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Unreal Engine 3 on Iphone



  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    so now you can compile flash games via unreal and scaleform? nice - haha :D

    basicly i think its somewhat cool but it would be way cooler if it was crossplattform, supporting android as well
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    You still need to compile the .app on a Mac because it uses xcode and the SDK. You can create projects in Unity, on PC, then take them to the mac and they will work. But its an impossible way to test how things handle on the iPhone. I doubt there will be any flash games soon, unless Apple resolve the dispute.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    You still need to compile the .app on a Mac because it uses xcode and the SDK. You can create projects in Unity, on PC, then take them to the mac and they will work. But its an impossible way to test how things handle on the iPhone.
    I know, I've done it way too many times to count. I am thinking it's like Shiva, spits out the file and you just compile on the Mac. So what I am saying is: They did it. It spit out the proper files, taken to the Mac and compiled, tested on the iThings, submitted and approved by Apple.
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 18
    It'd be nice if they'd address the fact that this goes directly against their ToS changes and yet they fully support it?

    Because I'm pretty sure UDK is "third party software"...
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    They support what software will make the iphone more popular/sell better/bring them more money. ToS can be changed.

    First all the stuff from id and now from the boys at Epic. Looks like the iPhone could have some really cool games coming soon.
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    Gee... now i might have to get stupid iphone instead of a glorious android
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    looks awesome. Now get it on my Droid X ;)
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Hold your horses, iPhone is great, but it may suffer in the long term by being so proprietary based. Android is still young, but it offers the same characteristics as a PC - way more flexibility, without the console based premise of a Mac. I'm thinking of making the switch to Android, although I'd rather make games for the N3DS.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I just hate the idea you need a mac to publish/test those game, hopefully epic is targeting all high end mobile/web platforms with this.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Impressive. so does this mean a mac version of udk then?

    Hopefully will see this tech running on Nintendo 3DS at some point, touchscreen-only gaming is too limited imo.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    inside Kismet I noticed a little event called "MobileInput Touch Actor" so looks like the functionality is built into UDK its just not available to the masses :( You'd probably still need a Mac to compile the Unreal data to the IPhone.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Lee3dee wrote: »
    inside Kismet I noticed a little event called "MobileInput Touch Actor" so looks like the functionality is built into UDK its just not available to the masses :( You'd probably still need a Mac to compile the Unreal data to the IPhone.

    its not for the masses _yet_ but epic already stated that it might be free as they are not interested in thousands of business relationships with only a few pence revenue
  • Surfa
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    Surfa polycounter lvl 12
    Has anyone got any screenshots from the iphone 4 with the bigger res.

    I took some from my ipod and it looks great even though it seems to have a black outline at a distance, I didn't notice this in-game.



  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Amazing stuff :)
    I just wish i could use it on my 3G :/
  • JonMurphy
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    JonMurphy polycounter lvl 18
    It has certainly caused some green-eyed monsters when we see this running, then going back to our iphone engine.

    The big downside is the limitation of what generation of idevice it works on. You would lock out a fair percentage of the market if you choose to to adopt UE3.

    Show the potential available in these devices, though.
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    Jimmy94 wrote: »

    Every time I look at images of this it makes less and less sense... :)

    It's voodoo I tells ya..VOODOO!!
  • kalcur
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    Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this. It's an interview with the guys at Epic.

  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 18
    Obviously, art, particularly seems like it would be an issue. I mean, the character models for Gears of War, specifically, seem like they'd be very hard to translate.

    It actually turns out that we get really high-resolution textures, which is the first thing you'd think about how "we're going to have to dumb that down." But you don't, because you've got so much memory on an iPhone.

    You've got 16 gigs of flash memory, which is way better, faster memory than what most people have generally on a home PC. So that stuff works really well. It's the big environments that get really complicated on the rendering tools for iPhone. But yeah, we've got some tricks for it.

    So...is he talking about the main storage space of the phone? As in treating it like a page file system? The iPhone4 has 512mb of Ram if I'm not mistaken, so that's all I could imagine he's saying.

    I really hope not; I mean for one, you'd only have the 16gb if you had the 16gb phone. So 8gb 3gs users instantly have half the performance capability of the 16gb users.

    And then besides that, you'd only have 16 (or even 8) gb available to you if that space was unused. If you had no apps, no music, no photos, etc on the phone at all.

    That sounds like crazy talk. Can anyone clarify?
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Memory storage and onboard, CPU memory/GPU memory, are two different entities. You can have a game that is large in terms of the files that are part of the game, but only a certain amount of data/physics can be processed at one given time. The OS takes a chunk out of the RAM, then you're left with the rest.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Sandbag wrote: »
    So...is he talking about the main storage space of the phone? As in treating it like a page file system? The iPhone4 has 512mb of Ram if I'm not mistaken, so that's all I could imagine he's saying.

    That sounds like crazy talk. Can anyone clarify?

    Im not totally sure myself but I think he means that the app could be like 2gb of textures and the app then streams textures from that huge file through the ram as the player moves through the game.
  • achillesian
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 9
    Hopefully the race is on for an Android version, I cant bring myself to have to use shitty Itunes/Iphone.

    Granted its good hardware just a pity its the way it is.
  • kalcur
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    I was thinking about getting a Droid X to replace my old cellphone (really old cellphone) but if the iPhone is going to have graphics this good I may end up getting an iPhone 4. Even though I can barely afford either...
  • cman2k
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    cman2k polycounter lvl 17
    I'll preface by saying this is all speculation based on what I understand but:

    The Unreal Engine already has a really powerful texture streaming system. This is lamented by many, especially on the consoles, because you can "see" textures stream in, when the mips load first and the higher resolutions load later.

    Streaming is really powerful in general because you don't have to have everything in a level loaded at once, just what's on the screen. Flash memory means you can stream 10x faster than if you had a disk drive, which means you can load/unload way more aggressively than you do on a traditional PC/Console.

    So yeah, you have limited resources, but the fact that you can load/unload stuff way faster than usual makes up for that. What you can't help is how much throughput you have at any given moment. The CPU/GPU can only handle so much in terms of AI, triangles on screen, etc. That's where you have to get fancy....

    I'm guessing that they have done some extra work to improve culling, occlusion and streaming, both from an artistic and technical perspective. Building things in chunks that are easier to stream, having a really strong system for controlling when stuff gets loaded/unloaded (region-based loading), being really careful with triangles, etc.
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