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WIP: Hybrid Space Chick

Hey guys! I'm making a hybrid space chick that's kinda inspired by the Queen of Blades. Think half morphed-ish. Hoping to put this in my portfolio please be as critical as possible. Work process was armature>zsketch>retopo>sculpt. First off, the concept, the topo and where the sculpt is so far. I know the hands look really freaking weird right now and the ears haven't really been touched but other than that fire away! Sculpt is at subd 2 for the screen caps. Tri cap will be 10k and I'm going to be using a 2048x2048 to texture her. Not sure if I wanna do that one wing right now. Also thinking I'm going to be making her actual boot much cooler.

Edit: Well despite months of this thread being inactive I've been tweaking and whatnot and decided to call her done. Took way too long. Crits and all that on either the model or presentation greatly appreciated! Yes, I know the marmoset renders are not really flattering. Should I just scrap them?






  • gsokol
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    Your proportions are funky.

    . Her head is too big, and too wide.
    . He width of the area between her legs is awkward. Pretty, slender girls typically have a gap between their legs here (instead of coming to an upside down V shape, but this looks a little too wide.
    . Her thighs are very flat and wide, almost how they would look if she was sitting in a chair and they were pressed against the seat.
    . You are missing the curvyness in her hips. She has a man-pelvis. A female pelvis is much wider..which is where the curves come from. That is a very important feature that distinguishes male from female.
    . Her lats (muscles on her back) are way too big. Once again, this is a feature that is more of a male attribute. They are also significantly bigger than any of the muscles on the rest of her body.
    . Breasts - look too strong, like pectorals...instead of having a bulging round shape (from the profile) they should do the opposite, gradually curving away from the body.
    . Hand - looks like an alien hand right now. A little too big. Her fingers seem spread out too far...not sure if you would do that on purpose for rigging maybe? But they look a little creepy.
    . Peen - The bump on her crotch bulges way too much, definitely looks like shes packing a surprise there.

    I would suggest studying some references of female anatomy more.
  • bhong
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    Thanks gsokol. I'll work on womaning her up more and fixing the areas you mentioned. Update will come later today.
  • bhong
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    Ok, here's another pass on the sculpt. I tried addressing everything that was mentioned so far.

    Also quick question. Is the collage thing I'm doing good for the critiquing process? Or should I just put 1 image per view.

  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 12
    I think you should work on your concept a little bit more.

    Your concept has asymmetry (which is totally fine) but there isn't any balance. You say you're trying to go for a "half-morphed" appearance. A "half-morph" doesn't necessarily mean you need to have all the morphed features on one side. You can switch it up a bit and still end up with a "half-morphed" character.
  • bhong
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    Thanks for the suggestion Shadow. When I thought her up I figured the morph would be the cause of an infestation that got a hold of her body and is slowly spreading from that point. If I make it so that multiple points were infected at once it would help make it not so 50/50 so I agree with you there. While I'm dong this for my portfolio it's official purpose is a class example for the teacher I'm interning under so I've gotta get this done quick. I'll be sure to look for areas where I can make other morph points though. I was thinking her left forearm and lessening the green on her right bicep would be good starts.
  • Klumpmeister
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    That's one big ass gap.

    But seriously, This is great sculpting! Nice facial features!
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    You should spend a lot more time on the lower subdivision making sure that the form/shape looks good. Advice: Always ask yourself if you've done everything you can on the subd you're on before moving on.
  • bhong
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    Ok here's today's update. I'm thinking about calling the anatomy done and starting on the armor parts unless someone points out some big issues. I'll probably touch it up a bit more before doing the green infestation stuff though so any other critiques would be greatly appreciated. And yeah I know there's a weird bump on the head, fixing that now.


  • Base
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    Base polygon
    Her head, and face especially, feel really odd. Given the character, you may have been going for that, but she feels really 'inhuman', if that makes sense. Her brow is very shallow, and the segment in the middle of her nose hangs down a ways. The width of her face feels really odd as well, sort of like her forehead and cheekbone regions are ballooned out. It might also help to sink the eyes in juuuuust a bit. Her jaw also feels really odd, both too large and too deep, without enough real definition going on.

    Her body looks pretty good I think. Her legs feel pretty masculine, but that may because of the muscle definition, which seems to be something about the character (as she has quite a bit of muscle definition overall). While that may be a design choice, just keep in mind that people might think of her as unfeminine-- not a bad thing if you were shooting for it, of course, but it's something to think about. I'm assuming you're going to put some sort of shoes/boots on her feet?

    Keep it up, this is looking good!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    you've done too many subdivisions too early, none of the characters proportions could be considdered even generally correct (given you're going for some kind of hybrid).

    the lower legs are too long, the upper arms are too short, the fingers are too long, the lower arms are too thin, the shoulders are too broad, the head is too wide etc etc...

    you need to literally go to the lowest subdevision, click "delhigher", and work ONLY on that subdivision until you've got the basic proportions right. then move up to the next and define whatever shapes are going to help the silouhette. pressing "p" to toggle perspective would help you too.

    essentially i guess, you're trying to run before you can crawl.
  • bhong
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    Trying to fix up those proportions. I'm doing it all at the first sub division but I'm uploading them at subd 3 for a better view of how the actual model is affected. Will hopefully get to modeling her gear if most of the issues are resolved. Does the neck look too long to anybody? Its throwing me off but I can't make it look right for some reason.



  • ajr2764
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    ajr2764 polycounter lvl 10
    Well I agree with what others said about the proportions needing to be re-worked. The neck does look slightly too long. The way her breasts are coming off of the collar bone isnt quite right, looks like theres too much of a dip. Bridge of the nose wayy to thin.
  • bhong
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    Working on those proportions more. I took an old maya model I had with what I was told were good proportions and put them up against each other. Lowered the pelvis, lowered the knees accordingly, filled out how the breast connects to the collar bone some, lowered the arch on the feet, shrank the hands, and shortened the neck.

    Keep the comments coming guys, its frustrating at times since I like the stylized proportions more but I appreciate your help in getting this right.

  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    Whaoh!! the first pic of this thread was HUGE.. lol it looks alot better from where you started off :P it can improve a bit more though ..her back and butt looks funny ;p
  • n88tr
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    she looks a lot better than where u started but she still has those lumps all over her and they def don't look like muscles and not really fat when i think about it. her clavicles are way defined, i don't know why they were given so much attention
  • bhong
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    Ah, sorry for some misunderstandings. I am in no way going for a stylized character. I just meant that most of the influences I've had have been stylized so I guess I'm more used to looking at weird proportions and just going "cool". I'll work on the body some more and post an update later today.

    Side note: Curse you photo bucket! I'll just have to start hosting the images from my own site. :/
  • bhong
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    Sorry for the long time in between updates. Needed a lil bit of a break to get a fresh look at this model. One of my friends was kind enough to do a paintover of some trouble spots I had so I've been working on.

    Shoulder blades are still a bit off and the back of the knee is too strong still in my opinion. C&C would be greatly appreciated. If anyone would like a zoomed in shot of an area let me know and I'll gladly up one.

    Note: Hosting these through my site now so the images shouldn't be disappearing any more.

  • UNCCheezy
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    UNCCheezy polycounter lvl 10
    Still think she needs work on her anatomy, though you have spent some time on her lady parts ;)

    I highlighted the parts that need the most part.

    Waist - too wide now, think it looked better previously. (Unless you want a badonka ass.) Also most girls don't have that much room between their legs.
    hands - seem kinda large, somethings off about them, I think they have more of a man quality to them than a soft womanly hand.
    feet - I know you want to work on the "best parts" but you haven't even done anything to the feet. Give us some toes and a correct arch!

    Keep going man, getting anatomy right is hard. You hear a bunch of "ITS WRONG, ITS WRONG!" Thats because they know it's doesn't matter how hard you work on the boobs or face, if the anatomy is wrong, people are going to know that shit within a second. (google "uncanny valley")

    Posting here is the right thing to do. Your friends aren't going to be able to give you great feedback cause they don't wanna hurt your feelings. Neither do we, we just don't know you as well and we're not afraid to tell you the truth. You coming along though, really. I'm going to give you a link that may be your best friend. Take some time and read the general human, and the pretty girls. The other ones are useful also, but these 2 are treasures!


    Also google "female model sheets" in google! Add in an image plane and slap it on there, get an idea for general shapes!

    Keep it up dude!
  • bhong
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    Thanks for the link Cheezy! I'll give all of those a read today.

    I'll probably shrink the hips a lil bit and try to get this legs closer together. I might have to straighten them out like I normally model females.

    For the feet I'm going to be covering one with a boot and turning the other one into talons like the concept so I wasn't planning on doing toes. I'll get that arch right though.
  • bhong
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    Hey here's an update. The hands are giving me issues the way they are so I'm just going to sculpt the glove to be correct. Uploading shots of it as well as a comparison to the body.

    Threw the boot in screen caps as well.

    [img]http://www.lastlinecreations.com/WIP/9-17-10 - GloveSculpt.PNG[/img]
    [img]http://www.lastlinecreations.com/WIP/9-17-10 - BodySculpt.PNG[/img]
  • bhong
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    Working on the boot a bit. If anyone could give me some hardsurface tips that'd be great. I'm working with masks to get the nice hard edges but its looking way too sloppy for my taste.

    [img]http://www.lastlinecreations.com/WIP/9-18-10 - BootSculpt.png[/img]
  • gsokol
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    I know ZB4 is supposed to have some hard modeling tools (which I have not tried,) but if it were me I would not be doing hard surface work in zbrush at all.

    You have made some good progress on the anatomy, I still there is a lot to improve upon here.
  • bhong
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    Woo long time no update. Working on the demon claw she's supposed to have. I'll have an update for some of the other parts soon hopefully. I know the end of the claws have a weird shape when you look at them underneath. Will try and fix that.

  • bhong
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    Update! Doing some clothing works. Did a lil alpha work on the carapace parts. I want them to be generally smooth with some depressions like a beetle carapace I found online.

    [img]http://www.lastlinecreations.com/WIP/9-28-10 - Sculpt Update1.PNG[/img]
    [img]http://www.lastlinecreations.com/WIP/9-28-10 - Sculpt Update2.PNG[/img]
  • bhong
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    Got the normal and AO all baked out. Going to start textuing this now, need to have it done in a week. >_>


    [img]http://www.lastlinecreations.com/WIP/10-11-10 - GameResThreeQuarters_NormalsAndAO.png[/img]
  • bhong
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    Doing some test renders in marmoset. Sorry for lack of updates, life decided to kick me in the ass.

    I'm getting the weird banding(?) and was wondering if there was a way to fix this? Also any tips and making my hair look better would be awesome. I'm playing with the alpha threshold and have it around .39 right now.

    Crits on texture also greatly appreciated. Planning on posing her soon.
    [img]http://www.lastlinecreations.com/WIP/10-24-10 - Marmoset test1.PNG[/img]
    [img]http://www.lastlinecreations.com/WIP/10-24-10 - Marmoset test2.PNG[/img]
    [img]http://www.lastlinecreations.com/WIP/10-24-10 - Marmoset test3.PNG[/img]
    [img]http://www.lastlinecreations.com/WIP/10-24-10 - Marmoset test4.PNG[/img]
    [img]http://www.lastlinecreations.com/WIP/10-24-10 - Marmoset test5.PNG[/img]
  • bhong
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    Posted final images on the first post, critiques appreciated.
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