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[MaxScript] Super Poly Pridge

polycounter lvl 14
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miauu polycounter lvl 14
I saw "Spline bridge" tool in this thread, and after RappyBMX refused to provide a "standalone" version of this tool I decide to make my own script, that do the same thing, but with a few more options :)

So, here it is.
The video show everything,
The "Corner", "Smooth" and "Bezier" button change the type of spline knots.
The "Points:" spinner add knots to spline.
The "< Prev." and "Next >" button select the previous/next spline knots.
"Taper Amount" and "Taper Curve" set the amount and the curve value of faces btidge.
The "Bridge segm" spinner sets the segments of the bridge.
The "Interactive" button turn On/Off interactive mode(watch the video).


Download from scriptspot.


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