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Pixexix - projection texturing tool

EDIT: Just released Alpha6, which has a pro version. bunch of improvements, fixes and tweaks. plus new features! :)

So I wasn't too keen on the projection painting tools that were available to me and I had a few ideas for things I'd want them to do but they didn't so I started making my own.

recently got it to the point where it does everything I wanted it to do and doesn't crash all too often so I figured I'd post it here to see what you guys thought of it :)

you can grab it here (windows only for now)


Video & stuff:
(been updated a few times since this video was recorded, so the horrible blending and seams have gone now ;) )

here is a rough thing I did with a more recent version

Key Features:
  • use with any Image editor with a quick and simple workflow
  • Import .obj, .jpg, .png
  • Output .png
  • After taking a snapshot, move the camera to view your model all you like as you make changes to it.
  • snapshots can be re-ordered like layers in photoshop
  • Occlusion, Backface culling, Normal & Depth Culling and fading options
  • perspective or orthographic projection
  • .obj files with multiple objects work fine (and are encouraged, saves lots of time to hide bits, and toggle off mesh data using shared UV space)
  • It's still in alpha, so if you are doing something you care about, save often!
  • How soon it crashes is pretty much (triangles*no. of snapshots taken), but you should be able to get a lot of use out of it before that happens, depending on your hardware. if it does crash, I'd very much like to see the "output_log.txt" in the pixexix_Data folder (if you dont mind ^__^)
  • I made this in a game engine, so I wouldn't advise working with models you wouldn't consider 'realtime', this is no zBrush, it will run slow if you throw a bazillion faces at it ;)
  • I plan to make a 'pro' version at some point with .psd file support, and editing normal and specular textures as well as the colours it already does.
  • if you think there is some feature that should be included or something would work different I'd love to hear it! :)
well that's pretty much all I have to say about it for now I guess, if you get the time to check it out you have my thanks, if you give feedback you have my super thanks, and if you actually use it for something and share pictures you have my mega super ultra thanks :D


  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    This looks amazing dude! I'll have to try it out some time. Thanks for sharing/
  • pasha_sevez
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    pasha_sevez polycounter lvl 13
    Very solid program! Useful and simple a the same time. Many guys still use an archaic Deep Paint because of it's projection painting feature. This program is a good and very nice alternative to paint a model via projections. BTW it would be really great to have an ability to paint normal mapped objects - it's really very important for next gen graphics. So looking forward to see a final version - may be it will become a "MARY lite for game artist" =))
  • Eric Chadwick
    This looks really cool. Nice job!
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    That's why I love these boards... one day you wake up and -BAM- a challenger appears !

    Seriously this is looking pretty slick, can't wait to try it when I've more time. Thanks for sharing !
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Woah, the cull normals feature is awesome!!
    This, combined with an AO pass should be incredibly useful. Thank you for doing this! Trying it asap.
  • SophieH
    Thanks for the feedback guys! :)
    it would be really great to have an ability to paint normal mapped objects
    ya, this is something I plan to add, it will be in there sooner or later, probably in the form of painting a height map and have it generate the right normal map for that. but I'm also tempted to be able to project normal maps on top of each other and have them corrected. it wouldn't be so great for painting, but if you had a normal texture already you wanted to project onto the model, it could be handy I guess.
    may be it will become a "MARY lite for game artist" =))
    not heard of mary lite and I can't google well today it seems, what is that?

    pior wrote: »
    This, combined with an AO pass should be incredibly useful.
    yeah, that's how I did the steapunk surfer model, if you start out with an AO bake, it's a massive headstart since it gives you the form of the model right away. pretty useful since I dont have any wireframe display or lighting in it yet, also, it usually matches up with where I want the shading to be anyway :D
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Damn this looks awesome.

    Any plans to implement a simple mordor pixel walking algorithm? :D

    SophieH, he's talking about Mari, quite a few folks call it Mary for some reason. I guess we have Max and Maya, why not Mary
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Regarding normalmaps - simply being able to load an asset with a normalmap applied to it would be great. There is always the workaround of loading a medium or highpoly mesh instead, but it could slow things down.

    As for Mari - thats the new ptex based painting app used for extremely detailled movie models. Its seems to run very slow tho.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    Agreed, just simply being able to load a normal map on a model so you can see it while painting the diffuse could be extremely handy. Just unwrapped a low poly gun tonight, maybe if I get some time tomorrow I can try to make a full texture with this for it. Already played around with it a little, so far it's really nice.
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    i need to mess with it a bit more, but being able to modulate the cull-gradients with a greyscale texture like a render cloud for less uniform transitions would be really nice.
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    i think im going to try and put this through some paces when i get home from work do a repaint of mops goblin using it. looks really awesome cant wait to try it.
  • aphexx
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    aphexx polycounter lvl 12
    thank you for the effort man! cool piece of software
  • .morph3us
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    .morph3us polycounter lvl 14
    if it only could make me simply walk into mordor...
    it'd be awesome then...
  • pasha_sevez
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    pasha_sevez polycounter lvl 13
    SophieH wrote: »
    ya, this is something I plan to add, it will be in there sooner or later, probably in the form of painting a height map and have it generate the right normal map for that. but I'm also tempted to be able to project normal maps on top of each other and have them corrected. it wouldn't be so great for painting, but if you had a normal texture already you wanted to project onto the model, it could be handy I guess.

    You know, guys are right - generating normal maps is not a problem actually, and painting heightmaps is not that interesting. The real issue is to work with normal mapped object as if it is a highpoly model. First of all - Normal culling should keep normal map in mind while projection - not only the actual geometry.

    SophieH wrote: »
    not heard of mary lite and I can't google well today it seems, what is that?

    I was just kidding )) I meant your program to have a real great chance to become a simplified (and games-oriented) version of cinematic-oriented MARY. That's it ))
  • Tavor
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    Tavor polycounter lvl 8
    This is cool, but what still bugs me is why can't you just paint on top of the mesh without having to save the image each time?
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Is there any plan to have this Load PSD files. Being able to load a layered texture and fix seams on a layer by layer basis would be awesome.

    Pasha_sevez: This is Mary, This is Mari. Very different

    Tavor: this program allows you to use the tools in any image editor to paint your textures, Thats why its usefull.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    Is there any plan to have this Load PSD files. Being able to load a layered texture and fix seams on a layer by layer basis would be awesome.

    What Pixexix will (probably) do later:
    - output to layered .PSD with helper wireframe layer
    - output all snapshots to single .PSD
    - Work on OS/X

    [EDIT]OK, navermain'I shoulda'v red beta'r !
  • aphexx
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    aphexx polycounter lvl 12
    if it only could make me simply walk into mordor...
    it'd be awesome then...
    yes. it's hard to comprehend why that is officially excluded.
  • pasha_sevez
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    pasha_sevez polycounter lvl 13
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    Pasha_sevez: This is Mary, This is Mari. Very different

    OMG :poly105: U r right =)))
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    im very confused by this but when i exit out of the program it erases itself, its no longer in the directory
  • Crash
    Offline / Send Message
    Crash polycounter lvl 18
    it doesn't seem to like any obj's out of max for me. all i get is a black screen when loading them.
  • .morph3us
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    .morph3us polycounter lvl 14
    anyone stress tested it with a highpoly mesh already?
  • SophieH
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    he's talking about Mari, quite a few folks call it Mary for some reason. I guess we have Max and Maya, why not Mary
    lol, I watched some video demos of Mari, looks like hot shit. pixexix is very unlikely to be anything like as advanced as that, but its definitely nice to see some lighter features I do want to implement that work in it.

    pior wrote: »
    Regarding normalmaps - simply being able to load an asset with a normalmap applied to it would be great.
    this is totally a planned feature, and you will be able to choose if you want normal culling to be based on normal map or vert normals alone, assuming all goes well :)
    divi wrote: »
    being able to modulate the cull-gradients with a greyscale texture like a render cloud for less uniform transitions would be really nice.
    I'm not entirely sure what you mean, making a 1px high texture with your own grayscale map for masking, or perhaps having a curve editor of some kind?
    Tavor wrote: »
    why can't you just paint on top of the mesh without having to save the image each time?
    Like r_fletch_r says, it was my intention to use any 2D image editor, since people usually get attatched to the feel of their editor's tools, and including some generic airbush type things would probably not produce the best results for most artists I think. ultimately though, the engine I have used for this has absolutely horrific speed for editing textures, you'd get massive lag as you draw if it was to happen inside pixexix ^__^;
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    Is there any plan to have this Load PSD files. Being able to load a layered texture and fix seams on a layer by layer basis would be awesome.
    I do plan to add support for loading PSD files, but theres no real way I could import the layers and be able to edit them in a way that makes sense. I'd probably flatten the layers before import, and maybe allow the user to check which layers they want discarded, though probably not, you can just toggle visibility in PS just as well.

    if its just for fixing seams though, I'd recommend importing the whole texture anyway, working on it, then taking only the parts you fixed up and dropping them on the original texture in the right layers
    im very confused by this but when i exit out of the program it erases itself, its no longer in the directory
    that sounds very perculiar indeed, I've never heard of applications deleting themselves, did it also remove the 'pixexix_data' folder? if not could you put the debug log that's in there on pastebin or some such for me, it might shed some light on the problem ^__^;
    Crash wrote: »
    it doesn't seem to like any obj's out of max for me. all i get is a black screen when loading them.
    I'm guessing this is a scale problem, the model is probably very tiny or very large, and the scale slider isn't great, I'll make sure the next release auto-scales the model so it fits within a reasonable area. any chance I could have a look at a .obj or two to see if this is indeed the issue? if it's something to do with max its certainly something I need to fix asap.
    anyone stress tested it with a highpoly mesh already?
    this pretty much depends on your hardware, myself I've loaded and drawn on a 100k triangle model ok (if pretty slow) and I chatted with a guy who apparently projected onto a model with 1m tris a couple of times before crashing.

    like I say in the notes though, having a large amount of triangles means the program will crash sooner, its due to some memory issue I haven't corrected yet, but if you are working with around 15-20k tris on moderate hardware, you should be finished editing your texture before the program gives up on you.

    that said, save often, it takes a split second its barely even noticable, in fact I'll probably implement an autosave sooner or later. :)

    wow, that was lots to respond to, thanks for the feedback and stuff folks :D
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    SophieH wrote: »
    ultimately though, the engine I have used for this has absolutely horrific speed for editing textures, you'd get massive lag as you draw if it was to happen inside pixexix ^__^;

    Not if you do it on the gpu.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    I tried painting out a seam across a uv border edge and found that it looked good in the snap shot, but once I saved the texture the seam reappeared? Am I missing something or does this feature not work yet, I get weird smeared edges any time the uv border edge ends?
  • SophieH
    Not if you do it on the gpu.
    I've looked into it before and AFAIK none of that is really exposed in unity, at least for texture modifications (meshes etc, sure) if you know otherwise I'd appreciate any info you have or a point in the right direction :)
    malcolm wrote: »
    I tried painting out a seam across a uv border edge and found that it looked good in the snap shot, but once I saved the texture the seam reappeared? Am I missing something or does this feature not work yet, I get weird smeared edges any time the uv border edge ends?
    the 'smeared edges' you see is a 5pixel margin around UV islands filled with the nearest projected pixel so when the texture is viewed from sharp angles (or less sharp ones at lower resolution) the seams are invisible. this is pretty much what it's doing:

    as you can see, if you are getting the smeared edges it means it's working, so you shouldnt see any problems in whatever else you load your model+texture in, though now I think on it a 5pixel border might not be enough at some resolutions and/or auto mipmap generations, I'll make the margin size customisable in the next update :) (that way even if you dont like it you can at least set it to 0 and fix it how you normally would)
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    SophieH wrote: »
    I've looked into it before and AFAIK none of that is really exposed in unity, at least for texture modifications (meshes etc, sure) if you know otherwise I'd appreciate any info you have or a point in the right direction :)

    Sure you can. You would use a RenderTexture and Graphics.DrawMeshNow() to render a projected texture (brush stroke) into uv space (by changing the vertex positions into uv positions in the vertex program in the shader). Then blit that into your currently selected layer. You can get a RenderTextures contents with Texture2D.GetPixels() for when you need to write them to disk.
  • malcolm
    Offline / Send Message
    malcolm polycount sponsor
    I was left with a seam generated by the tool which didn't exist in my texture before.
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah, same as Malcolm. Ill screenshot tonight.
  • mortalhuman
    Hi, I've so far just launched the tool, it looks different than the screenshot -

    the viewport is tiny, and the window should be resizable or at least be bigger.

    Looks cool so far, looking forward to trying it out with an asset.

    I don't like the licensing stuff so far, how can you even tell what we use models for anyway? :P
  • SophieH
    Sure you can. <unity talk>
    thanks, I'll look into that, it may help with speeding up projections and such, though like I say I shan't be having drawing directly inside pixexix, the whole point was to be able to use your preffered tools.
    malcolm wrote: »
    I was left with a seam generated by the tool which didn't exist in my texture before.
    pior wrote: »
    Yeah, same as Malcolm. Ill screenshot tonight.
    thanks, I'd appreciate that, if it's not working how it shows in the image above it could be problematic.
    Hi, I've so far just launched the tool, it looks different than the screenshot -

    the viewport is tiny, and the window should be resizable or at least be bigger.
    should look the same as the screenshot, only without the stuff in the right panel, that only appears when you take a snapshot.

    and yeah, the window is 800x600, my laptop resolution is 1280x800 so it needs to be small as I work on it, and it doesn't resize now because it's easier to put together GUI when the size is fixed, it will totally be scalable though in some future release :)
    I don't like the licensing stuff so far, how can you even tell what we use models for anyway? :P
    I can't ;) right now I am not providing a commercial licence so I don't mind what you use it for until I do, after then its down to your conscience really, but the pro version won't be too expensive (somewhere around £20-£40, convert as needed) and even if you think it is you can email me and haggle :)
  • SophieH
    Ok, released a new version (alpha 6) and also the first pro release. (it's £15, about $25)

    - it now autoscales and positions your models, so no more being unsure it it loaded right or not.
    - .obj files made in 3DsMAX now load fine.
    - can turn of the automatic seams/margins if you prefer to clean them yourself
    - should go longer without crashing!

    and some new features added for pro:
    - can output lighting when taking snapshots
    - can load normal maps to effect lighting
    - can make the window bigger
    - can output larger resolution snapshots

    > Pixexix website

    it's still in alpha and not perfect but it is getting better. so I'd appreciate more feedback from you guys if you don't mind. it's been very helpful so far :)
  • InProgress
    Offline / Send Message
    InProgress polycounter lvl 14
    The software is awesome! Thanks a lot!

    Right now, the only things that I think it lacks is the wireframe viewer, and that's coming in future releases.

    Keep up the great work!
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I personally think charging for this software 25$ is in poor taste and uncalled for.

    I mean it can't even take me to Mordor, what a rip-off...an Eagle can do that, and that technology as been available for years.
  • Tom Pritchard
    I'm bumping this because it's the last day to get it for £10 and more people need to see this, amazing tool.
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