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  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    so they're doing to their Ipad customer base the same thing that they do to the iphone customer base.. make them upgrade every few months .. hahahaha

    Nothing noteworthy at all

    still waiting for blackberry playbook


  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    The only reason I might consider buying an ipad. But then other Win based pads will be able to run emulators...right?

    EDIT: hang on. I wont need an emulator. Just a no CD patch for the bitmap games i've got.

    Bitmap Brothers library on iOS

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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    i love my ipad... my tech-averse girlfreind loves it once we got the airexpress system up and running...

    its our music system... expensive but it just works very well.

    not going to upgrade though wait for the next...maybe when it gets a retina style display
  • BadgerBaiter
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    Not entirely sure of the benefits of having a tablet in the first place. Would much rather use my laptop - its not like the ipad is small enough to fit in my pocket, so I would still need some kind of bag to carry it around it, so I may as well just carry my laptop around instead. Also, carrying a heavier laptop around is no issue at all... I am not a complete weakling :p
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    BadgerBaiter: The benefits of having a tablet clicked in my head the moment I brought my ipad with me to the crappers.
  • Tom Ellis
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    Entity wrote: »
    BadgerBaiter: The benefits of having a tablet clicked in my head the moment I brought my ipad with me to the crappers.

    Lol. Exactly!

    Which one looks more 'at ease';


  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    I'm not super impressed with any of the tablets out there now. I need stylus input with good pressure sensitivity. I don't need a media player. I don't need a GPS device. I don't need a camera. I have all of those things already. What I don't have is an affordable electronic sketchpad/notepad. Microsoft had that Courier idea and scrapped it. Noteslate looks promising, but simple and hardly useful as anything other than a notepad.

    Where is the tablet computing solution for today's designers who rely so heavily on technology and live in a highly mobile, fast paced world? Why is this not a priority for hardware developers? Graphic designers, web designers, interface designers, game designers, fashion designers, etc. This is a huge potential market with an obvious need: tools for today's and tomorrow's jobs. A design TOOL that runs on a STANDARD OS, that you can install STANDARD applications on, that is marketed to professionals doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar.

    The current wave of "new" tablets are gimmicky, stop-gap fuckery.
    SHEPEIRO wrote: »
    retina style display

    If Apple can produce a piece of hardware with an actual retinal display as opposed to a "retina" display, I'll be all over that. IMO, the first company to do this successfully, wins the future. No more monitors, no more "pads", no more old, obsolete data interfacing methods. Just you and your data.
  • Tom Ellis
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    8FtSpider wrote: »

    Where is the tablet computing solution for today's designers who rely so heavily on technology and live in a highly mobile, fast paced world? Why is this not a priority for hardware developers? Graphic designers, web designers, interface designers, game designers, fashion designers, etc. This is a huge potential market with an obvious need: tools for today's and tomorrow's jobs. A design TOOL that runs on a STANDARD OS, that you can install STANDARD applications on, that is marketed to professionals doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar.

    Completely agree. I love my iPad but definitely with you on this. Yes, there's a few tablets due out with stylus, and a Windows based OS, but if we're honest, they're probably gonna suck.

    I'd love something specifically marketed at the creative, be it artists, designers or whatever.

    Problem is, I know you say the market is 'huge', but it's really not big at all, tiny in fact when you compare it with the target market that all the other tablets have which is... everybody.

    Ok so there's still lot's of 'everybodys' who don't want/need a tablet, but making a tablet which just has basic appeal to the general public will always be a safer investment than something with a specific target market.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    8FtSpider wrote: »

    Why is this not a priority for hardware developers? Graphic designers, web designers, interface designers, game designers, fashion designers, etc. This is a huge potential market with an obvious need: tools for today's and tomorrow's jobs.

    No, it's not a huge market. It's a niche market, it's a tiny market compared to the masses.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    it's telling that the tablet market, which has been around for 10 years now, didn't blow up until apple removed the stylus.
  • Tom Ellis
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    it's telling that the tablet market, which has been around for 10 years now, didn't blow up until apple removed the stylus.

    Good point, I've never thought about it that way.

    I suppose they kinda did it with phones too. There were plenty of stylus input touchscreen devices around on WinMo for a long while beforehand, which were obviously appealing to the executive crowd who need a stylus to, erm, write notes and look important and stuff, and the general population barely took interest, but then the iPhone comes out and suddenly every phone out there has a non-stylus touchscreen.
  • BadgerBaiter
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    @ Entity, Creation... well... kind of see your point in this case... however I never take a computer there... always preferred books. Of the paper variety, not the pdf/ebook variety.
    Also gives me something to use incase I run out of loo roll ;)
  • Tom Ellis
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    @ Entity, Creation... well... kind of see your point in this case... however I never take a computer there... always preferred books. Of the paper variety, not the pdf/ebook variety.
    Also gives me something to use incase I run out of loo roll ;)

    Haha, yeah can't say I've risked it either. Also, with iPad 2 and it's rear facing camera which is switched on at the touch of a button, FaceTime chat could go horribly wrong.

    Or horribly right depending who you're talking to.
  • BadgerBaiter
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    LMAO. Fantastic.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    No, it's not a huge market. It's a niche market, it's a tiny market compared to the masses.

    Everything is a tiny market compared to the masses. But thank you, I stand corrected.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    I am just waiting patiently for someone to create a Bluetooth stylus accessory which has pressured sensitivity built in. Or create an iPod dock accessory. Either way it is possible, just no one is doing it :(
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