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[Portfolio] – prolow/Paul Lohman, TA (that's technical artist)

polycounter lvl 11
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prolow polycounter lvl 11
yeah guys, I'v been scrambling to wip my portfolio/blog into better shape. My original intention was for it to be a temporary solution to a real folio site but have yet to break free from the convenience of blog. I have sudden need for a real folio site and want to know if what I have passes muster, needs crits on format and content. THanks!

folio ->HERE


  • Arcanox
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    I'm not a huge fan of this format. I think a lot of the content you have is some really good stuff, but it's not categorized very well, and I'm not entirely sure what I want to be looking at.

    It's more or less, scroll down for 3 weeks and try to to pick out your best work. The page rendering on firefox is deadly slow, like IGN.com slow. I'd start piecing together a site that splits your technical work like melscript and custom shading techniques into one area, and your zbrush and texture stuff into another area. Right now it's mixed together, and although tags are nice... it would be ideal if you could trim the fat, show your best work, and do it efficiently.
  • prolow
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    prolow polycounter lvl 11
    thanks Arcanox
    did some rearranging, better? or still shat

    also going to spend a few days adding content to the rigging:animation and material:textures pages, since i feel like i have good content that could go there but have never organized it all
  • ShootandRun
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    Really like your high and low poly works! Awesome job! Is there anyway you can make thumbnail versions of them, so the view can see all of the cool work u have done at a quick glance? When they are interested they could click on them to see more (or the full version of the image). Not sure if blogspot allows such function though.
  • prolow
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    prolow polycounter lvl 11
    @ ShootandRun - I had thumbnails instead of the full images and they rarely got clicked on, I agree thats what i would want, but I think there's a parallel between the thumb or full image usage and a study i once heard about where they had people listen to music at different volumes, and across the board people thought the same music when it was played loader was of better quality.
  • Arcanox
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    prolow wrote: »
    thanks Arcanox
    did some rearranging, better? or still shat

    also going to spend a few days adding content to the rigging:animation and material:textures pages, since i feel like i have good content that could go there but have never organized it all

    It's much better than it was previously. If I was to make another suggestion:

    Replace the face image you have with 4 different banners that link directly to each category. So for example, your mel script stuff, make a 600x180 banner image with a couple screencaps of your utilities blended together, and overlay some nice text over that.
  • Michael Knubben
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    Agreed with Arcanox, the four banners would be much nicer. Also, that face is really not your best work. I would even put it near the bottom on your 3d art page, and put the silo (minus that obvious normal-error in the closeup) at the top, as well as the frog. That old man's head is really light on mid-frequency detail, it almost seems like the features were scratched into his face with a needle or something.
    Then your characters, they're really stocky, even the female! And not in a particularly believable or pleasantly exaggerated way, I should add. See if you can't fiddle with their proportions while looking at some ref, as just a little bit of work could bring these a long way!
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Something on your site makes my scrolling lag. I think Arco is experiencing the same thing.

    "The page rendering on firefox is deadly slow, like IGN.com slow."
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