Hi there! Here is what I'm gonna try to do : a mix of Raphael from soul calibur and some high tech or mechaniacal parts ( probably one arm and some parts of the face/neck). I'm also planning to change his proportions and color scheme to something a bit darker while keeping the most important thing: his french arrogance

Good luck!
Konras : Yep that' what Im'pl aning to do, adding fine futuristc/matallic details here and there on really specific locations. I don't want to cover him with tons of stuff, just keep it simple and elegant but detailed.
I am eager to see more, very nice begining .
looking forward to this
i like the mecha part you have making in harmony with design and anatomy,
the face / cloths and global shape is beautiful, he remenber me (a litle) the style of steambot artist for the sci-fi guys , very good begining .
really like your blockout already, you maintained his elegance very well
refined character.
Nice job so far! I especially like his high cheekbones and how the arch of his eyebrow is low on his eyes, it makes him look kind of cold.
If your highres renders are anything to go by for, this is going to rock!
About the tracheotomy you're right Konras, I'll fill this hole
At first I was sceptic about the choice... damn I hate that guy in SC
Anyway to be honest, after seeing Blame! as reference for your design I can't be more pleased with your choice! such an amazing piece of sci-fi work!
I was planning to enter the competition with a blame! inspired version of Zero from Megaman before going for a revision of a famous plumber... :poly121:
keep up the good job,
I love the detailing on the robotic arm. The black wrapping around it is so TechnoAristocrat!
Here is an update!
Small crit: for me his rapier looks too short.
But i agree about the weapon.
Here is what I get after an horrible week of baking and texturing.
There are loads of crappy stuff especially in the normal but I don't have time to render it again. I'll try to fix ir for tomorow. I hope to make a proper pose in time. I'm not sure about that either... Anyways here it is :