Who else is excited about Mafia 2 ?
Here is the Trailers page for this Amazing looking game and of course its website
itself. This is a game I'm very excited about.
unarmed Combat and Gyms in it. World War 2 era guns and cars
I'm super pumped for what looks to be a Master Piece.
Yeah! the realism of it was Charming for a while. Then it got annoying.
But don´t get too excited about the screenshots. Although I believe that they wouldn´t put in stores something that won´t look at least a bit similar to the pics, but I read that models and textures were specially done by some Australian studio. All very hires, just for the purposes of good presentation.
I never played the first ones.. Im thinking maybe I should get it. Is it on Steam ?
hmm Mafia 1 looks pretty old..
The first Mafia game was on the Quake 3 engine I recall...personally I think the art of it aged really well, my main annoyance is the vehicle physics were shit.
...and that was when you grabbed your tommy gun and got out of the car
Story, sound, music, art, everything was great. Still play through it once a year or so. The only fuck ups were the racing level and the free ride extreme mode got boring really quick. Gonna be getting this on day 1
I demand releasage nowz!
hmmm it should be in the budget section now.. if it is I'll pick it up and give it a spin
As for the physics - I think this was the first game I'd played to feature any kind of object-based physics. I remember nudging a barrel with my car and being impressed because it toppled over and rolled around for a bit.
Simple things.
Yes , Yes , Yes ......
hopefully most of the dialogue turns out a bit better than that
http://www.mafia2game.com/enter.html?lang=us#/screenshots/54 (gallery as well)
looks so sharp
Then only 2 more weeks till the full game
Not sure if I will pre-order it though.
:O Might be getting headaches again...its like HL and Hl2 all over again.
The only things that I would like to see fixed/changed if possible is crouching whenever u want, possibly jumping, fixing of some AI issues with cops having a car rolled on them while hanging out the window and are OK and things like that.
Overall though, it felt very much alive, more so than GTA IV I thought. I'm still excited for the full game, I've been waiting for 6 years for this game. The audio is very well done, and you can tell they put alot of time into it.
I agree that it feels like Mafia 1, which is great. It has the same type of dialog and story setup, which is fine. I'm curious if the full map is larger than what the demo map shows... I think so... but not sure.
I know people have issues with AA and screen tearing on consoles, but on my PC it looks/runs almost flawlessly, my specs are:
Intel Core 2 Quad 2.67GHZ
8GB DDR2 1066mhz Ram
Asus Nvidia GTX260 Overclocked 896MB Ram
My FPS are like 25-40 I think, running all high settings with 8x AF, and Apex on Medium, Vsync is on, so no screen tearing. Audio is on high too.
Currently got it on pre-order, wonder if theres any chance of modding it?
Also, Nvidia released updated PhysX for PC which makes FPS increase quite a bit, like 30% increase in performance.
Get it for PC and use a controller. Works great here with the 360 controller.
I believe you need one of these: [ame]http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-Wireless-Gaming-Receiver-Windows-Pc/dp/B000HZFCT2[/ame]