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iPhone dev question

polycounter lvl 10
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Koochy polycounter lvl 10
Hey guys,

I've been offered an art test from a local games company for an iPhone artist position. Before the test is sent to me, I want to be up to scratch with knowledge and have a list of things I need to research and keep in mind while working on this brief. The brief hasn't been given yet, so I have time to research the good and bad things iPhone artists need to know!

My website - http://www.eddiehoyle.co.nz
(reel is 12 months outdated, oops)

I work as an animator at the moment, which is probably my strongest attribute. I come from a 2D background, so like to draw etc. I read a few game dev websites so kinda understand the basic terms and poly limits also.

So PolyGurus, where do I go next to learn? Any particular lowpoly online bibles I should devour?

Thanks for any help! :D


  • kwakkie
    Offline / Send Message
    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Hmm I cant really think of any REALLY low poly tutorials, but have you checked out the lowpoly thread out yet?


    Just browse trough all those 195 pages(!), they should give you a good idea on what a 3D model for an iPhone game should look like, and what techniques work and which ones don't
  • Koochy
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    Koochy polycounter lvl 10
    Yup, I read that thread often! I was hoping someone might know of a bible, or tips and tricks of iPhone art; texture map sizes, pixel art, file formats, rigging/animation limitations etc. I'll keep researching what I can until I sit the test next week.

    Thanks, kwakkie!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Im an artist for an iphone games developer and its pretty straight forward, depending on the game engine you may have to always work in power of 2 textures, 128 by 128 or 48x48 etc. The polycount should be kept really low, this is just a random figure but I imagine most of the stuff Ive worked on is less than 2000tris for your on screen environment
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