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First Project for my level design class [WIP]

I know it still needs some tweaking, but would like to hear some feedback on what else you guys would like to see in this project I am working on. Most the static meshes were made by a classmate who i am partnered up with. I have not done much in Maya and it will be in my next semester for sure. As I take that class i plan to improve upon what is already started on. Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Water I must give credit to Hourence's tutorial for the help. It def got me started in the right direction. The second project in the class I made 100% on my own and i guess i should go back and do the same for this one.


not sure how to embed the youtube video here if someone wants to point me in the right direction then thanks!


Not happy with the material on the stairs and to be honest after 3d modeling I plan to scrap the stairs all together and make it look a lot more professionally done. Any suggestions to go well with the map?


Lots of room to add things here at the bottom ring in the future. Thing that I am most excited about with the map is how much i have to improve upon it in the future and so much room to just add on more to the map.







  • Leggacy
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    edited to fix an error
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    You have very big spaces with nothing around. What exactly is your assignment? There is a bunch of things that we could critique here, but I rather know specifically what was asked of you to give you some advice that could prove helpful.

    Right of the bat...I don't think you have any continuity... all of your settings seem to be different rooms that are not connected. Your big spaces make your static meshes look small and shallow. Your environment doesn't tell a story or make you want to explore it and find out what it is that is doing. Over all... does it need to be that big? you might want to scope your level down to less nodes so that you can really focus on making your level look polished and not empty.

    This might sound a little harsh, but those are the things that I thought about when I saw your work. AND! I know for a fact (cuz i did that while i was going to college) That when you do your first couple of projects for school, you want to make something big and epic... so you go for grandeur and big levels.... but from experience I can tell you that focusing on just a couple of rooms of your whole level would turn out better. So keep posting your work, and I hope this comment helps you out.
  • Leggacy
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    thanks for the feedback it was definately what i was hoping for. As for what was expected from my instructor is showing the basics of what he had taught up to that point. I just really liked the feel of the level. The meshes on the top i will eventually replace as another guy was decorating that part and just seems odd when you see it. I totally agree with needing more decoration especially i was thinking on the walls at the bottom center room. Eventually around the bottom ring i would like to add some rooms maybe like docks or living corridors and the same around the middle i dont know you are right about how huge it is and wanting to make something epic maybe it is because of how many MMOs I have played in the past.
  • Leggacy
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    prob be during winter semester that i revisit putting new assets in as thats when i will be taking 3d modeling. I taught myself some with Maya and am nervous about taking this class as they are teaching softimage. What is others feelings of Maya vs Softimage?
  • IchII3D
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    IchII3D polycounter lvl 12
    I would recommend getting some architectural reference for many of the structures your making, it will really help you ground your scene with more detail. Currently the rooms very much seem like empty spaces with object placed in them, rather than a room that has function and use. I believe this will give you a lot more interesting ideas when it comes to composition and shape also.

    EDIT: Always reference ideas, simple rule when trying to achieve something authentic in feel.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    They have their pros and cons... i find the range of maya, softimage and max to be good software. If you know one, its easy to pick the hang of either.

    Ichll3d is right.. i forgot to mention.. always use reference. How a room is put together will make your work look real or not. Carving holes into a big cylinder is not believable... maybe you should carve your level and use static meshes from unreal... i am sure that you can find uses to all their repertoire of meshes to make something look good, without you worrying about modelling if you are not that experienced.
  • allanlima213
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    The idea of the world is great in my opion, the map is a bit random in some places. This has alot of potential. Just need some good meshes from Maya or Softimage to make it unique and most of all make it look real.
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