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Lucy the PinUp Girl (nudity) !!WIP!!



  • n88tr
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    her skin looks like spray tan
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Are you calling this done? It still looks like a WIP.

    It needs..
    Better renders. (lighting is a mess)
    Better texturing (skin looks like clay and give no indication that its flesh)
    and Better facial anatomy (the face still freaks me out)~
  • A.Ceylan
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    @ whats_true - What a shame you freak out so easily! You can do it better ... - good for you ...
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    I think you are taking Whats_true's comment wrong.
    Even though your last images look fantastic, with a little more work, and a lot of little tweaks, this could look so damn good.
    Hes trying to push you past the "that looks great" comments and make it awesome. :)
  • A.Ceylan
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    Yeah probably. I'll get another look at the render. The thing is I'm limited to ZBrush and Photoshop only, since I don't have no idea how to get 15Mil. polys to work in Maya. Any help would have been much appreciated.

    And I also do apologize to whats_true. Obviously I got him the wrong way.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 13
    A.Ceylan wrote: »
    The thing is I'm limited to ZBrush and Photoshop only, since I don't have no idea how to get 15Mil. polys to work in Maya. Any help would have been much appreciated.
    Decimation master will be your friend! If it's not enough then use displacement maps as well.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    This might help you on the skin part.

    Lighting is just basic atm, and could be so much more dynamic. Pick a pose for her, and then run with it. You dont need 5 different angles, just one awesome one! Even putting her in a scene with dynamic lighting of some sorts. OR, if you want to go with the basic lighting like the pin-up poster look like, try to make it like so, giving it th eposter feel and quality to enhance what your getting at.

    In repitition with what was said above. you can reduce the poly count and bring it into maya for better performance. Then, put a displacment map on it to give you back your details. Thats what a lot of people do when they are rendering high poly stuff and dont have the power on their computer to bring it in the 3d programs. (though, their are tutorials out their that show you how to render in ZBrush if you like. )

    The face looks puffy as though she has pockets of fat surrounding her neck. You have this voluptious body, but then her face is still a little bloated and a bit lumpy. Bring it in ans smoothing it out would do wonders to her. Do you have referance of the type of face your going for though?
  • A.Ceylan
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    I haven't touched anything on the lights at the pictures above. As you said - basic.

    Decimation Master won't do it for me. After decimating I lose all the color information (polypaint's what she has).

    ATM I'm trying to learn how to use lights and everything in ZBrush. You're definately right about how much more a good light setup can get out of a model. Let's see how far I can get only in ZBrush and if it ain't enough - maybe next time. What counts, at least in my case, is sculpting and texturing. The link you've posted above is great, but it's a setup of more than one map, which won't work for me, not for this model. As I said before, my intension was/is to move mainly in ZBrush.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    a couple of suggestions:
    save the tool, then save it again as tool_decimate. use decimation master on tool_decimate, and export to maya, make whatever changes you need to.
    then open tool, import the changed mesh (uvw presumably) from maya, and use project all to make sure it still fits the same shape, and more importantly, retains the polypaint info.

    you can then export the polypaint to texture and work on it in photoshop.

    as for crits... the idea is great and you've made great progress throughout the thread which is always good.
    the problem is, she doesn't read as a pinup, she reads as an ageing "shit i wish i was still pretty... i'll do anything for a quick buck" kinda woman.

    buxom is good, having a larger figure is good. having a messed up face, is bad. it comes off as transvestite right now, rather than actual woman, and that's probably because the features aren't soft and curved enough.
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