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Green Lantern trailer


  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I wanted to be impressed. But the trailer left something to be desired.

    Its like it couldn't make up its mind if it was serious or a comedy. Some of the character acting was horrible (not him especially but some of the coworkers). At the end when he is showing the costume to his friend. Beyond the obvious CG below his neck. They made his waste TOO thin. The only way someone would look that skinny is with all the fat and skin cutaway.
  • skankerzero
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    the cg still has until just before next summer to polish up. I'm sure it will all look fine.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    I'm afraid the super hero movies are being milked dry. This trailer was really disappointing :\
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Haters gonna hate! I dug it. :)
    I was never a Green Lantern fan (always was a spidey kid). Maybe that's why I got saw this and said "yeah sure, looks fun."
    Are those of you that dislike the trailer disappointed because you're heavily invested Green Lantern fans, or are you looking at it as you would any other movie?
    I enjoy Ryan Reynolds' humor and delivery, and I'll be watching this movie, regardless of the reviews. That being said, I'll most likely wait until video release, unless I hear that the CG is a "must see" on the big screen.

    I say keep the super hero movies coming! ...but leave Spidey alone now :(
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I think it looks like it'll be bad. Not awful, just bad. As good as the first Hulk at best. As good as X-Men 3.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, that looks like it'll be right up there with Batman and Robin.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    is Sinestro not the Bad guy?
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    The ending where he shows his friend the suit came so far out of left field that I couldn't help but laugh.

    As for the rest? Eh, whatever. Another super hero movie.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    I could do without the silly jokes. But other than that, doesn't look too bad.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Why am I the only one laughing? Did you miss the pink Power Rangers villain? Hilariously amateurish compositing? Crummy animation? The lousy writing?

    Not even a little chuckle?
  • skankerzero
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    low odor wrote: »
    is Sinestro not the Bad guy?

    Sinestro wasn't a 'bad guy' at first. He was the greatest Lantern until Hal came around.
  • Mark Dygert
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    If you can't do better than Iron Man then maybe it shouldn't be done? I'm a pretty big Green Lantern fan but I've been hiding my fandom under a rock ever since this was green lit, mostly because the market has reached peak saturation and I'm just waiting for the backlash.

    It might be good, it looks like rental at worst. It will probably be better than Hulk or at least I hope so. I'll try to keep my mind open until it disappoints.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    mostly because the market has reached peak saturation and I'm just waiting for the backlash.

    ^^THIS... I don't plan on sitting through the Fantastic Four reboot, The Hulk reboot, or the Spiderman reboot, Xmen reboot, etc.. etc..
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    That was pretty underwhelming.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    The attempt at comedy is very bland :/
    I think it will be 'ok', but so far, I am not excited for this.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Sinestro wasn't a 'bad guy' at first. He was the greatest Lantern until Hal came around.

    Hmmm..yeah....just seems like Hammond is a bad choice..but whatever
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    To be fair, I don't think that they could possibly do worse with the Fantastic Four reboot than they did with the original. The two Fantastic Four movies they made were...just awful. The Hulk movie they made with Edward Norton was better than Ang Lee's effort, but still not exceptional.

    I'm not sure about Green Lantern yet. I think that the female supporting lead in that trailer was terrible. (her acting) I'm worried they might be going a little too strong with the comedy on this one. I have no problem with Hal Jordan being a bit of a wise-ass. He's a fighter pilot, you expect that sort of attitude from someone confident enough to fly a jet. But what the hell is up with his sidekick/friend? Green Lantern doesn't need a "buddy" to share his secret with. He's part of an intergalactic peace keeping force, and has tons of other Green Lanterns that he can kick around with. There isn't nearly as much pressure for him to reveal his identity to some schlub on earth.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Can't be worse than Daredevil! Although, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a movie, super hero or not, that's worse than Daredevil.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    Geezus wrote: »
    Can't be worse than Daredevil! Although, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a movie, super hero or not, that's worse than Daredevil.

    Brett Ratner?
  • topher
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    Geezus wrote: »
    Can't be worse than Daredevil! Although, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a movie, super hero or not, that's worse than Daredevil.
    Have you seen Elektra?
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    In all fairness, I thought Ironman looked about this bad from the trailer before I saw it.

    Let's give Martin Campbell some credit. He's directed some pretty good movies in the past (like Casino Royale, Golden Eye, and the Zorro movies).
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Suprised at the negativity I am seeing... I was impressed by the trailer. Probably wouldn't have gone to see it in the cinema, probably will now.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    i thought it looked kinda cool. Too much flying through space, and green dudes hovering, but it doesnt look terrible. From the trailer i kind of see a Fantastic Four vibe to the movie (which isnt good lol), but it should still be kinda cool.

    Everyone is so jaded, the irony! :P
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Yea this looks pretty bad; still will go see it but not expecting anything good.
    Geezus wrote: »
    Can't be worse than Daredevil! Although, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a movie, super hero or not, that's worse than Daredevil.

  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah...I'm usually a Ryan Reynolds fan but he is entirely miscast in this movie.
    The effects /art direction look pretty good, and Martin Campbell has made some good flicks, but...this trailer is pretty disappointing if it reflects the tone and acting quality of the final movie.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    I had no idea this was being directed by martin campbell. my interest just spiked a bit, loved his bond films.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't say they were any good just too soon, don't need a new movie reboot every few years. Give it some time for everyone to forget the travesty so we can look at new stuff with fresh eyes. :D
    To be fair, I don't think that they could possibly do worse with the Fantastic Four reboot than they did with the original. The two Fantastic Four movies they made were...just awful. The Hulk movie they made with Edward Norton was better than Ang Lee's effort, but still not exceptional.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    In all fairness, I thought Ironman looked about this bad from the trailer before I saw it.

    Let's give Martin Campbell some credit. He's directed some pretty good movies in the past (like Casino Royale, Golden Eye, and the Zorro movies).

    Oh that's cool, I didn't realize that.

    Actually, Casino Royale is my favorite Bond movie of all time. Maybe that explains why the last Bond (Quantum of Solace) sucked. Wasn't there going to be a 3rd Bond with Daniel Craig too?
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    I didn't think the trailer was that bad. It doesn't look great but I got the same feeling as JacqueChoi did about Iron Man, and that turned out pretty badass..

    I'm hoping the same for GL because they've got some awesome material to pull from.

    BigJohn: MGM is waiting to be bought out before they start production on the third bond with Craig... same thing that happened with the Hobbit.
  • Sean VanGorder
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    I just like me some Ryan Reynolds.

    No homo.

    okay...maybe a little homo.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 18
    liked it, and i demand a guy gardner cameo
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't say they were any good just too soon, don't need a new movie reboot every few years. Give it some time for everyone to forget the travesty so we can look at new stuff with fresh eyes. :D

    Yes. This. Absolutely. No argument at all from me on this point. You are CORRECT sir!
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    In all fairness, I thought Ironman looked about this bad from the trailer before I saw it.

    I was the same way. I was totally unimpressed with the first trailer for Iron Man and then the movie blew me away. The only scene that didn't really sit well with me was the scene where he was showing off his costume, but I won't condemn the whole thing just on that. Cool seeing Oa, and the glimpse at Kilowog.

    Movie does seem a bit like it's trying to mirror Iron Man though. We'll see.
  • 00Zero
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    ugh. looks like the most generic superhero movie ever.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Wouldn't they all be "generic" superhero movies as of late? I mean, all they showed in the trailer was him being a reckless badass, finding his powers, having fun with said powers, minor self doubt, fighting baddies. Sounds like the first Iron Man or Spiderman trailers to me.

    Something tells me that people might end up being surprised, for the better, with this movie. Feel free to quote me if it flops horribly, however. :)
  • dansher
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    dansher polycounter lvl 8
    it doesnt look to bad, but then again i liked daredevil which most people seem to think was crap so maybe im not the best judge lol
  • ivars
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    ivars polycounter lvl 15
    Is it just me, or have they actually given him an eight(!)-pack?
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    Um...hate to be a comic nerd - but isn't Hal Jordan/Green Lantern meant to be 'the man with no fear' ahem..
    I mean, he's meant to be a ball busting, no-apologies, top-gun pilot who goes in there and cock-punches some aliens with a giant green fist - except now he's all like, who am I?, can I do it? woe me boo ho...

    jesus, buy a box of tissues princess and harden the f**k up!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Batman and Robin is actually pretty awesome if you want that sort of goofy batman experience.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I could probably give you that one, but the Fantastic Four have an inherent lameness to begin with. Making Batman suck seems like a far worse crime.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    This looks.... bad. But I'll end up watching it anyway..
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    When did Deadpool join DC?

    Whatever happened to Alan? and wonder if he is going to form the justice league in the end of the movie, what will happen after that?
    Um...hate to be a comic nerd - but isn't Hal Jordan/Green Lantern meant to be 'the man with no fear' ahem..
    I mean, he's meant to be a ball busting, no-apologies, top-gun pilot who goes in there and cock-punches some aliens with a giant green fist - except now he's all like, who am I?, can I do it? woe me boo ho...

    jesus, buy a box of tissues princess and harden the f**k up!

    This is only the trailer, I think their trying to sell Ryan rather than Hal.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    I have two gripes. One minor. One major.

    Minor: Even the mask is CG?! WHY?

    Major: Ryan Reynolds can't be taken seriously.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    The movements feel odd all around - floaty/mocapesque, even on the main guy ...
    For every zeebrush monster head, I cannot help but think that a real rubber mask would look a whole lot better. Cantina scene, I miss you...
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Some really cool zbrush work in the trailer but everything feels so CG and fake. defiantly agree with pior
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    After the new trailer, I have a bit more faith in this movie. Based on the first trailer, I was going to wait for video. I may actually see it in the theaters now. It depends on what people say on the first few days.
  • nick2730
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    The mask is horrible, alot of the CG work is very poor as well but i think the mask is the most noticeable, followed by the body
  • Ennolangus
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    topher wrote: »
    Have you seen Elektra?

    ^ this!!
    man, elektra was just awful.

    I'm hopeful. the cg still looks like it needs work, at least with iron man they blended cg well that it looked real. They still have awhile to polish it up, so i'm hopeful.

    I know it's a money grabbing market atm, but why do the reboots? just because The Dark Knight was so successful, doesn't mean all the reboot's will be.

    Less comedy though; it's understandable for Ryan to be 'funny' for deadpool, but not really green lantern.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 13
    I guess the reason there are a lot of reboots now is because studios were unaware of the possibility before and this is a way for them to "repair their mistakes". I get a bit of a 'star wars prequel' vibe from the cg characters in the trailer but I don't think it looks bad. Sinestro looks cool though. ;)
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