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Seeking a 3D Art Mentor

Hi! I'm a bit new here - long time artist, new to 3D. I'm intrigued by the overall helpfulness of the folks here at Polycount.

I've read how art used to be passed on from master to apprentice (insert Star Wars reference here) and I'm wondering if there is a professional artist available out there that is willing to mentor me in the ways of 3D Studio Max, zBrush (or Mudbox), Texture painting with Photoshop, Crazybump, etc... with the idea that I'd like to work towards becoming a modeler in the game industry.

I realize there are some fantastic tutorials out there - but sometimes one needs to be pointed in the right direction - sometimes I feel there's a bit too much information out there.

I can promise that I'm respectful, and willing to work my butt off.




  • Barnstable
    I wouldn't qualify, but I just wanted to say that this is a great idea. Mentoring seems to be a lost service nowadays, and I could imagine the help derived from having a mentor to be invaluable.

    Although I can imagine how hard it might be for a potential mentor to commit to anything else with the kind of hours many 3D professionals work.
  • Xenobond
    Offline / Send Message
    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Do you have Skype? Someone (maybe me, dunno) could set up a livestream, and you can give/get faster feedback on what is going on.

    PM me if you're interested in a couple sessions. I can help you with the 3ds Max and how I do them Photoshops.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Xeno will only lead you to the dark side. >:]
  • Rwolf
    Offline / Send Message
    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    probably just using you for your juicy brain stem.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Geezus wrote: »
    Xeno will only lead you to the dark side. >:]

    Thanks... jerk. -,-
    Update your location in your profile. Don't be so lazy next time. ¬_¬
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    I would just need someone to yell at me and tell me when to get off of my ass and practice. :<

    Or WHAT to practice.

    I think we need a big-brother session. :x
  • Undren
    Xenobond wrote: »
    Do you have Skype? Someone (maybe me, dunno) could set up a livestream, and you can give/get faster feedback on what is going on.

    PM me if you're interested in a couple sessions. I can help you with the 3ds Max and how I do them Photoshops.

    Thank you! I will grab Skype and send you a PM.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    definitely do it on livestream.com or something so we can all learn :)
  • Geezus
    Offline / Send Message
    Geezus mod
    Xenobond wrote: »
    Thanks... jerk. -,-
    Update your location in your profile. Don't be so lazy next time. ¬_¬

    You love it. :D
    Doh! Right you are! ><
    Fixed and fixed.


    Echoing what slum said. Also, Justin_Meisse has been doing some Livestream feeds recently. You would find value in that as well. Justin! Hop in here and tell us when your next stream is! :)
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Not to steal any attention away from the OP but I'm also looking for somebody who's currently a working Character Artist to look up to. I've got about a year left of school and a mentor in the position that I'm going for would be really amazing. My AIM is ceebee3d and my email is akaikami@gmail.com if anybody is available. I won't annoy you with dumb questions, mostly just ask for advice and critiques of my latest works.
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    I realize that you are asking for someone to teach you for free, but wanted to say that I will be teaching a course for TAD ( www.theartdepartment.org ) coming up in January. They have some great online courses, that are not to expensive compared to other colleges that I have gone to or taught at. We should do a polycount online get together once a month though, just to share ideas and techniques amongst the professionals here. Good luck, as there is a lot of great talent here to gleam from.

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