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[Portfolio/DemoReel] - Herald Bautista


Hello everyone, my name is Herald Bautista and I'm a current student at Think Tank Training Centre ( www.tttc.ca ) situated in North Vancouver, BC. I would like to become a character modeler.


  • bubbie
    Hi Everyone. I recently finished my website and my Demo Reel. Please check it out!

    Here is my website: HeraldBautista.com

    I am open for critiques. Thank you for Viewing.
  • BluPanda
    sweet work man, first thing for me tho is it feels long. Your models are great and i like your variety, but I found myself skipping ahead after (nearly a minute?) of the marine and his gun. If you really want to show the gun separate maybe put it after another character or something, to keep the taste buds wet. That being said I'm not sure its necessary to show the gun on its own, you've got enough cool characters to fill a solid minute and a half or so of exciting quality work. I also wouldn't feel stressed about showing breakdowns of everything on the reel, Save some of that for the gallery.

    Solid start, nice work, keep at it

  • whipSwitch
    Offline / Send Message
    whipSwitch polycounter lvl 8
    I agree with BluPanda on the length of the breakdown and showcase of the marine. Additional suggestions would be to swap the dragon the rigney sculpt, so you have your finished textured stuff up front, because that will carry more weight than untextured sculpts. And I would take out the "Thank You" page at the end. It's a demo reel, the people watching don't care about it.
  • ayoub44
    Offline / Send Message
    ayoub44 polycounter lvl 10
    Great Job man , i really enjoy wathching your portfolio :D .. you have a host problem about your portfolio image !

    i get that :


    good luck :)
  • AimBiZ
    Offline / Send Message
    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Sweet stuff man, particularly the dragon.
  • JustinPunio
    The marine looks awesome, great details... maybe add some screenshots of the marine hi poly sculpt in the gallery, for variation? Everything that is in the reel is in the portfolio section, so while you have to keep the reel short you can always add different shots for the gallery once the reel has piqued the visitor's interest..

    Also I agree with removing the thankyous at the end of the reel, I've never understood that, thought it was just a VFS students thing..?
  • Wombatinahat
    Nice work but I am getting some issues with your thumbnails being squashed. the images open up fine when the link is clicked but the image is a bit distorted in the thumbnail. Using internet explorer.
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Characters are really nice!
    Looks like a VFS demo reel.
    Maybe it's me but the visitor count doesn't make really professional at the bottom, you should take it out. HR don't need to know how many people visited your portfolio.
  • ryanscottlee
    Characters are great! I had some problems with your lightbox images though. Right now I'm on a 1440x900 monitor resolution and the images are still too large, which makes me have to use the back button on my browser to go back to your work (vs being able to close the image to view another on the same page). Try resizing your images or using a different jQuery plug-in that will automatically resize the images for the specified users resolution.
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    Love the dragon, that one is sculpted really well.
    One thing you should pay more attention to is the unwrap, you are waisting so much white space. you can pack everything much tighter together, giving you the ability to scale the unwrapped parts up a little, giving your dragon a denser texel density. The same could be said for the other models.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    aw yeah, great work man! It's a bit long but the artwork was really awesome so I watched the whole reel xD
  • bubbie
    BluPanda: This is my first demo reel packaging. I will def take in consideration your crit. I gotta finish another model then repackage it again. I appreciate it.

    whipSwitch: Ya i know about the thank you page. Thats why its only one slide, and I let it play for 3 seconds. I think its still important to those that helped me out with this :)

    ayoub44: ...whoa! didn't know that. How did you get that? Which browser r u using?

    AimBiZ: Thanks!

    JustinPunio: Thanks! I will shorten in my next demo reel packaging. Ya I know VFS students have the credits reputation. Though I thought it is still important at least for 3 seconds ;D since these people actually helped me get through the demoreel.

    Wombatinahat: OH that IE browser...I will check it out. Thanks

    megalmn2000: Good Point. Actually it was only suppose to be for private viewing...for some reason it showed up.

    ryanscottlee: Thanks for the tip! I'm new in wordpress so ... I don't exactly know what I'm doing with it :S I will try the plug-in!

    EVIL: I knooow UVUnwrap is haaard. It takes some experience doing that! I appreciate your crit. I def need more game res models in my hands to pull it off properly. That soldier is my first FULL-game res model.

    chrisradsby: Thanks! I'll try to keep it under two minutes next time...heheh

  • shotgun
    Offline / Send Message
    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    yup blocked imgs sometimes

    but what's showing is gr8
    i'd suggest experimenting with a wider color palette, right now its very narrowly brown/muddy
  • Shogun3d
    Offline / Send Message
    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    The Marine is your strongest work, very nicely done, he should be your centerpiece. Make sure you provide breakdowns and anything you can showcase technical workflow or pipeline.

    I think the hitcounter is unecessary. If you have other means of viewing your page counts thats great, but if anything just stash it somewhere you can't notice. Its a small thing but remember your folio is ALL about your work.
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