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Factory Scene

I am working on building some assets right now to eventually throw together in UDK. I am not sure who did the concept art but I really dig the whole scene. This is pretty much the first scene that I have attempted to construct. A lot of the perimeter elements can be modeled as modular pieces but as far as the center structure it is pretty unique. Just want to get some feed back on how the textures are working out so far, because I definitely want to stick with a consistent color scheme and work flow as far as the textures go. I know the red lights on the vents look a little out of place, I hope to eventually have them giving off some light so they wont look so weird. The asset with two vents has 926 polys. The other has 666, both have DIF NRM and SPC maps. Oh and these are renders right out of max no additional lighting. Let me know what you think, thanks.


  • copyright
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    copyright polycounter lvl 7
    I like the rust!
  • knak47
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    Thanks, do you think the brown paint is convincing as selling it as metal?
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    That concept looks like something from that mod that turned into a real game...or is going to be once it comes out...The name has slipped my mind at the moment. Ah yeah, Natural Selection.
  • knak47
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    Don't know just thought the concept piece was pretty sick. Working on it for a portfolio piece.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    My reason for saying that was because a bunch of Polycount members discussed the topic of whether you need to ask for permission when using another persons work for portfolio references.

    It's like if I took a drawing you did and made it into 3D without telling you and that work got me a job in the industry and not you. In a way I created that piece but used your work as the basis. Therefore I'd ask your permission and show you progress so as not to harm your reputation.

    Just be careful. If the creator of that art sees your work on your portfolio and doesn't want people recreating it then be warned he may ask you to take it down and that'd be a waste wouldn't it?
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    TinEye says it's from NS2, as Habboi guessed.

    http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/news/2007/04/were_going_to_need_bigger_guns_1 (at the bottom)

    IIRC the NS2 guys are cool with people scenes in 3D from their concepts, so long as it's portfolio stuff. Wouldn't hurt to get in touch just in case.
  • knak47
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    Yeah, well thanks guys, wherever I found it there was no name behind it, but thanks for letting me know where it came from. I'll definitely get in contact with Cory Strader and let him know Im inspired by his work and generating some assets. So that aside, any input on how the assets look so far.
  • knak47
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    here are some updates of the Factory scene I have been working on. Its based on concept art by Cory Strader. I am working on a forklift to put in the corner. A few other things I am planning on throwing in are a metal roll up warehouse door, and random nick nacks like fire extinguishers, power boxes and some modular cable clusters running along the walls. I am also planning on adding some floor vents with the steam. Please let me know what you think.

    Corys concept art
    A few shots within UDK






  • snow
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    snow polycounter lvl 8
    cool stuff! it's missing something though, I think it's the fact there's very little specularity so the scene is looking very matte.
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    Try to make the lights affect the scene more. Like in the concept. You have this dark room, but the lights don't seem to be working much.
  • Sagetim
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    I'm new here and just came accross this thred. I too have been working on this same project. I have not started textering anything yet. I'm taking my time working on this one. I'm trying to finnish another project first. By the way nice job so far.

    This is what I got so far.

    Not trying to take your thunder, you have some nice stuff going on keep it up.:poly121:
  • knak47
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    Thanks guys, Hey Sagetim I haven't checked this in a while, Thats really cool that someone else out there thought that Cory's concept was as cool as I did. Looks good man I am curious to see where you are with it now.

    I am pretty much finished with how far I want to take it. Let me know what you all think I could tweak or improve on, and if you like the scene.

    Here are a couple screen shots and a short video run through. Thanks guys!








  • knak47
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    No critiques or comments?
  • RexM
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    You can push this a lot more.

    The biggest thing bringing this down is the scale in relation to the concept. Always pick a part in a concept that you can use as a point of reference to make sure the scale for everything is the correct size.

    In terms of lighting and texturing, those need a lot of work too. Your metal doesn't look like metal. Too noisy, too many random texturing details that don't make sense. You gotta think about how something naturally wears. Also, too many tileable textures.

    Here is a higher resolution of the concept art:

  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 14
    Just to echo what RexM said lighting and scale do need work.

    You are putting together a decent scene and have the right idea. But the textures and models aren't quite there yet. Take a look at some work from around polycount, like this model from halo reach Scratches run along the corners , and the exposed metal beneath is highlighted in the specular. Although there are alot of scratches they are relativity small and central areas are left mostly clean.

    Also alot of you models look like they have their normals completely smoothed, as though your models only have one smoothing group. I find this can make some models look [size=-2]("blobby")[/size] less defined, corners that should be sharp or well defined become rounded off and it can result in models not being lit right.

    Check out this vid by roosterMap URL="http://vimeo.com/11100774"]link[/URL, its from a series of vids, but in this one he has some advice that helped me understand how metal,rust and paint react in different areas.

    Keep on truckin', you have the basis for a great scene if you keep at it.
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Along with what the others have said, I think you should try put a good amount of time into trying to push the lighting more.

    There isn't much contrast in your lighting right now, its a little flat. The concept shows a lot of white light coming from the machine, and orange/red from the ceiling.

    http://www.3dmotive.com/product-udk-lightmaps - This is a great short tutorial by 3dmotvie showing how to make lightmaps for your assets. This will help out with shadows in your scene.

    Its coming along nicely, just need to keep trying to push it. :D
  • knak47
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    Thanks Guys, OK so...

    RexM I will definitely go back to the textures and take out the extra wear and grime on areas that don’t need it, Yeah I agree now that you say it they are pretty busy. But what do you mean to many tillable textures? Are you talking about the floor and the walls, because I am not sure what I could do to the walls but I can throw down a few more dirt decals on the floor to break it up a bit more I might also add another one of those recessed floor pits with the X brace that you see in my first shot. I will also increase the size of all the stuff in the middle of the scene it does need to be larger.

    The Lighting: By contrast do you mean that I should lower the overall lighting and increase the high bay lights that are hanging so areas that aren’t by them are darker and those lights are a bit brighter.
    Do you guys think I should keep the blue in there or change it to a different color? And are the light shafts flickering OK, or should they go?

    Brandoom: All my models allready have a second UV Layout for the lightmaps. I also see that the sky is orang/red but do you really see that bleeding into the scene much?

    iansmithartist: What assets are you talking about look blobby?
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 14
    Sorry "blobby" wasn't really the best word to use. In the circled area there is a strange shadow, the green metal gets dark as it nears the corner. Either breaking it up into more smoothing groups, or if you are using the smooth modifier, reducing the threshold can help.

  • RexM
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    knak47 wrote: »

    Brandoom: All my models allready have a second UV Layout for the lightmaps. I also see that the sky is orang/red but do you really see that bleeding into the scene much?

    Yes, the sun light is also that orange/red color, you can see it throughout the concept.
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