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LeMat — First ever model made by me.

Hello all... I'm new in this community.

First I want to note 2 things...
My English isn't the best, so sorry if I'll make some mistakes.
Second, this is my first model made from scratch...
I don't yet know how to make Shaders, jiggle-bones or what ever... But will learn in time.

I wanted to create something for TF2 contribute (I'm so unique :poly124: ).
I've decided to create a levolver, But I didn't wanted simply some kind of magnum or any other popular revolver. I wanted to something interesting. So I've decided to create LeMat revolver.

(for those, who don't want to read the link)
LeMat is unique revolver. It was created in 1855 (fit the time line) and had loaded 9 simple bullets + one shotgun-like bullet in the middle of the barel, which were shot per separate "pipe".

I'm first want to model revolver. Then fit it to shape of Ambassador, then try to get it in-game. After that, work with textures.


  • SuperDurnius
    I think I've finished the shape.
    10865 triangles? Isn't that to much?
  • SuperDurnius
    Any ideas for the name?
  • SuperDurnius
    What do you think? Shape is:10865 triangles... I guess I've finished it.
  • SuperDurnius
    Shaped the handle to fitt ambassador. I guess it's time to get starting with textures.
  • Kitteh
    Offline / Send Message
    Kitteh polycounter lvl 18
    Your trigger guard is way too thin:

  • KoldIt
    It´s kinda hard to give crit now because you aren´t showing any pics with wireframes. Also it is looking really good especially since it is your first model.
  • SuperDurnius
    Thanks... Noted that now. Will fix that tomorow, going to sleep. Thanks.

    Yes, it's my first model I've made from scratch. before I was somply modifying other 3d content (swaping some stuff betwean 2 models and making 3th) on Storm enigne games.
    Wireframe? Sorry, didn't knew what I need to post to get real comments. I'm really ne at all those 3D...
    This is wireframe?:
  • cycrasx
    well obliviously it looks nice and if your not planing on using it in a game its fine, just has alot of waisted polys like all the tris on the handle.. and the extreme amount of polys on the whatchamacallit it that guards the trigger, and just all over, but i do like the amount of detail your willing to put in, ide love to see a high poly character model in intricate Armour from you like the beautiful (yet completely useless for a gun chamber thats almost completely covered) wire work on the bullets in the chamber
  • KoldIt
    Yea definetly too many polys if you were to use it in game. What you could do for practive would be to experiment what you can remove without losing the general shape.
    For example like cycrasx said you can get the exact same shape on the trigger guard with alot less polys.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    i agree, would be a good hi poly to bake down though. nice high poly though.

    all those bullet heads should just be 'floating polys'. one big round poly for each side of the (don't know the name)- thing that holds the bullets. then each bullet would be a seperate cylinder.

    this is about how the polys should be on the low (i might've gone a littler lower than needed...
    barrels should probably be more than 10 sided, and the holes can just be in the texture.

    also, the blue lines should be beveled (angled some instead of 90* corner) so you can bake that into the normal map.
  • Jonathan Marshall
    I would use bumpmaps on the on the bullets and the chamber, but let's say this is for a first person shooter and the PRIMARY weapon, you will want to keep it pretty high poly..... right?
  • The Scrub
    I would use bumpmaps on the on the bullets and the chamber, but let's say this is for a first person shooter and the PRIMARY weapon, you will want to keep it pretty high poly..... right?
    I think he wants it to fit the Spy from TF2 (ambassodor) so I do believe that for TF2 weapon models they specified 8000 as the limit (valve)
  • SuperDurnius
    Thanks everyone for comments.
    Yesss... Triggerguard is already deleted. I'm redoing it completelly... As is in those screenshots, it have 720 triangles. I'll try to make it lower count.

    I was planing to play a little with policount reduction tool later.

    I made some research before modeling this. Ambassador is made the same way as mine. He even have more polys than mine.
    Ambassador: 4380; Mine: 3032

    Thanks for other advices... Will make those line beveled. And will decrease some polys at some places too...
    I don't know about normal maps. I noted, that Valve almost don't use them on TF2. Good, since I don't know how to make those... Yet.

    @The Scrub:
    The TF2 weapon poly limit is around 8000. That means more or less. There are some weapons, that are more than that. Degreaser have 10000+ polys.

    Thank again everyone for comments...
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    You can remove all the triangles around the bullets in the magazine. If you keep the bullets as they are ant then just make the holes black. It will not be noticeable in an reload animation and you will save a HUGE amount of triangles.

    I think the whole gun is to highres for a game to. Just course a "TF2"-gun CAN have 8000 doesn't mean you can just let triangles go to waste for nothing...
  • SuperDurnius
    OK.. folowed the advices...

    Reduced polycount to 5944. Any more advices?
  • SnakeDoctor
    Offline / Send Message
    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    For your first model its not bad. I wish my first model looked something like that. You might want to practice on your topology though, there is a lot of unneeded geometry.
  • The Scrub
    don't model the inide of the chamber but instead do what most other TF2 weapons do and make a fake hole (retextured indentation made to look like a hole)?
  • n88tr
    remember the guy who posted an image for you and the edges were highlighted in red? That's the kind of poly flow you should be working towards. this tessellated version you have, i don't know why you have it, but it's extremely wasteful.
  • throttlekitty
    I would really go back to references on this, some of the shapes look pretty off. It looks like this is the model you're working on? Looks pretty nice so far, but I have a few nitpicks.

    The piece on the bottom of the shotgun barrel sits off and mounts on the side. (presumably for easy loading). This is a detail that gives the gun such a unique flair.
    The joint between the body and handle is sunk in rather than out on your version, I think this is pretty hard to read and looks awkward.

    Also, save triangulating your model until the very end, alterations and cleanup are much easier than when everything is in tris. On the inside/insets of your bullet shells, there's a lot you can clean up inside; a whole extra loop can be dropped, and you can collapse every other edge (at least); the silhouette in there won't ever be seen.
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