was late and I was going into work to get my personal Playstation2 and a handful of used games I bought during lunch. As I arrived another artists was walking out. He said he was the last person in the building, but he didn't mess with the alarm because he saw me about to enter. Little did I know about 20 minutes earlier a programmer had already set the alarm, because he thought he was the last person leaving.

    So I get my stuff, and as I'm exiting the front door several police cars arrive and see me with a Playstation2 and some games. They sat me in an office for an hour questioning me until the office manager arrived and she vouched for me. I seriously thought I was going to jail.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    ahaha oh damn. That's a good one.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Why don't you simply say..

    "I'm Josh Mutha fuckin SINGH!" Respect!!!

    I mean that always seems to work for me, when I sneak into the Top Secret Blizzard Areas.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Ha Monster that's crazy, reminds me of this: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=70701
    Sometimes it doesn't pay to work late and crunch...
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Why don't you simply say..

    "I'm Josh Mutha fuckin SINGH!" Respect!!!
    That's what Im doing from now on.
    I mean really, I have only been here for six months. I suppose at a company as big as blizzard it takes at least 5 years for people to even recognize your face, At least the folks that aren't on your team. I heard that Mike Morhaime was asked for his badge a while ago too, so if it still happens to him I don't feel so bad.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    heh, "Don't you know who i am?!" is still a catchphrase at our office, years after the security guard refused to let the art director upstairs one day for not showing his card. He had it on him too, but was purposefully being a knobhead (as is his way). I enjoyed walking straight past the kerfuffle and into the building with no card on me. I might also have said "I don't recognise him ..." on the way past but i honestly can't remember
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    JacqueChoi wrote: »

    "I'm Josh Mutha fuckin SINGH!"

    Get that on a T-Shirt... spread across the whole front, huge font.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    He probably plays zerg.
  • Mark Dygert
    Offline / Send Message
    You should get a shirt made that points to your badge wherever you normally keep it.

    "Yes I work here --->" and on the back "Check this: Joshsingh.net and then massage here."

    He was just looking out for his company like most good employees should do...
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Actually in all studios I worked we were required to ask people for a badge if we don't know them. Yet nobody ever does it. Problem is that the places are just too big with too much fluctuation. There's just too many people to ask and too many people will be pissed because they're your "unknown" coworkers anyway.

    ...also the issue here is not industrial espionage - usually it's to prevent people's laptops, ipods, etc being stolen! (really happened at a place where I worked - guy walks in and just grabs a nice looking laptop!!!)
  • [SF]Three9
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    haha...oh man...this whole thread is full of win
  • skankerzero
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    it's obvious that you need to get your badge enlarged.

    Make it a stupid size and put it around your neck.

    That or print it out large on a t-shirt.
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    (This isn't a security guard by the way, it's a chubby spikey haired dude with piercings and shit)

    He be trippin with mad power over those piercings and spikey hair... and shit.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Next time tell him to call security and keep on walkin. Security would ask, just show and keep on walking don't be a dick to them though since they are just working like you.
  • Kwramm
    Offline / Send Message
    Kwramm interpolator
    some places do have badges but no security guards though hehe
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