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Low Poly and Handpainted Textures - Crit Please!

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JackyBoy polycounter lvl 10
I wanted to add some low poly work to my portfolio. So I get some concept from Torchlight (yeah, I know, sorry) and got a crackin!


here are all the assets and I'm trying to put them all on 1 texture.

So far I have only managed a bit of the wood texture but wanted some crit on it.


What do you think?


  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Would be nice to see a screenshot with it applied to the model ;)

    From what i can see the wood looks quite good, i would like some stronger highlights, more depth.
  • JackyBoy
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    JackyBoy polycounter lvl 10
    Here it is on the model :D
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    generally benches are made with one board spanning the entire length, not staggered like a wooden floor.
  • JackyBoy
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    JackyBoy polycounter lvl 10
    ok then, no staggering. and accentuated highlights/lowlights a bit. Shall I try and put any knots in?
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    The tiling is way to obvious :-/
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    It doesn't seem like it's UVed properly on the sides. Like SpeCter said the seam in the middle is pretty nasty. The actual texture is looking solid so far though.
  • JackyBoy
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    JackyBoy polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah I was going to have a little play with the UVs once the texture was done to make them fit the texture.

    Also there is a massive blanket over the centre of the bench so you want see that seam, although I may just clean it up for perfectionism
  • JackyBoy
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    JackyBoy polycounter lvl 10
    Little update on what I have done so far. The cloth looks ok on the model, but I might try to do one with smaller folds?
  • JackyBoy
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    JackyBoy polycounter lvl 10
    Update time. Got everything on the 512 which I am quite happy about. Floor and wall isn't mine. I want to put this on my portfolio but not quite sure how to display it properly either. Also The transparency (as an alpha in the tga) doesn't seem to work in the maya viewport...
  • RAWTalent
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    Digging the style although the table cloth is a little odd IMO the way the red part sort of melts into the white. Looking good otherwise :)
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    you should try to add some more texture to the cloth... that will really bring it up and make it look less flat. I think since you are doing a lot of handpaint, you can feel free to add a little more color to your palette. I think that will add to your shapes a lot. Apart from that your off to a good start so far. Keep up the good work!
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Props are looking pretty good, but as a portoflio piece I think it needs alot.

    *make a floor and wall tex of your own, no need to include someone elses in a port piece imo.

    * You need lighting BAD. lights and shadows would add so much. Also looks like you could bake ao for the props and that'll add alot.
    Would also be better to not have the candle yellow baked into the tex imo, use a yellow light, or vert coloring instead. (that way the candle can be used on the large table too).

    *The scene itself just isn't interesting. Looks like one giant hallway with a bunch of stuff pilled along the wall. Add another wall so you get a corner, maybe a hint of a doorway to make it feel larger.
    Arrange things like they are being used. Nobody would add that many lamps along a wall, maybe 2 at most.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I would rework the cloth. The folds aren't rendered convincingly.

    Make a floor and wall texture of your own too. The texel density doesn't match up with your props.

    The candles need flames too.

    Like Baddcog siad the scene composition is off. Look at some concept art, and find a good angle. Try reading through this for some tips. http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=3275
  • JackyBoy
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    JackyBoy polycounter lvl 10
    Hey, thanks for the comments guys. Tbh I just wanted one screenshot to show all assets, I placed them in any old fashion really... But thanks for the link jeffro that will really help :) and will make some flames too.

    But yes, the cloth is shit. I couldn't really find any good source to work from, apart from just copying the original torchlight textures. Any help on that would be really appreciated.

    And for the composition of a final shot, should I do it in maya or UDK or learn Unity to get the most of it?
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Maya or UDK. I haven't done much of this style stuff in UDK yet. I think I might take a stab at that with my next piece. I stick to Maya and vert lighting for this style. Since your props are lower polycounts it might be smarter to just vert light it. Maybe do some more high res work in this style and take that to UDK. I wouldn't worry about Unity unless you want to get it in a pseudo-game. Marmoset might be a better option for just props.
  • RAWTalent
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    JackyBoy wrote: »
    I couldn't really find any good source to work from, apart from just copying the original torchlight textures.

    Sure, go here http://www.cgtextures.com/
    then on the left hand column go wrinkles should be of some help
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    I've been using Unity lately and I gotta say it can't get much easier to show your props off.

    All you do is drop your fbx in a folder, drop your psd in same folder, drag into scene, place lights, hit Play. Literally 30 seconds and you're in game.
    (I imagine UDK has special format?)

    One issue, Unity Indie (free) doesn't have shadow casting (but does have lightmap baking), but the Pro 30 day trial does.

    There's also a script on this site if you search for a turnaround script, so you can make a web player turntable of your scene which is very cool, and as easy as pressing the build button.
  • JackyBoy
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    JackyBoy polycounter lvl 10
    Well here is my cloth update. Haven't tried arranging a scene yet. Pretty happy with how it turned out though, thanks to RAWTalent's cgtextures tip:)



    Do you reckon I should put the white stripes on?
  • imperator_dk
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    imperator_dk polycounter lvl 10
    I think you overdid the wrinkles, less is more. By far prefer your first attempt at the cloth texture.
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