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Halo Reach - Art Dump - Jesse Hall



  • Barnstable
    WOW!!!.... fantastic work!
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    Question: Here i can see that the characters and stripes are done via extra geometry. Didn't the engine support decals?

  • kdm3d
    DOG-GY wrote: »

    Better than forky.

    Oh come on! forklift FTMFW!

    Autocon: we should hijack his thread;)
  • DOG-GY
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    DOG-GY polycounter lvl 12
    kdm3d wrote: »
    Oh come on! forklift FTMFW!

    Autocon: we should hijack his thread;)
    I felt like a pimp driving carty. Forklift would win if I could use it's superman lift powers. Maybe I should dramatically fly across the US and steal an old build!
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    kdm3d wrote: »

    Autocon: we should hijack his thread;)

    I just jerked off to both your portfolios, is that weird? :\
  • DOG-GY
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    DOG-GY polycounter lvl 12
    kdm3d, I did manage to see the forklift textures in the beta. It's great, and the improvement from the models/textures in Halo 3 are massive. You all did a great job. By the way, I managed to find the concept art for the UNSC generator art test Bungie always does. I'm totally going to practice with that.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Kickasss work man! Thanks for sharing.

    I still need to pick this game up to see what all the fuss is about. I usually suck at FPS multiplayer games so I'll be enjoying the art in the campaign only :(. Hopefully it's worthwhile.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    SimonT wrote: »
    Question: Here i can see that the characters and stripes are done via extra geometry. Didn't the engine support decals?

    SimonT those are the decal planes. That is why they are overlaying geometry in place of the stripes. They are decals...

    Bungie is famous for using floaters like this for the nice crisp text and stripes.
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Here i am to follow the rest, great work you have done :)
    Realy nice use of decals.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    stuff looks badass jesse, great detail & texturing! I love how you guys handle decals, very flexible!

    cool stuff!
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    fap fap fap fap fap
  • maze
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Amazing work. Very inspirational!
  • The Scrub
    so embarressed :(
    at first I thought the first pic was some form of gun
  • Paul Pepera
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    The Scrub wrote: »
    so embarressed :(
    at first I thought the first pic was some form of gun

    I would guess that's probably intentional. There's a lot of history in the design of guns, and we all know what they look like. Gun shapes inspire an aggressive feeling instinctively, so borrowing gun-like elements is a pretty good tactic for creating an aggressive military vehicle... Especially for something fictional, where we don't have a lot of mental history to rely on.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Slum wrote: »
    so borrowing gun-like elements is a pretty good tactic for creating an aggressive military vehicle... Especially for something fictional, where we don't have a lot of mental history to rely on.

    haha that was exactly Syd Mead's rationale when designing the Sulacco from aliens, such an iconic design. Nice work Jesse, this stuff looks great!
  • Seraph
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    Seraph polycounter lvl 8
  • commador
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    commador polycounter lvl 14
    The Scrub wrote: »
    so embarressed :(
    at first I thought the first pic was some form of gun

    I suppose if you get technical, the ship IS a giant gun.

    Very clean work. I've spent alot of time waiting to respawn because I always stare at the scenery a bit too much. :)
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    @Davison3d - Thanks!

    @Skamberin – Thanks dude. It was in the intro trailer and gets blown up just outside
    swordbase. The used to drop that one but switched to the classic on instead there.
    @XenoKratios – Not going to be working on the next game. I was contract at Bungie and have since gotten a job working on an unannounced game with Airtight.

    @JasonLavoie – Thanks man!

    @yamo, Klumpmeister,Mongrelman - Thanks Dudes =)

    @McGreed - Never got a wire shot of that one and don’t have access to the high poly anymore.

    @r_fletch_r, - Thanks man. Yeah it was a nice engine upgrade from ODST.

    @ae – yeah that was one of the lead 3d guys. He is responsible for the Pillar and has built the hog since Halo 2. Great guy to work for as well.

    @suprore , Grey, A-N-P, Mind – Thanks guys!

    @Rens – Thanks man. Barriers were all quads mostly because the spec response looked better on a curved surface with quads. The normal rip looked better also because I already had good shading and not a lot of thin tris. I learned a few tricks later that I could have optimized on these however.

    @Sauron, SouthpawSid – Thank you

    @DEElekgolo – yep used max on all this.

    @Pedro, imyj – Thanks guys.

    @xkobe – a lot of the environment stuff has tiling textures underneath. The decals also work better for mirroring as they don’t read backwards. Some of the textures were on shared texture sheets for efficiency.

    @Mike Yevin – Thanks man

    @JFletcher – Yeah man the people were great and it’s a fun IP. We used decals for various reasons and getting higher res was one of those.
    @slum – Thanks man. Issac Hanaford did an iteration on the frigate design for Halo 3 and that’s the concept I used. It was a single side ortho and bottom sketch. The rest of it I just kept iterating in 3d and doing sketches. The early stages of the model were actually built by another artist Matt Turner. He made some of the detail geo and the initial shape. The docking bays were my design based off of a thumbnail sketch by one of our concept guys. It was inspired by a mix of syd mead and homeworld with some industrial robot ref for good measure.

    @cholden – Thanks dude always nice to get props from the PC old school.

    @tyl3r – thanks man. I post a model break down at the end of this post.

    @Spitfire, Pzychaoz – Thank you!

    @Ericv – Thanks man. I have a couple more images as well just have to clean them up.

    @DOG-GY – hah I give the guy that made the forky a little grief over that ;) Thanks for the comments on the frigate as well man!

    @t4pan – thanks man. Pretty sure im clear to post that stuff and will at the end of the thread.

    @shinobix –keep playing man! Thanks

    @Jungsik, Mio, Mr Spark – Thanks guys

    @GoSsS – anything in particular you didn’t like? Thanks man.

    @whipswitch – It is a gun. A huge flying mac cannon. ;)

    @Poffington, Alberto Rdrgz, bretmcnee, BlvdNights – Thanks a ton guys!!

    @Konstruct – Hell yeah thanks duder

    @Keen – Thanks man. Those hackey sack sessions to get out of the office are missed man.

    @ Cheez – Thanks man. Was a blast working with you dude and looking forward to your post.

    @Vahl – Thanks man!! Glad you enjoyed it.

    @X-Convict – Thanks man. Wait at least a week to post before your thread DOMINATES. ;)

    @Autocon – Git your own dang thread =P

    @Abe_hokage, Barnstable – Thanks fellas1!

    @simont- we used a lot of decals but the decal sheet I was using only had a tiling straight line so I used geo to get what I needed.

    @kdm3d – stop sucking

    @ae –yes ;)

    @marcus Dublin – thanks man. I think you will enjoy the campaign man. The campaign has co-op as well.

    @Stromberg90 - Thanks man. I <3 Decals.

    @Moose- Thanks man! I Studied a lot of the flats in UT3 and Gears bro. Thanks for the inspiration.

    @Purplepaint - *bow

    @maze, theMadartist, the scrub – thanks guys

    @ paul - <3

    @Slum – yeah man kinda might thoughts on it as well. I had some flexibility with the concept and am good friends with Isaac so a few beers were shared in trying to nail down the forms.

    @PixelMasher – yeah man aliens is classic and a big inspiration for a lot of the design. Thanks for the comments.

    @Seraph- thanks man

    @commador – yeah me to. I never got to see the final polished product till just recently. I had the space level dialed in pretty good though from working on it. Thanks for the comments.

    some tech bits
    Electric cart and trailer

    6546 triangles cart and trailer

    1024x512 texture

    Based on concept

    comm antenna

    512x512 texture

    780 triangles

    no concept given. Design based on current military tech and sketches.

    UNSC cover small

    1727 triangles

    UNSC cover large

    1839 triangles

    Shared texture 1024x512 texture
    256x256 decal sheet

    based on Halo 3 design


    512x512 texture texture
    256x256 shared cargo net texture

    2238 triangles

    Based on concept

    Shop computer

    256x256 texture
    512x512 shared screen texture

    780 triangles

    No concept given. Design based on industrial computer reference.

    Frigate Construction Bays

    512x512 tiled heavy armor paneling
    512x512 tiled tech greeble and panel
    512x512 shared decals with UNSC frigate
    512x512 shared detail meshes with UNSC frigate
    256x256 girder
    256x256 girder junction

    8845 triangles

    Basic thumbnail concept. Details were created from reference and design sketches.

    UNSC Frigate

    2 x 1024x1024 main body textures
    512x512 decal/ detail texture
    1024x1024 tiled paneling texture for less visable areas.

    11447 triangles
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    Dude, you did so well! That is some world-class work right there. Be proud, hell I'm proud for ya!
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    So how did you solved the flickering problem of geometry which is very near to each other? And how did you hide, that the "decal"-plane is a bit in the front of the ship geometry? I mean, if you would look straight from the side, wouldn't you see that it's floating in front of the ship?
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Good to see you pimping this stuff here!
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
  • MephistonX
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    MephistonX polycounter lvl 9
    awesome work, thanks for sharing :D
  • Spitfire
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    Hey dude really great stuff, I love nicely done vehicles and industrial stuff! DO you have rough timescales for these kind of things?
  • kYo
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    kYo polycounter lvl 9
    thanks alot for the breakdown
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Hey thanks again everyone.

    @ SimonT - That was all taken care of engine side as artists we didn't resolve that. We just flagged the geo as a decal and the Z sorting was taken care of.

    @CW - I don't really have time-frames man. A lot it was iterative and involved other disciplines as well.
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    Fair play, I thought the answer may be like that. :D Great stuff though.
  • JonathanF
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    JonathanF polycounter lvl 13
    wow! how did i miss this one! amazing work man!
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