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Golem Animations

Earlier i posted a portfolio thread.

This is the W.I.P thread of the new "minimum wage job destroying career building get hired if its the last thing i do" reel.

Which will include...

:: - Walk to Run
:: - Character Interaction
:: - Body Mechanics. aka. Transversal Scene

Hopefully mostly done with my personal golem/bush rig.

I hope to receive critiques, make adequate changes, and improve!
and maybe someday get a job doing what i love.

So far...

they are unfinished and need to be merged together instead of two separate walk cycles. but its my WIP! have at it.

(can't figure out why i can't embed the video so here's a link)


  • MeintevdS
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    MeintevdS keyframe
    I personally think the arm wave of the walking golem is a bit to much. Since the torso and hips don't seem to move at all and thus giving him a rather woody feeling, the arms just seem to bendy and sort of out of place? So maybe you should try adding a bit of movement to the torso and hips? (rotating them when the legs or arms swing forward)

    The run cycle is just perfect, really has a lot of character in it and made me giggle every time I played it.

    Really like the character too :D
  • gammaslam
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    Update coming today with arm fix on the walk, hopefully they feel heavy like rock now.
    At the moment i'm seeing what it looks like if i just tone down the arms and keep him stiff since he is a rock. still gonna try what you suggested with the torso and hips and see what i get out of it :)

    Thanks Meintevd
  • James9475
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    Hi glad to see you're going for it:

    I would really recommend putting a pose into the fingers. Looks like the hand is unfinished b/c of the finger positions.

    The squash and stretch on the tree part on his head in the run looks out of sync with the run itself.

    Arms on the run cycle feel a bit too vertical on the up, I feel like in a run the arms generally come up at diagonals crossing the body a bit more.

    Generally very nice. You could always push the secondary motion a little harder (like adding in a bit more of a flick with the spine as he hits the ground in the run, or the head for that matter) but it's solid good animation.
  • gammaslam
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    the walk reworked a little. better?

  • ru4it
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    ru4it polygon
    needs a little more shoulder movement imo
  • James9475
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    It's nice, only thing that sticks out to me is that the spine (and consequently the shoulders even though I do see the shoulders are animating) are pretty stiff, and that the squash and the stretch on the bush isnt really doing it for me. I think some forward/back swaying would work better than the subtle squash stretch that isnt reading too well atm and doesn't seem to be following the motion of the body too well (plus it's a serene enough walk that is doesn't seem necessary).

    So yeah, maybe a bit more activity in the spine (although he is a rock golem so up to you) and maybe back/forth swaying on bush rather than the squash stretch.
  • gammaslam
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    soo here is a wall jump i've been working on, things are still linear expecept the bush i threw on spline. no curve touching yet.

  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    How big is this fella? His jump looks alright, but in the "if he was a tiny midget" sorta way. I might be talking rubbish, cause I can't really crit animation, but thats the vibe I get from the jump anyways. If he's big, gotta make it read that way I suppose.

    Keep on keepin on! :)
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    link not working for me

    edit(it works now for some reason wierd)
  • roboy
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    roboy polycounter lvl 11
    It's looking really good - I love this character!

    I'd suggest making the leap a bit more exaggerated. At the moment the stance doesn't look like he's going to make a big jump, have his body bend down more perhaps? I'm not really an animation guy... The landing is awesome, don't change it!
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    A really good start! Its amazing that its all still in linear tangents!

    Like roboy said, make him bend more before he jumps, he looks like a heavy guy so he would need a big push off. I really like his climb over and landing but he doesn't feel heavy enough for a guy his size
  • Veko
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    maybe do some anticipation before he actually jumps towards to the wall ?
  • Sirdelita
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    Sirdelita polycounter lvl 10
    that is delicious!
  • thefrisbee
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    Love the character dude. Very nice!
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    Ahaha i love it ! !!!! :D
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    I fell in love with that golem and the whole style your going for.
  • Zoid
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    Zoid polycounter lvl 14
    gammaslam wrote: »
    soo here is a wall jump i've been working on, things are still linear expecept the bush i threw on spline. no curve touching yet.

    is this just for practice? the motion is ok, but if you want to start getting more sophisticated you can throw in some asymmetry, and then push the overlapping action.


    1 leg drives + torso twist
    1 hand will grab the wall first
    1 side of the chest come to rest first
  • gammaslam
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    Yeah, these are just for practice i guess, i'm trying to put together enough animation to hopefully show i'm worthy of some animation job somewhere.

    i definitely am digging the asymmetry, i might just start another jump that has better silhouette's and poses and is all together more interesting.

    I was just trying to get a solid understanding of the principles working as this is my first animated jump. Update coming tonight or late tomorrow!
  • James9475
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    The landing is good, the initial jump isn't feeling right, feels like he lifts off too slowly, it also gets a little floaty as hes going over the top of the wall. Will be a nice piece though. And yeah a little more asymmetry in your poses wouldnt hurt.
  • gammaslam
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    So.. some anticipation added, hopefully not too much.

  • JimeeB
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    JimeeB polycounter lvl 10
    I'd scrunch him down a bit with your anticipation, he throws his arms back but he's not pushing down enough to jump that high. And for the walk cycle I feel like he should lean forward, as of now it looks as though he'd fall backwards after doing anything.
  • Billz
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    Billz polycounter lvl 6
    I think think right now, the second half of the animation is spot on, the only thing I would change is when he jumps and grabs the wall. As was stated earlier, maybe a little more anticipation (even in the air) as he reaches to grab the wall would be beneficial. Also, have the arm kind of reach backwards, almost like hes arching his back before he grabs the ledge. Either way it looks great man it has a distinct style and I'm luvin it.
  • gammaslam
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    Sadly, my most recent wip is at the end of this video. I'm struggling a bit with it, Crits welcome.

    And i just wanted to thank everyone here for their comments, i've read and log away every single one.

    Thanks a bunch
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    At the end of the video, when he does that parkour styled wall climb, i think he does it too well. Him being a big large Golem with a tree on him should really weigh him down . Maybe have him struggle to get that first jump, and have him just barely cling on to the wall when he grabs it. For the fall maybe over dramatise it a little bit.

    :):) but good progress man
  • JimeeB
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    JimeeB polycounter lvl 10
    Ending is a nice new touch, when he jumps and hits the first block, maybe have it move a little? He's heavy enough to knock the second one over so maybe the first one gives a little when he kicks it to jump up.
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