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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

polycounter lvl 12
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ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
Soo..it seems there is going to be a new Resident Evil Game coming out.


This time is being developed by the dudes at Slant 6. I've never played any of their games, so I don't know what I'm to be expecting. So far..I'm skeptical. But this is me being an insanely huge Resident Evil fan. I am excited to see the traditional zombies.


  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    I am huge fan of RE, I hope they dont screw it up. Or begin a totally new story from nowhere.
  • Klumpmeister
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    I hope this isn't a filler for them to delay RE6. It's great to see Leon again but I hope he is in RE6 as well.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Some people on Kotaku were like "Oh no, not Slant 6". I've never heard of them so I asked and they said their game portfolio consists of Socom games only and there has been a lot of negativity surrounding them. I'll just quote a comment.
    "They've only made 3 games prior to this, all Socom. They have a bad reputation from Socom Confrontation which had quite a few issues and missing features that were never addressed or patched, the games was basically a beta that never received a final coat of polish (the two Socom games they made on the PSP were actually quite good). The core mechanics of Socom Confrontation weren't bad though and the two PSP games were solid enough that I still have some faith in them, hopefully they won't screw this up. "
    As for what I think. I'm not sure. These sort of trailers are created for the sole purpose of pissing me off. I can't digest what I'm seeing >_> But the general idea behind it sounds neat, I hope they can deliver cause the RE series is in need of a reboot.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Remember that PS2 Resident Evil online game that..as far as I remember never really took off? I played it for a bit and was pretty cool idea...maybe this will be able to pull off what that game tried to do.
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    Is Capcom exporting they're Resident Evil developers to the west? This looks like what Konami did to Silent Hill.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    I see strafing. Already better gameplay mechanics than every RE game that's been made so far.

    Yeah, ouch.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Haha..Man, everyone can hate all they want on the Tank Controls and fixed cameras of Classic Resident Evil Games.. but I still can't get enough of them. ..........but i guess strafing wouldn't hurt........
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    ErichWK wrote: »
    Remember that PS2 Resident Evil online game that..as far as I remember never really took off? I played it for a bit and was pretty cool idea...maybe this will be able to pull off what that game tried to do.

    Resident Evil Outbreak 1 & 2, I had fun with em however i don't blame people for not getting those games. The 1st was the game that came out with the whole new hdd feature, which got recalled so that didn't help lol.. The game itself while being fun to a point was short, and much more short.

    I have a feeling this will be a filler game for cash. As much as I LOVE the r.e franchise, i don't like what they've been doing to it. I miss my r.e 2 :(
  • ikken
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    Is Capcom exporting they're Resident Evil developers to the west? This looks like what Konami did to Silent Hill.
    Not just resident evil - dead rising and DMC reload games are western-developed too.

    I hope they're keeping numeric RE titles development in Japan though.
  • Ennolangus
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    Is Capcom exporting they're Resident Evil developers to the west? This looks like what Konami did to Silent Hill.

    It definitely sounds like it from the looks of it.
    Though for SH purposes, i would say that went down hill rather then up, so here's hoping RE goes up from this rather than down.

    I'm indifferent though. crossing my fingers that it's good anyway, :)
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    They have a LOT to live up to with RE5 preceding it... That game was one of the best I played on Xbox, I don't think I've ever replayed every single level in a game at least 3 times.
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