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New Level Designer Portfolio [critics needed]

I felt it was time to update my portfolio whit a little better look and I am almost done, have some "ajax" work left but other then that it is done. I would love it if you guys could have a look at it and say what you think.

New portfolio:

and for those interested ;)
Old portfolio:

I am going to update and materials as well soon but thought to update the look and feel first then start processing my work material I have lying around.

Peace out!

-- Edit --

There made some layout and organization changes. I still need to fix the lytebox2 link on the thumbs but I thought I should upload this new layout so you guys can say if it is an improvement or not.

I have also looked at the navigation bar and I think I´m gonna remake the pictures to be a bit more appealing.

As for the font, I'm gonna experiment a bit more ^^

I also threw in a showreel, that I made way back, on my UT3 map. So let me know if you think I should have it in until I have had time to do a new one or just remove it until then.

-- Edit 2 --

Implemated lytebox2 now for the images. Need to take a break now but gonna continue on the navBar and font later today.


  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    First off, kill that font. It's horrible. Your font page is pretty weak. The fuzzy images of your levels aren't very appealing and I think you could add more links and images on the front (The links on the front dont work either, but I'm assuming youre still working on it.). The way you display images in your Gallery section is really slow to load. I'd perfer to have something thatll quickly load the images so I can click on through. Your levels look good, but I'd also like to see a layout image and description of the level and your process, nothing too wordy, but just a few sentences.

    Recommendations are cool, but I don't know any of these people and most likely, neither will most people that you send this out to.

    It's definitely an improvement from the old site for sure! Keep it up!
  • PLing
    I'm gonna have to agree with BlvdNights on the font and the index page. On the gallery I couldn't find a button to enlarge an image, only to make the gallery fullscreen. I'd like to be able to view them in detail.

    And I hate those flash/javascript gallery things, so clumsy to use and load. But that's just me. ;)
  • Arcanox
    Flash and Javascript "galleries" do tend to drag the website down quite a bit. The flash gallery you mentioned is slow to load and not really all that appealing. Stick with something simple and something that works.

    Just a suggestion, but maybe you can try to implement a simple lightbox javascript. Just have thumbnails divided up by project and keep things all neat and tidy.

  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    LOL, WTF, you have 2 blurry images that do nothing when I click them. This is all your web site is.

    Of course I searched further, but this is the first impression your site gives. It's pretty bad, and even the fonts are blurry. When a designer has a web site with a bad design, this is what we call a "red flag". Possible consideration.

    Overall, I feel you're hiding your work by breaking thing up into so many sections. What we need is portfolio and resume. Everything else is fluff.
  • mkandersson
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    mkandersson polycounter lvl 7
    LOL, WTF, you have 2 blurry images that do nothing when I click them.

    Same for me. Make the site easy to read and as easy to navigate trough as possible. Skip all the fancy scripting bits.

    and as a level designer you'd want to explain more about what the level is about, how the gameplay works and your thoughts behind the design. Only showing screenshots imo doesn't cut it. If you have a design document make that available (only for non commercial stuff of course).
  • Springare
    Thanks for all the response. I really appreciate the input you guys are giving me.

    The pictures on the front page and in the projects part was supposed to be used whit lightbox2 but haven´t had time to implement it yet, thats the ajax I was talking about.

    As for the blur, I see what you guys mean. I will remove that and then I think Il just remove the flash gallery and replace it whit picture thumbs whit lightbox2 as suggested and have the gallery shown as the starting page.

    The font on the other hand I do not know if you guys mean the navigation bar/header or the actual text on the different pages.

    -- Edit --

    There made some layout and organization changes. I still need to fix the lytebox2 link on the thumbs but I thought I should upload this new layout so you guys can say if it is an improvement or not.

    I have also looked at the navigation bar and I think I´m gonna remake the pictures to be a bit more appealing.

    As for the font, I'm gonna experiment a bit more ^^

    I also threw in a showreel, that I made way back, on my UT3 map. So let me know if you think I should have it in until I have had time to do a new one or just remove it until then.

    -- Edit 2 --

    Implemated lytebox2 now for the images. Need to take a break now but gonna continue on the navBar and font later today.
  • iuli4n
    I find your lack of imaages disturbing. sorry but couldn't find any gallery button.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    edit: I clicked on your old site, and gave feedback on that.

    This lightbox thing takes forever to load, just link your thumbnails to jpgs. Quit being so mean to employers by making them site and wait for this images to load
  • Springare
    cholden wrote: »
    edit: I clicked on your old site, and gave feedback on that.

    This lightbox thing takes forever to load, just link your thumbnails to jpgs. Quit being so mean to employers by making them site and wait for this images to load

    I'm not sure I follow you, since it takes like 0.2sec to load for me, 0.5sec if I clear my temp so it needs to load everything from scratch.

    It is much easier to have it like this since they never have to leave the site or have to go "back".
  • LRoy
    Offline / Send Message
    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    When I load your page no images showed up. Then I realized it stretched the screen out and I had to scroll horizontally to see the images. There was at least a screen of grey between each row as well.
  • Springare
    hmmm, started to test it in different browsers and my thumbs and showreel don´t show up in IE :S

    works fine in FF but haven't tried Chrome, Opera or Safari yet.


    checked chrome now and noticed what you meant whit the thumbs being 1 screen apart :S

    Im gonna check into that, I have no idea why just those tables are f***ed :S Probably have to do them over again from scratch.
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