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Randomly assign mesh colours in Max 2011

Hey all,

I have what appears to be a basic, but somewhat annoying issue with Max 2011.

I just built a new PC and downloaded Max Design 2011 through the AD student program (I'm an Architecture student, and had used up my activations of the 'non-Design' version).

I usually use the 'Assign random colours to new objects' thing when I'm working, granted I usually assign my own colours afterwards, but for quick blockouts, it's kinda useful to just leave it on random.

However, regardless of whether I have the random checkbox checked, Max always assigns a single colour to new meshes, and the colour only changes on resetting Max.

For example, I'll open Max, create a few cubes, they'll all be blue... click 'assign random colours' and create more... all blue still.

Reset Max, create a load of meshes... now all pink.

Etc etc.

Is this a screwed config file somewhere or have I missed a setting? Usually on a fresh install I don't have this problem.

Any ideas on how to fix it?



  • Tom Ellis
    Offline / Send Message
    Yay for Googling after posting questions... sorry.

    For those having the same problem;

    It's a Max Design thing, it sets new object creation (therefore object colouring too) by layer rather than by object.

    The prefs has an option to assign by object and not by layer.
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