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Dead Eye Duck WIP (Comicon Challenge) your C+C requested!

polycounter lvl 12
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scrawld polycounter lvl 12
Hey guys, I'm posting this here too in hopes on getting some feedback. I'm working on a character from the comic/TV series "Bucky O'Hare". Dead Eye Duck is a four-armed, former space duck pirate, turned mercenary and hired gunner aboard The Righteous Indignation. He's short tempered and gun-ho to say the least.

For those who don't know it, [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CVxefOBUiw"]check this out[/ame].

I want to make him more "mature". As if its the same character, but done in the form of The Punisher comics, as though he's a real war hardened mercenary.

Here is what I have so far.

Concepts, which I am still working on.

The mudbox sculpt that I am working on. This will be the base that I'll work from once I've decided on the rest of the character.

I'm still working out on the proportions. I want to go somewhere between realism and the exaggerated look. Still undecided how to do that though, so suggestions are most welcome.

Thanks for taking a look.

oh, and this is the thread over at Game Artistrian


  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    I'd go with the upper right beak, more duck like than the lower right (in the mudbox screenshot). Looks like it could be quite cool
  • Mark Dygert
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    Yea that could be pretty cool. I agree about the upper beak, the lower looks more like a chicken or some other bird that pecks instead of shovels.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 13
    Cool concepts and a nice start. I would go for the design that's closest to the original look, that is the duck beak and the mid-top one in your concepts. You should also give him larger boots so they resemble the original a bit more.
    Cool idea though! I never watched bugsy o'hare or whatever it's called but I did play the NES game. I loved it.
    Keep it up!
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    that video is so busy and confusing i cannot believe children watched it.
    also nice concepts.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    are they singing fucky o hare?
  • scrawld
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    scrawld polycounter lvl 12
    Hey, this is a bit of a resurrection for this project. I had to put it on hold due to unforeseen circumstances, but I'm back on it now and with updates. I wont be making the comp deadline, (as you may have guessed) but figured I've started so I'll finish.

    I decided to take it closer to the original design as Goraaz suggested. Just not sure how I'm going to work the colours yet :/.

    I was just paying around with shapes on the suits details, so they will be refined. Still plan to add pouches and quad holsters(2 front/side and 2 on the back of the belt).
  • itsmadman
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    I loved this cartoon but it did not last. You may want to go a more stylized cartoony route with this character. The proportions are Too accurate unlike the actual character.
    take a look at this guys proportions http://nicolasgarilhe.com/images/phocagallery/Comiccon2010/thumbs/phoca_thumb_l_constructionshot.jpg
    Good luck
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    ohhhhhh fucckkkkkk dude thats easilly the coolest character(choice) for a comicon i've seen yet. I hope this turns out awesome. He looks like his torso could be shortened a bit and his body in general could be bulked up but i personally like the direction you're headed
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 14
    I like the realistic style. I think the chest, arms and legs could be beefed up. Not necessarly more muscle, he simply looks a little skinny at the moment.

    The chest detail is coming along too, but not sure where its going. But some people around the office saw the pic and instantly recognised it as Dead Eye so your definately on the right tracks!
  • scrawld
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    scrawld polycounter lvl 12
    Hey guys, thanks for the crits.

    itsmadman - Thanks for the crits, although going for a more realistic style was more of a personal choice. I wanted to take the character in a different direction from the original comic.

    Harry - Heh, cheers for the support, now i'm more gutted that I missed the deadline :P. Thanks for the input.

    iansmithartist - Thanks for the crits, I have made changes as suggested :).

    I've gone round and given him a general beef up and fiddled with the proportions; he was a bit elongated as Harry pointed out. I also decided to simplify the chest detail, but I might change the chest peice (maybe just scale it down) so it isn't so dominant.
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    This defently put's a smile on my face :)
    Looks great so far and i have no doubt it will continue to look great ;)
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, his proportions look better. Looking good.
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    It's looking pretty cool and as stated above, its a refreshing change of character for the usual Comicon stuff, shame you didn't get it done in time. The things that stand out for me at the moment are the feet, they don't help sell the character as one based on a duck, more a regular (four armed) fella in a duck mask, maybe worth another look?

    I'd be wary of making him look to "kick ass" as you may end up straying too far from the original concept and will lose some of the cool charm the character has. Looking forward to seeing how this finishes, loved Bucky O'Hare, I'm a big fan of Michael Golden's and Neal Adams' artwork.
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