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polycounter lvl 14
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thomasmahler polycounter lvl 14

Hey guys,

We're currently working on our FPS / RTS game 'Warsoup' and I thought I'd open this thread to keep posting some Warsoup art and progress to get some good feedback here. We're a very small team and getting feedback from other professionals is always neat, so I'd appreciate any input :)

I just implemented our mainMenu:


Obviously taking cues from TF2 / SC2 - I'll still have to change those buttons :) But I'd love to know what you guys think. I want something that's super simple, loads quickly (the planet in the background will be switched to a couple of matte painting planes that then move parallaxed across the screen), but still looks neat. The shadowy slots in the center will be links to videos.

Also, here's a shot of the current build:


Just started implementing the UI and hooking everything up. The UI shader uses a linear add blending mode, that's why the transparency is hoaky, but it shows the general direction. The radial menu in the middle only opens when the player presses RMB. It's the best interface we came up with to quickly manage a handful of things in an intuitive, gestural way. The camera on the lowerRight actually shows your ally at all times. So if you play a 2v2, you don't only have voice, but also video for communication with your ally.

Anyway, I'll keep this thread updated with more and more stuff, since we're heading closer to our vertical slice. Now is the time to add some polish and getting feedback during this stage always helps, so have at it :)


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