I haven't seen anything posts or topics about either of these 2 "motion control systems" just wanted to see what other polycounters thought of them.
I played with the move at a best buy, definitely "felt" better than a wii-mote, but didn't really have a chance to see how much better it worked in game.
I'm not really excited for Kinect, just seems like a webcam with some depth detection.
The table tennis works well, you can actually put a spin on the ball and things that wii doesn't do very well. The frisbee golf is equally impressive.
The gladiatorial combat, however, being closest to what we might see in a "real" game, still feels wonky and would probably be more fun with an old fashioned controller. However, given some time, I think some AAA developers could make some good stuff if they gave it a shot.
that's where the excitement stopped.
still too much lag for what I'm interested in.. beh.
cool stuff though, for sure. can't wait to see iterations on the Kinect.
I am not sold on it. For basic navigation of menus it's awful. Imagine a wii mote with input lag (especially on the dashboard, not just the games I was testing). Actual body tracking it does a pretty good job of. It responds much faster than when you are moving the cursor. It is capable of tracking your entire skeleton, there's still an expected margin of jankyness though. It also seems like the games only track a few points on your body at a time, not the whole skeleton, so it's very easy to trick it and cheat a lot of the time; similar to sitting on your couch shaking the wiimote. You have to stand square to Kinect to read properly, which really kills immersion on anything where you want to stand sideways or change body position.
The space we used in testing was huge, and it seems like it will definitely require a lot of space to operate.
It does pretty well what it advertises, but I didn't find it fun or interesting and I don't think I will ever buy one.
also cant see kinect being great for gaming beyond the dance game or one where you just wave your arms around like a fool. without an actual controler and having that physical feedback just dosnt appeal to me. Also live in an apartment and dont have 6 feet infront of my TV so no kinect anyway.
Move is just and HD version of wii with better tracking. I like Sony's way about the Move better then Kinect where the Move can be use in addition to traditional games like the way KZ3 will use it instead of you HAVE to use this controller to play this game.
Both kinda underwhelming. Though the Kinect has the best future potential as everything the wii has done is esentally what the Move will do. I will prob pick up both after some good games start hitting and hopefully a price drop, so like 1.5 to 2 years.
I didn't notice too much of an input lag, and I can definitely see the potential, if it picks up. The price is a bit on the steep side, but not too far I think.
If it was the price of a regular controller, I'd consider it, but mainly for my kids. I really don't find this form of gaming appealing at all.
Thats how I feel about kinect.
it's been getting good reviews too, lots of 8.5s and 7s.. I can recommend trying it out!
but im slightly biased as i worked on it for a few months, so don't listen to me.. or do.. or don't :poly129:
I think I'd rather go with move if i get one of them, but again; I'll probably go with whatever one ends up with more games that interest me.
I must say, it's more fun than I initially thought it was going to be. I actually feel less stupid playing Kinect than I did waggling a Wiimote. The waggling always felt superfluous.
If I was a kid, I'd love a Kinect.
and i can say it has potential to satisfy the hardcore gamer
the precision level is damn impressive
especially if you try gladiator.
I see what you did there
For some reason I hope that Kinect flops terribly.
Am I a cold hearted bastard for believing that kids should stay away from all this happy-go-lucky motion control bullshit? I mean, make them play Contra or Battletoads. Make them face bosses that transform themselves into 5 different forms and when you die while you're fighting them, you have to repeat it from the start. Make the poor sods suffer as much pain and frustration as I did when I was their age. Otherwise they will grow up to be no good gaming wimps who can't whip their way trough Dracula's Castle for shit.
Drop puppies, butterflies and all that sugar-coated crap. Make us crawl on the floor and perform triple somersaults while moving so fast that our eye sockets get filled with insects. Then I will accept motion control as something more than a gimmick.
Yeah exactly only without the use of a crappy controller and nunchuck device that will fly out of your hands and into whatever is in it's path.
While the launch games aren't the most impressive list I can say that the wii really doesn't have a TON of great games. A couple really good ones but nothing I would really consider great or amazing.
Also still these games are in HD where the wii is still using the same cables my NES used...
mmm kinetic radiation, it's a good thing.
1. The motion controls are now based around the neck joint as the primary tracking point allowing users to sit down as well.
2. There are/will be games that you use the controller with kinect as well.
3. I really hope some fps developers use some head tracking tech for single screen playing with kinect.
I bought a move and its meh, might get those time crysis (rail shooters) and KZ3. However my what im most excited is that Grand Turismo 5 (a game im really looking forward to) will be using the camera for Head Tracking. I will have to see how well that works because there isnt any footage showing it off but i heard you can lean and look closer at the displays in the car, look right left move your head forward and to the side. If that works it will justify the price of the Move for me right there.
I definitely think it'll be a great family/casual oriented control scheme, and I'll be curious to see if any core games really utilize it in an effective manner.
Cut, slice your hand.
Bridge, pinch your fingers.
Someone get on that, so autodesk can get rid of this:
It could even be used like a signing to text for the deaf.
I saw the kinect in action twice the other day, I was impressed and found myself smiling watching people play. I reckon it's better than the Move, which is just a wiimote really. Now I'm waiting for some good games to come out for it! (Which I'm sure they will)
Funny game released with the Move, that doesn't need the motion controller at all - yet can't be played without it. Had a bit of fun with this one as it brought back some classic memories of jetset radio and crazy taxi (yet turned out to be shallow at best):
Adventure games where I have to perform actual actions and hold items while I fit them together and shit? yes thanks. How about the kinect read my facial expressions to set the tone of dialogue?
Oh well, I guess neither of them can actually do any of that..
That'd be cool if I didn't want to play the game with a normal controller instead.
Watch the video.
You'd be quite surprised how far off the mark you are on that. Probably not a good idea to base gameplay concerns from an E3 video that was barely an announcement...
That's what I would buy kinect. Unfortunately, minimum distance and hand gesture recognition is a big no no.
Used as media center remote it's ok, but for something more precise, you're still better of with keyboard and mouse.