Hey there, guys. Here's a little something I've been messing around with last week.)
It's Clouds' bike from Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children. Crazy shapes - fun to do. I don't think I'm going to lowpoly and texture that thing, 'cause it's mostly procedural materials and, well, I don't think that the lowpoly piece of it will benefit my portfolio much and is worth the effort. What do you guys think?
So, yeah, instead of texturing this I made some quick renders and overhauled them a bit in photoshop:
Fullsize Please

And here the clean stuff for you to check out the modeling:

Thank you for your time, guys and gals, I hope you like what you see.
Have a good one
I like your render setup just fine but the hexagon overlays are distracting and make the images look flat, I would just leave them out altogether, at first I thought they were on the floor but then i realized they would be severely distorted if that was the case, just looks odd.
Hahaha same here!
I also edited the first post not to be so whiny. I apologize for that too.
I've grown to treat this piece more as a highpoly study and I hope it turned out nice for that.
I'm glad that some you like it. Thank you
And now i finally get to sleep. Good night to you good sirs)
Its funny the way everyone knows all the Norse names but associates them with Halo and Final Fantasy. (not commenting on you d1ver)
And, yeah, final fantasy is my number one source for cool mythological words=) one hell of an educational game that is ^_^
i hope they might be useful