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Diablo inspired - game art

polycounter lvl 9
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OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
Hey folks!
First post.. I visit the site and read the forums religiously. Im currently working on this for future Demo reel. Inspired by diablo 3, I wanted to create a portion of a game enviro that has multiple assets that can be used modularly. This is the scene so far.I will post individual items shortly. No photo sourcing was used, all textures are from sculpt and paint. Please Crit!

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  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    "I wanted to share a piece that..."

    I must be tired because at first glance, I swear that said "piece of shit" :poly142:
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Any reason shadows are disabled?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    WAY TOO BUSY, too much noise, too much color, too much contrast.
  • mrturtlepaste
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    greevar..seriously dude? might as well not bother posting if it's going to be a nasty comment like that. Talk about discouraging.


    OtrickP, there seems to be a lot of room for improving this scene. The textures need a lot of work, but I like the mood you are going for here. Maybe instead of piecing it together as an environment like this, why don't you show us the assets individually, so we can figure out some ways for you to improve them. Then you can make the transition to creating an environment like this.

    you say you are new to 3d now, how long have you been focusing on 3d?
  • makecg
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    haha greevar you must be high now..

    diablo rules and your shit rules too!
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Ryswick wrote: »
    Any reason shadows are disabled?

    Appears the shadows are there, but the falloff and and lighting could use some work.

    I think the ceiling comprised of "stone" appears really busy and noisy, making it difficult to make out what it is. The floor tiling also appears to be a bit blurry and soggy. Colours in the textures look to be a bit too rich, make sure you keep the textures a bit more subtle and rely more on the lighting to colour your scene.

    The details on the pillars are also interesting, but every pillar has them and once again, is introducing more noise to the scene, making it difficult to settle on its form.

    Its great you're thinking modular however, its a good practice especially for environments so you're on the right path, it's a matter of time and keep pushing those textures. Don't rely on sculpting too much. Good luck!
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
    ZacD - can you be more specific plz
    Mrturtlepaste - thanks for that, i'v been working with 3d for a year. Ill post the individual assets this weekend.
    Its still a wip, i hope to get more help by the forums!
    Dont be shy to cut it up!
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks Kaburan, ill work on taming the amount of noise and focus on clarity. I couldent find much on here for lighting tips in max.
    It was also hard to settle on a color scheme that dident seem to be verydark or bland.
  • jimmypopali
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    If you are rendering this in MAX, can you go to the lights and alter the shadow properties. It looks like there are various lights in the scene, but you are getting some very harsh solid black shadows, which are not good.
    I think these hard dark shadows are making the props look busy as the shadow affects the contrast to the spec very harshly.

    Also, we can kind of tell that there is the main light source (the torch on the wall) but if you look at the pillar that is closest to that torch, the light and shadow are on the wrong side. The shadow is FACING the light and the light on the pillar is where the shadow would be.

    It looks like some lighting and shadow options.

    I would completely get rid of all lights currently in the scene and start from the start. Get the main light source in first, then if you want to simulate some bounce light, add some small ones in and turn the shadows off.

    I hope this helps and I hope I made some sense.
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    It looks to me that you are using displacement maps instead of normal maps, you could use some dirt around the pillars to make them look like they are actually placed on the floor, they look to me like they are sorta gliding on top of them.

    Also where the roof meets the pillars they don't look like they match at all, try and get a shape that fits, overall the pillars are such a different look than the rest of your scene, from the color to the details, perhaps a little hue adjustment would help them fit in a little better.
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
    Jimmy - Im rendering in max, im usuing default scanline, i dident want to be too reliant on the renderer. im still playing with the hardware shading to get the best viewport renders ( i guess i wouldent need to if im just geting beauty shots) I'm playing with the shadows now, any settings i should be looking at in particular?

    DD - Im working on cleaning it up, I need to get an overall likeness to the scene instead of thinking "these are bricks, these are stones and dirt" more so how they would affect each other. Ill try to tie the pillars in better, i do agree that they look very out of place.

    I remember the first time I encountered the "butcher" ..would like to encorporate more hellish gore :D.
  • Turbosmooth Operator
    I'm not the best at paintovers, but here's a quick adjustment.

    Here's some changes I made:
    • Added drastic shadows and increased the contrast in the lighting.
    • Increased the saturation of the blue and green lights. Brightened them as well.
    • Added bounce shadows from the green light under the stairs.
    • Added AO to the entire scene.
    • Adjusted the color balance to a subdue the orange and make the green pop (you can just adjust the lights themselves).
    • Added a light "leak" from the cave entrance and the steps.

  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
    Wow, turbosmoother - that is exactly what im going for. Thank you! - will update tonight, much apretiation.
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Hey Otrick, don't take down your old stuff when you get something new, got nothing left to compare what you've done to it! :)

    Turbosmooth that is one hell of a paintover! Sheesh!
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
    Still pushing the lighting...
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    Too dark. Cant see the sexy detail. Also, fix ur antistropic filtering.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Your ground stones are way too uniform and flat. Some actual Geo popping up and down will help sell it a bit more. Also, as others have said, the shadows are still off. They are too soft for how strong the lighting is at the end of the hallway and make it appear that the pillars are floating/not grounded.

    Getting better though. The lighting / mood is getting there.
  • G3L
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    G3L polycounter lvl 9
    ^ agreed....add some detail to the floor with some polys and stuff. Maybe consider removing a tile off the floor here and there so that it's all not perfectly uniform.
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
    MOAR LIGHTS, lost a bit of the interest in the background, ill try to bring it back once i get these shadows right.
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
    Worked the shadows some more, i realise the intensity of the light on the floor compared to the wall on the back left is way off, ill fix that up asap. textures are next, any suggestions on the lighting?

  • Turbosmooth Operator
    Hey Otrick, looking much better. A few things:

    • Increase the intensity of the orange corner light, desaturate it a bit.
    • Decrease the distance of the orange light to make it more of a light in the corner rather than a light for the entire room.
    • Try to mimic some radiosity bounce lights (check the paintover) to help give the scene more contrast.
    • Brighten the ambient lighting a bit. Too dark. Try to push it as a blueish/purplish color.
    • Try to push the green light from the steps a little more -- not the light at the bottom of the steps but the one that casts onto the main floor. Increase the intensity but have a low cast distance. Try to lessen the green light on the bricks too.
    Some of the dull lighting seems to come from the lack of specular maps. Once the stones gets some proper spec maps it'll really pop, especially in that back left corner.

  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
    Lots to work on..
  • Turbosmooth Operator
    Looking MUCH better. Love it so far.
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks Turbosmoother, your help has been great! still toching up from your last comment.
  • BrendtheCow
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    BrendtheCow polycounter lvl 8
    Great looking progress on this so far! Keep up the good work, sir ^_^ I'll definitely be following this thread.
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
    Update on first page, working on breaking up the linear feeling to the scene, adding some more assets. Please Crit!
  • uncle
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    Maybe it's just me but the light still seems to be saturated too much... Also the floor variation is good idea, but maybe it is too chaotic now.

    Just my humble opinion, I believe it will be awesome piece soon :)
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