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Question: Student Aid for Abroad/Non-Accredited Schooling

polycounter lvl 15
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Rai polycounter lvl 15
This may be a bit of a stretch as a goal, but I've been incredibly interested in getting into the traditional art school, Florence Academy of Art for figurative sculpture.

"The Florence Academy of Art is a United States non-profit 501 c (3) educational entity, and admits students of any race, age, color and national or ethnic origin."

Unfortunately I'm set back because I'm really not sure if I can get any type of student aid/loans due to the fact that it's not only abroad but also not accredited.

Would any type of student aid be possible?
I'm going to give them a call on Monday to see what my options are, however.
Was already shot down by FAFSA for Gnomon School, but I think that may have been for the best, so I could try and study more traditionally.

.. I think it's kind of crap that a for-profit school gets student aid and accreditation just because it turns a profit to large corporations and gives a useless degree.
Sorry if this may pinch some sort of nerve. :x


  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Rai wrote: »
    This may be a bit of a stretch as a goal, but I've been incredibly interested in getting into the traditional art school, Florence Academy of Art for figurative sculpture.

    "The Florence Academy of Art is a United States non-profit 501 c (3) educational entity, and admits students of any race, age, color and national or ethnic origin."

    Unfortunately I'm set back because I'm really not sure if I can get any type of student aid/loans due to the fact that it's not only abroad but also not accredited.

    Would any type of student aid be possible?
    I'm going to give them a call on Monday to see what my options are, however.
    Was already shot down by FAFSA for Gnomon School, but I think that may have been for the best, so I could try and study more traditionally.

    .. I think it's kind of crap that a for-profit school gets student aid and accreditation just because it turns a profit to large corporations and gives a useless degree.
    Sorry if this may pinch some sort of nerve. :x

    Mmm sweet. Fwiw, there is a Altier program up here in Seattle. I think your SOL without having the funds already or really understanding family. At least with state side it would be easy to get a side job while studying to pay for the semesters.


    (Not Sculpture but you do get the option I believe to take one or two sculpture classes by classical sculptors).
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    Ah crap, forgot my location said I still lived in Washington, I recently moved to Florida.

    This is just unfair, I either go to a school that's accredited which will only really teach me small portions of a wide variety of artistic trades, or if I want to go to a school specified to a very small variety of trades that teach you an amazing amount of detail within each one of them.. I have to pay out of pocket, or compete for prize money?

    Unfortunately I don't really have a family, or rather the few that I do are very poor..

    I'm baffled, to be honest.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Contact the school, part of a schools job is to help students get the aid they need.
    The Florence Academy of Art is committed to helping talented students in financial need. Scholarship funding and work study opportunities are made available to second and third year students in order to help them complete the full three year program.
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    ZacD wrote: »
    Contact the school, part of a schools job is to help students get the aid they need.

    I'll do that first thing tomorrow morning. :)
  • c.r.drake
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    Rai, you might want to consider attending a stateside Atelier. I attend Academy of Classical Design located in NC. Jeffrey Mims is very talented and has a gift when it comes to teaching. The school offers a scholarship to new students, which would be helpful in your case. The websight is academyofclassicaldesign.com. If you are hesitant to commit right away to full time, there is a summer program that you could try to see if the school is what you are looking for.

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