Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Tyler Walters - 3d artist

polycounter lvl 13
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TDub polycounter lvl 13


  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    you can't call it a tileable asset, if it doesn't tile.
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Why aren't you letting us see wires or texture sheets? Your high poly work seems decent enough but employers will want to see wires etc to make sure your technical knowledge is good.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    PogoP wrote: »
    Why aren't you letting us see wires or texture sheets? Your high poly work seems decent enough but employers will want to see wires etc to make sure your technical knowledge is good.

    Yeah I agree, it's a weird request.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Opening on one small thumbnail of a badly cropped, untextured shotgun is not the best first impression in my opinion. If you have any control over the layout of the portfolio I would suggest putting a few different thumbnails on the home page so people can see your best stuff. If that portfolio won't allow you to do it maybe you should consider making your own, or finding another style of pre-made portfolio template that will. Worst case scenario that you actually keep the layout you have, at least make the first image something more refined and textured like the building. Having just one section is giving the impression that you have very little work, and possibly very little experience. In my opinion adding a few more options to the first page like I mentioned would remedy this a bit.

    Overall the stuff is pretty good. It is a little lacking in content and subject. Maybe you can branch off and try something else from a different genre? Honestly I would suggest doing at least 1 completely finished environment. There are plenty of resources out there and you seem to have at least some understanding of the UDK which is always a win. The fact that you don't want to show your wireframes or texture sheets is a terrible negative. Immediately that gives me the slight feeling that either you are too lazy to do a proper breakdown, or you stole the stuff from somewhere and don't have access to them. I'm not suggesting this is at all true, but the fact that this could even slightly spark that kind of concern is a terrible disadvantage. I know this is not true, but you might want to reconsider at least showing a few examples. You can only become a stronger artist from it. No one is going to rip you apart for topology if that is what you are afraid of.

    Hope this helps some.
  • Tea Monster
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    Tea Monster polycounter lvl 15
    TDub wrote: »
    Please do not ask for wires, or texture sheets on that stuff.
    A prospective employer will DEMAND that stuff, so I'd get it ready if I were you and wanted a job.

    You need to re-design your web site. At the moment, it opens on a huge sheet of black with one shot of a shotgun. My initial thought was "Is that it?" You need to do a bit of searching around on other's portfolio sites and see what what kind of stuff is going and re-jig yours accordingly.

    The work looks pretty good though, you need to show it off properly.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    You should check out deviantart's porfolio site. I tried carbonmade to, and choose deportfolio.com instead. Not the best, but it works - then i'm gonna have a friend make a new one soon..

    As far as your work goes it pretty good. I would take those pieces that's just baked away until they are textured.. And i have to ask, why won't you post any breakdowns? Don't know if getting a job is something that interests you, but without breakdowns that will be kinda hard..

    I like your ground texture in UDK, mind posting highpoly and textures? Oh.. Yeah, that's right.. I shouldn't even ask ;)
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    almighty_gir- it does tile, i added an outline around it.

    As for getting a job. This is not a specific portfolio thread. I'm not on a job hunt at the moment. I knew you guys would tear me apart for saying that.

    I understand the concern from what Progg said. I am not afraid to show it, and its not stolen.. just don't want to go back to old stuff that is complete.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    TDub wrote: »
    almighty_gir- it does tile, i added an outline around it.

    As for getting a job. This is not a specific portfolio thread. I'm not on a job hunt at the moment. I knew you guys would tear me apart for saying that.

    I understand the concern from what Progg said. I am not afraid to show it, and its not stolen.. just don't want to go back to old stuff that is complete.

    I shall prove myself to you guys, that i know my shit. I'll start something cool today :)

    I don't think anyone doubts you can do 3D. You posted a link to your website and we are really just critiquing the site layout and content. Usually when people here post threads with their website and name they are looking for portfolio critiques, including website layout. It's all about presentation as well as the art. If you aren't looking for a job and don't really mind how your site reads then you could create an art thread here for yourself or a few WIP threads focusing on the 3d and the processes involved instead of the site. All artists are visual people. Composition is a huge problem that I see with a lot of work. Even if your art is amazing, showcasing it badly can make it look amateur.

    For the most part everyone is just trying to let you know that when you are looking for a job, you are going to be expected to meet some certain criteria, minimum, in order to not be completely blown off. Be expected to show textures, wireframes, reference, or anything else an employer asks for. Presentation of yourself and the work is still a HUGE factor in an industry that is getting really competitive. Better to learn that now while you are younger than find out the hard way. :)

    Just my two cents.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15

    Modular building, weaponry, assorted props.

    You currently have a single icon, I thought you only had 1 piece.
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks Progg. I know that site is far from professional, especially with the free Carbonmade limitations. Just a fast way to show some stuff. I will be posting art threads in here soon enough. I was planning on using this one, but i feel people will continue to mistake it for a portfolio thread now. Wouldn't expect any warmer of a welcome to this site haha.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Don't worry about the harsh crits man. Take things in and think about the overlying message and brush your shoulders off. There are so many insanely talented people on these boards and we tend to be a bit harsh around these parts.

    Always remember as game artists we are production artists and at the end of the day we need to make things that please the masses. While that isn't always easy try not to get too attached to your work. When you can seperate yourself like that then you will really start to grow. :)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    ok, well if you're going to "advertise" an asset as tileable, then i'd advise showing the full asset.
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Jesse- Thanks man. I'm always braced for bad crits.

    Gir- I understand. Once I show more texture work like that, i'll be sure to have better presentations.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    TDub wrote: »
    Thanks Progg. I know that site is far from professional, especially with the free Carbonmade limitations. Just a fast way to show some stuff. I will be posting art threads in here soon enough. I was planning on using this one, but i feel people will continue to mistake it for a portfolio thread now. Wouldn't expect any warmer of a welcome to this site haha.

    I understand completely. I can't speak for everyone in the thread, but none of my stuff was intended to belittle or have a negative connotation. Polycount is unlike any other forum out there in that at least the critiques are honest and not meant to be personal. I would honestly rather hear the truth then have someone beat around the bush and tell me everything is fantastic. From personal experience, I posted my stuff for the first time a little over a year and a half ago and the first iteration of my flash site was horrible, overly complex, hard to navigate, and painful to look at. I was told it was fine while I was in school, but for this industry it wasn't. I took those honest critiques and changed it. If it wasn't for Polycount I wouldn't have a job.

    As Jesse said, definitely never get too attached to your work. Especially if you plan to work in the industry. Just about everyone here has sculpted and baked down something they thought was awesome, only to have it cut from a game completely. Your art is not bad. I think everyone is just considering the overall picture of the portfolio rather than general comments about the work.

    Good luck, man. Keep posting and keep taking those critiques and growing as an artist.
  • 55joe
    cool guns/props! the building is v nice too.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Even though it maybe doesn't feel like it, you are always teaching/inspiring someone by posting breakdowns and stuff. And now i'm not talking about getting a job or anything, just for the board.. That's what polcount is all about, among allot (fucking awesome) of stuff :)

    And! Dude, read my post again ;) Youo should check out deportfolio :) And i would actually really like to see some break downs of that udk ground texture, meant it :)

    Looking forward for some more art ;)
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    55joe- Thanks!

    sltrOlsson- Ill be sure to check that out. I can show you the maps for that texture and I'll go over the process that i took :) but there will be much more in the future for everyone to see.

    Let me figure out the image linking real fast...
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Great! :D Looking forward.. and oh, it's just [IM G] [/IMG] clamps. Without the obvious space :)
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13

    So this is a very fast explanation.
  • Pix
    Really nice technique and time saving :)
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    Here is a little thing.

    Edit: Where can I upload larger images? Flickr and Photobucket suck..

    Edit: Nvm, found it.. :\

  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    30 minute concept and model.

  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Nice, that'd take me a lot longer.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Nice and simple method for the ground texture. Are the stones just noised or actual sculpts? Thx for showing of :)
  • fabio brasilien
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    fabio brasilien polycounter lvl 11
    TDub: You said "almighty_gir- it does tile, i added an outline around it"

    Doesn´t look tile for me (cannot being used as tile at least):

    This last UDK stuff looks great! Your portfolio would looks better if had stuff like that
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