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Anyone know of an iOS Model Viewer?

Hey all.

I was wondering if anyone knows of any iOS model viewers, or whether there are any in development? I'm guessing not on the App Store, but possibly something for Jailbroken iOS?

I know one exists for the DS, although I haven't checked it out. The thing is, the more I play 3D games on iPhone or iPad, the more I think it would be awesome to have a little model viewer to play around with some low poly meshes on.

Another thing I thought about was potentially creating textures on iPad. There are a few pretty good pixel editors out on iOS, and the iPad is actually a pretty nice tool for messing with pixel art. Creating something around 64x64 or 128x128 would be pretty fun I think, and if you could then preview that on a mesh in some sort of model viewer it seems like it'd be awesome.

Unfortunately the only thing I know about C is that it's the third letter of the alphabet, otherwise I'd consider attempting something myself :D


  • Neox
    Offline / Send Message
    Neox godlike master sticky
    when someone has done it with unity for android (as beeing talked about in another thread just recently) this can easily be compiled for iphone as well, just has to be done ;)
  • Tom Ellis
    Well, I guess I should have Googled before creating this thread.


    Gonna check it out now.
  • Tom Ellis
    Well, not working with an OBJ from my Dropbox, crashes on loading. I tried a 14 triangle house shape with 64x64 textures, gonna try and stick one in the local directory see if it works.
  • Tom Ellis
    Ok got it working, you have to triangulate before exporting.

    Can't get a texture to load yet, although I think that's an export screw-up on my end.

    UPDATE: Still can't get textures to work and I'm well and truly confused.

    Am I right in thinking that the .mtl file contains the info as to where the texture file is stored? If so, how do you export an obj so the textures link remains intact.

    The demo obj in the app is textured but ive had a root around the directories in my iPad and can't find the obj anywhere to see how it's done.

    If anyone else has any luck with this I'd be keen to know how you got it working.
  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Confirmed working well on my iPhone 3G.
    I exported from Maya. Had to triangulate and flip the texture vertically. Pretty neat.
    Uploaded the .obj, .mtl and a .jpg to my site, loaded via http protocol.
  • Tom Ellis
    Waaaa? How Kodde? I request information!

    How many tri's was your model, and what's your process for exporting the material and the file structure you used to store it on your http.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Tried on two lowpoly objects, each 500 triangles.

    Firstly i combined any separated pieces. Triangulated. Deleted history. Applied new blank lambert with only the diffuse linked in color slot. Selected object and exported as .obj with maya bundled obj-exporter plugin. Made sure all options were "on", including Material.

    This generated 3 files, the .obj, the .mtl (material) and the texture file. After this I opened the .mtl file and made sure there was no wonky absolute path to the file texture. Then after a lot of testing I found out that you had to flip the texture vertically to get it correct, at least from a Maya export.

    Shouldn't be more to it.

    I placed all of these 3 files in the same folder on my FTP and it worked. I'll PM you a link and you can try.
  • Tom Ellis
    Thanks Kodde, much appreciated.

    Got the mesh you linked working fine, but can't get any of mine in.

    I get 'it was not possible to read the content of a file normally'... when I tried to import an OBJ.

    I've triangulated, and the mesh is like 200 tri's. I'm not quite sure what's going on, it imports in Max / Maya just fine.

    Also, what should the path in the mtl look like?

    Should it be a weblink, like 'http://sitenamere.DIFFUSE.jpg'

    or should it be just a local directory link if it's in the same directory on the web server like:

  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    newmtl lambert6SG
    illum 4
    Kd 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Ka 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Tf 1.00 1.00 1.00
    map_Kd colortextureUV128.jpg
    Ni 1.00
  • Tom Ellis
    Cheers Kodde,

    Well the problem appears to be with Max's OBJ export.

    I've spent about half an hour messing with Max export settings and couldn't get any OBJ's to load into the viewer. I tried a simple cube, up to 500 triangle characters and nothing would even open.

    Exported with pretty much default settings from Maya and it worked first time :D

    And it's pretty awesome!
  • Tom Ellis
    Here's a few examples.. unfortunately I don't have any low poly stuff which is actually any good... but it shows it works!

    The plant pot is to show how it handles transparency. That's a 128x128 png. The KemekoDX character has a 128x128 diffuse, and the crate is just a box with a 32x32 diffuse... which, as you can see, is blurry and crap.

    It doesn't appear to handle anything other than the diffuse slot. I tried spec and alpha but it doesn't do anything with them. Obviously normal maps aren't working either :D

    Apparently the viewer will handle up to 10,000 verts which is fairly impressive I guess. That plant pot mesh is pretty dense and I could move that around with no visible framerate drop.



  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    I tried with 10k. Works fine, longer loading times though :)

    Go go iPad! Too bad the app does not support a higher res, this is upscaled. Exactly 10k with a 512px color texture.

  • Tom Ellis
    Haha very nice.

    Yeah I tried on my iPad and was kinda disappointed it didn't go to a native res... wasn't really expecting it to though lol.

    Someone needs to really get on the case and build something with a nice interface, local storage and shader support. Can the iphone even render spec / proper alpha maps? I'm guessing not normals?
  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Did you try the Citadell demo from Epic Games?

    Try that out, should answer your question :P
    If your lazy, watch a youtube of the demo.

    EDIT: Could actually be that it's all baked? I'm quite sure you can push specular at least.
  • kodde
  • Tom Ellis
    kodde wrote: »
    Did you try the Citadell demo from Epic Games?

    Try that out, should answer your question :P
    If your lazy, watch a youtube of the demo.

    Ah yes of course! Can't believe I forgot about that.

    Does that use normal maps though? Looks like it does, but then it's got some heavy AO and some very nicely done lighting so it's hard to tell if it's normal mapped or just lit/textured very well.

    EDIT: Read up on the subject. From what I read, which may have been slightly old info, It seems the OpenGL on iPhone can utilize normal maps but not very well. The bits and pieces of info suggested performance would actually be better with a higher res mesh rather than a lower res mesh + normal mapping.

    EDIT 2: On reading that back, I'm thinking this was all written prior to 3GS / 4 / iPad, and referring to the older hardware.

    Also, it only supports OS Normals.

    EDIT 3: Ok so 3GS and above does support normal mapping with OpenGL 2.0

    I'll leave the rest of my post up for amusements sake.

    So now we need someone to develop an app that will allow use of all available map slots. Come on you Unity pro's make it happen!
  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Not to forget possibility to export or set up lights in that case. If your going to be using fancy maps.

    I'd pay quite hefty for a potent app like that.
  • Neox
    Offline / Send Message
    Neox godlike master sticky
    i tested unity on my galaxyS today and well, what can i say? it runs all the airborn assets i threw in just like a charm, i tested with a 10k skeletal mesh with 2 1k texturesheets and a big chunk of our env straight out of unreal, with something around 160k tris, runs soooo smooth i couldn't believe it

    will test what i can do shader and texturewise next
  • Tom Ellis
    Neox wrote: »
    i tested unity on my galaxyS today and well, what can i say? it runs all the airborn assets i threw in just like a charm, i tested with a 10k skeletal mesh with 2 1k texturesheets and a big chunk of our env straight out of unreal, with something around 160k tris, runs soooo smooth ich couldn't believe it

    will test what i can do shader and texturewise next

    Well then what the hell are you waiting for, where's the mobile port of Airborn? :D

    Jokes aside, that's very promising to hear. Would be good to hear how you get on with shaders, post some pics if you get a chance!
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