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(wip) - destroyed city environment

hi everyone

Have been on working on this piece quite for a while.

right now modelling, uving and basic lighting are done,
and I've gotta texture (diffuse + spec, no normals)
and probably re-light it a bit.

Shots are post-processed here and there, I plan to render it out and replace one of the scenes in my reel;

there's an ugly seam on the sky texture here, I'll get it fixed later

AO shot:

whole scene is around 70k tris (does anyone care about the numbers? )

and the robot model is ~ 7,200:



  • Rurouni Strife
    Offline / Send Message
    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    I really like what you have here. It reminds me of Ghost in A Shell's visual designs a little, especially the robot.

    If you want a critique, I feel that the current post process settings could robbing your scene of some detail. Can you post a scene w/o the blur? I'd be interested to see how that looks.
  • vofff
    Offline / Send Message
    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    Is that a robot? You need to make things pop out more than just one diffuse to all buildings and props (I am just guessing). Make some variation of different textures, play with them and see which are good. The robot I recommend you to model so the parts are connecting to each other. As you can see the firs pic the parts are not really connected.
  • bubbie
    Offline / Send Message
    The robot looks like...he can't really balance himself if it decides to walk
  • ikken
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    2 Rurouni Strife
    yep, I've attached the original render for one of the pics.

    I like how the blurred ones look, but I'll remove blureness for the stills and will keep it for the video I guess.

    2 vofff
    It's a robot.
    I think the parts look cool without being really connected, I'll see what I can do anyway.
    The scene isn't textured, it's a placeholder diffuse right now.

    2 bubbie

    Could you elaborate on that? Like what parts exactly would counterbalance him?
  • bubbie
    Offline / Send Message
    It doesn't seem to make sense with the mech having a thin piece of metal as a hip joint. Also, try making the ankles and feet wider (scale in x & z) because it doesn't look like it can support itself with all the upper torso weight. It would be nice to see what your mech looks like in a default standing pose so I can give you a better critique on the balance. Right now I can't tell how he would stand and where his line of balance is.
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