Here it is completed. Took approximately week and a half.
-1760 tris; Going to lower this since I forgot the eyes were still the default mesh I'd made earlier which isn't optimized.
-1024x1024 for the Body textures, 512 for the Head, 512 for the hair, and 256 for the eyes.
-All pics taken in the max viewport. Had some oppacity map issues.
-Forgot to change the color of his eye brows when I took the pics

-The upper eyelashes aren't visible since I was planning on having them be double sided.
-Not too sure about the jacket in the back. I redid the high-res on the back but haven't baked it. Wondering if I can get some feedback? How should the folds in the back go?

Pic on left has the right eyebrows. [Edit] I went in and fixed some of the geometric distortions of the hair.

Body texture sheet.
Face texture sheet.
Going to begin working on the female racer next, will probably post it on this same thread.
I really appreciate the coments and the help!
[generic "go speed racer" comment]
I know the cheek area (for the blue loop) doesn't flow continuously. Should I redo the cheek so that both those loops flow? Didn't think it would be needed.
I don't want the ears as large as the ref. Made them a bit larger but once the hair is in I'll resize them as needed. If they are larger they might clip the helmet. The helmet replaces the hair.
Thanks so much for the help!
Nothing fancy.
Nothing fancy right now. I haven't decided what text to use or what colors to use on the uniform.
Doing a completely new texturing workflow I learned here. Used to be I'd export out from textporter, use that as my guide in photoshop and then paint everything from scratch there. Now I'm using the normal map green channel to help me with the details, particularly the folds.
I can't figure out how to do a nomex effect. In some spots it looks ok (like around the sleeves) but in others not so good (like the buttocks).
If you guys have suggestions I'd really appreciate them.
Should be easy to find refrence on cloth folds on google.
You are racing too much speed!
(talking from a gamers prospective, my words are worthless).
I think more importantly tho just grabbing some more race suit reference (google) could give you some ideas of where to throw folds in, depending on how detailed you wanted to go.
Really like how you did the style tho dude, turned out better than i thought it would ^^ And i think it works pretty well on the final with the textures so yeah
race car drivers