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Portfolio_ Jody Sargent

polycounter lvl 5
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jsargent polycounter lvl 5
Hi guys, just trying to update my folio and would love some feedback!! There are a couple of links missing which will be sorted soon but please crit any of what's there already! Thanks a lot :)



  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    1 - I don't think the text above the piece work is so useful, they will just focus on the work before the text. (under the gallery title)

    2 - Instead of " Artist : Portfolio", it's better to write down your title, so people can easily which kind of service you'll offer for them

    3 - I've learn from a HR from Ubisoft that it's better to have a professional e-mail (which is your_name@...) more than a nick name@...

    4 - WIP aren'tgood for a portfolio, never show an unfinish work for people

    5 - Instead of showing the Eat3D's tutorial, you can use what you've learn in hard surface modeling to make a awesome and original piece from you :)

  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    Holy shhh, i love your work that bulldozer looks awesome, but i also think that you're cheating your self in showing it off. (i wanna see it closer)
    Apart from that the website is easy and simple to navigate, but i couldn't click on the sci-fi modular slide nor the temple wip. either way, im saving this to my inspiration folder.
  • jsargent
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    jsargent polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for your comments sofar :) I have included the dozer as I only used the first few videos. I basically watched one, then I picked a totally different model of buldozer, gathered all of my own reference and used what I learnt to make my own. Its actually very different from the original version (barring the tracks as they were the first piece I made and I used the video as a step by step). I found it extremely helpful but I would never copy a tutorial totally because I find it a bit pointless! I totally understand where you are coming from but as it is very different I'm going to leave it in :) I will try to get the other links working tonight or tomorrow.
  • jsargent
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    jsargent polycounter lvl 5
    ooh and I will make those other changes tonight too :) Thanks!
  • letronrael
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    yeah , i agree with the EAT3d tutorial....basically the same man....
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Yup take down the eat 3D tutorial dozer, or at least credit it to them. Also cant open the sci fi piece.
  • LoboHotPants
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    LoboHotPants polycounter lvl 17
    Rename your CV to jodysargentCV or something that'll remind people whose CV they've downloaded without having to open it.
  • percydaman
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    I looked at the eat3d dozer and the OP's dozer side by side. There really is ALOT different between the two of them.
  • jsargent
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    jsargent polycounter lvl 5
    thanks for the crit guys. I'm going to leave the dozer on there as I only uses the first couple of vids to get me started (as you can tell from the tracks) and worked on my own from there on. I made my own reference library of a totally different dozer and really tried to use what I learnt to make a separate piece which took a lot of work.

    As for the other crits I have changed a few things like the name and updated some links, still lots of rendering and updating to come! Please keep the crits coming they really help!!

    Thanks guys. :)
  • letronrael
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    The only thing i say is , if you leave it there , indicate at least what you just said to us.... cause if i was looking to hire you and i see the dozer i would automaticaly think, what a copy of the eat3d.

    at least say like '' i was inspired etc.. etc.. i got my own refs....i learnt alot bla bla...'' basically the samething that u just wrote up there.
  • Noxain
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    I have followed the eat 3d tutorial and i was planning on making the same dozer as you. there is a fair amount of geomentry that is very different, however i do agree with other posters who have said you should at least say your work was inspired by the Eat3D tutorial. im personally planing on adding a different ripper to the back of mine to make it even more different but i see no problem with you using this peice as long as they can see its a different model :)

    some nice work up there :)
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    Great work and website.
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