This may be a bit of a stretch as a goal, but I've been incredibly interested in getting into the traditional art school, Florence Academy of Art for figurative sculpture.
"The Florence Academy of Art is a United States non-profit 501 c (3) educational entity, and admits students of any race, age, color and national or ethnic origin."
Unfortunately I'm set back because I'm really not sure if I can get any type of student aid/loans due to the fact that it's not only abroad but also not accredited.
Would any type of student aid be possible?
I'm going to give them a call on Monday to see what my options are, however.
Was already shot down by FAFSA for Gnomon School, but I think that may have been for the best, so I could try and study more traditionally.
.. I think it's kind of crap that a for-profit school gets student aid and accreditation just because it turns a profit to large corporations and gives a useless degree.
Sorry if this may pinch some sort of nerve. :x
Mmm sweet. Fwiw, there is a Altier program up here in Seattle. I think your SOL without having the funds already or really understanding family. At least with state side it would be easy to get a side job while studying to pay for the semesters.
(Not Sculpture but you do get the option I believe to take one or two sculpture classes by classical sculptors).
This is just unfair, I either go to a school that's accredited which will only really teach me small portions of a wide variety of artistic trades, or if I want to go to a school specified to a very small variety of trades that teach you an amazing amount of detail within each one of them.. I have to pay out of pocket, or compete for prize money?
Unfortunately I don't really have a family, or rather the few that I do are very poor..
I'm baffled, to be honest.
I'll do that first thing tomorrow morning.