Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Jason Chan Inspired work

ok i need some feedback on this thing cause i'm just not gaining much ground on it and i don't feel it's quite there yet. i've been doing props for a couple years now so i'm a little rusty on characters.

first here are some of the concepts i was working off of from jason chan. i am just doing a 3d model of his work for practice so i want to make sure he gets credited here for his work.



and here's his whole site

now here is what i have sculpted in zbrush so far. the face i'm not happy with and feet... well feet are really hard to sculpt in zbrush but i'm trying my best! anyways i'm trying to go for a balance between real and stylized but still stay true to the character.



ok so paintovers are awesome and critiques are fantastic so please tear it apart guys!


  • haikai
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    haikai polycounter lvl 8
    Even on a stylized face you'll want to be sensitive to the planes of the face. The shape of the face you have is too generalized and round. It might be a good idea to step down to lower subdivisions and adjust things until you're happy with how the light plays across the face before adding more detail.

    Jason Chan has a particular way he likes to paint female faces so you might be able to refer to some of his other work too to get an idea how his faces are formed from other angles.

    It's a good start. The face is going to be the most important part so take a few more passes at it to make sure you're not settling for less than it needs.
  • Urthrese
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    thanks for the critiques, it really helps a lot.

    i had to take a break from it for awhile but i'm back on it now.

    the face is still not done but i'm trying my best to get it closer. i still want to take a few more passes at it. until then i decided to hurry myself up a bit and block in the other areas too.

    so still very much a WIP but here is my progress.


  • Cordell Felix
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    Cordell Felix polycounter lvl 9
    some lucky skeleton hands!
    Her boobs look really fake, They seem unnaturally perky.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Boobs look fine for push-up I'd say. The waist looks way too thin, super-long legs as well :) Try to iron out the proportions right now. Use the concept and try to determine how long each body part actually is before you head into too much detail. Keep going man!
  • Urthrese
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    i'll make her a little thicker then. i've been going back and forth from realistic proportions to more exaggerated so i guess i went a little too far.

    i was looking a lot at this one a lot lately.


    i'll try and make the boobs look held up a bit more too. i was going for push up but i can see that they still need some tweaks.

    thanks guys!
  • Urthrese
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    just updating, working on it still and trying to get some more details in there. figured i'd just post some progress.


  • Quasar
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    Quasar polycounter lvl 19
    Before you go and detail the clothing, I'd say take another look at her proportions. I made a little .gif that will hopefully help you out. I drew an outline around the concept pic you're using as reference so you can see the proportions better.


  • Urthrese
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    sweet! thanks for the paintover! i'm going to make those changes tonight then. that helps a lot i appreciate it.
  • Urthrese
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    thanks again for that paint over, helped a ton. oddly enough my friend did a paint over for me as well and did almost exactly the same things, only a couple differences. so it needed to change.


    alright but that's a WIP. i think body proportions are good now. I'm just detailing stuff now.
  • Urthrese
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    meh, here's what i've got so far again. i'm detailing now so if anyone sees a major change that should be done let me know.
  • Urthrese
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    been working kind of slow lately, i crash a lot and can't get more sub divisions. not enough ram :/ i ordered some new parts to upgrade my computer so hopefully i'll be able to get the detail i need soon.
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    I wish my clothes gropped me....good stuff man. smex is strong with this one.
    Urthrese wrote: »
    been working kind of slow lately, i crash a lot and can't get more sub divisions. not enough ram :/ i ordered some new parts to upgrade my computer so hopefully i'll be able to get the detail i need soon.

    I feel you bro, if you need a shoulder to cry on I will be there for you. :poly124:
  • Urthrese
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    still A LOT, to do but i figured i'd at least post an update to show i'm still working. any major crits would help out now. i may go back to the high poly to get some other details but for now i need to keep moving with the color. still very flat at the moment and mostly just blocked out. ugh and that hair is terrible. i'll fix it by the next post.

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