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big drain thingy environment -UDK

polycounter lvl 7
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SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
Since starting my job, I haven't had much time to do personal stuff. But I finally got some free time this weekend and started this. We'll see where it ends up going. Hope everyone had a good weekend! :) C&C's welcome!




  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    The thing I notice with your work is this grainy, almost low quality resolution look to your textures. Not sure what that is but thought it was worth mentioning.

    Perhaps add some green vegetation to the brick wall along the bottom. Maybe use vertex paint to vary it. What's the story with this scene anyway? Did something or someone break out of the sewer? I see a torch, was that left there by a mob of angry people who were trying to kill said beast? If it's damaged like that, wouldn't there be some metal bits on the floor?

    Finally, the green leaves look too bright for that level of lighting.

    Overall it's not bad. Keep pushing it and think hard what this scene is depecting.
  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    I should say that environment settigns are pretty good here: the light mist, the lighting.

    1) First of all fo me it is hard to say what time period this enviro belongs to. The torch and "castle" bricks sugegst medieval. However, the overall idea of huge round sewer tunenl entrance situation reminds somethign that we see in modern urban enviro (HL2 comes first to my mind). After all as far i know castles woudl not have that huge sever.
    I would suggest that u clarify the time period here. Maybe give more "time hints". Also textures or overall shapes could be adjusted to fit particular time period better.

    2)The overall shape is quite close to the box and cylinder. U could make the walls more interestin: arches, extruded supports, more trims ect. Just try to make the whole space mroe interesting ;)

    3) I agree with Habboi regarding grainy textures. Stone walls are too noisy and textures r hard to read because of that.

    4) water is really hard to notice. Maybe make it less transparent, add cubemap (or real) reflection to it plus some floating mud - it would make it stand out and add to the "severy" feeling ;)

    5) The vegetaions is indeed a good decision in this case. Yout branches look cool to me, but maybe they r a bit too solid as for the vegetation growing on the wall. There is a thick branch growing from some sort of hole in the wall. It feels more like a tree behind the wall and one of its branches sticks out. Maybe u could go with more thin and ivy looking vegetation. The stronger branches still could be used, but they could be hanging from above.
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