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  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    UDK runs fine on my MBP. Keep in mind all bootcamp is, is a driver package, and its all drivers from the OEMs. As has been said the new systems are just PC's running MacOS
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hehe yeah Marine I can still find my way there successfully, thanks :P I am just noticing that things keep being dumbed down but also making less sense at the same time. Its true for both OSes too - assigning a simple color as background requires creating a special image just for it in OSX. Design by committee always leads to the most stupid decisions ...

    Anyways - just saying that OS quirks shouldn't be something to base a purchase on. The days when mainstream OSes were getting better and better are over, now its all downhill (Win Seven explorer quirks are just as bad as the Finders, draw game again)- we need to let it go and just focus on the power apps we use!

    Just my opinion!
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    I found 7 quite nice, while its not great its a positive step. which is not something that could have been said of vista.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Don't know why people hate on Vista. Worked perfectly for me after SP1 :O
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    on release it was a disaster. that taste stuck in a lot of mouths. You should try 7 the aero UI is actually becoming usefull. the taskbar stacks are great.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    on release it was a disaster. that taste stuck in a lot of mouths. You should try 7 the aero UI is actually becoming usefull. the taskbar stacks are great.

    yeah was in the RC build and used that as my primary OS and recently upgraded. Runs butter smooth with an SSD :)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    My windows 7 experience has been fine.... after I was able to troubleshoot how to get it to install without hanging. I had to run the install in low rez mode and then force explorer to start after it fails to finish the install procedure.

    Copying stuff from my old Vista drive was a nightmare too, the permissions got all screwed up so I had to jump through alot of hoops just so I could access any files on my old drive. Unfortunately the stuff I did to fix the permissions on my old drive somehow screwed up the permissions on my Windows 7 install directory, the fastest solution was to just format and reinstall windows 7 again.
  • Bibendum
    Curious as to what problems you guys are having with Windows 7 that makes you say it's good but not great?

    I've been running it on two PC's for what must be over a year now and the only problem I've had is that I need to disable windows tablet service because it's shitty and annoying.

    Have to admit I've never had the problems you did Justin, went from Vista 32 to Win 7 64 without any issue. One of my installs did fail but that was because of a corrupt ISO. (edit: ISO from the microsoft store, not pirated -_-) Redownloading fixed it.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Bibendum: it's a fairly common problem, googling "Windows 7 Freezes at "Completing Installation"" brings up thousands of posts with a thousand different solutions. This issue has existed since the Beta, I was installing an OEM copy of Win7. Having most likely built in excess of 1,000 PC's in my lifetime I'm ready for weird shit like this.
  • Visceral
    Macs are just much moore expencive non customizable PC with less compability.

    But sure if you like stainless steel, then go for it ritch boys.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9

    I dont have any major issues with 7. i just dont think either OSX or 7 are all that great. both still have things which could improve. 7 has however added the things i missed from OSX.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Visceral wrote: »
    Macs are just much moore expencive non customizable PC with less compability.

    But sure if you like stainless steel, then go for it ritch boys.
    Well this is a rather ridiculous statement that hasn't been thought through and is completely biased.

    Macs are great. Far more user friendly for those who aren't super familiar with computers (not that it is an issue for me). But the advantage with macs, is that they tend to last a long, long time. Far longer than I've had any PC. They are less prone to breakdown IMO. And for those saying that you can't run your favorite programs on OSX (UDK for example), Boot camp is there for a reason :)

    I used to be a mac owner. Loved it. Now I have my personal reasons for going with a PC. Regardless, macs are definitely very, very nice.
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    Prophecies wrote: »
    Well this is a rather ridiculous statement that hasn't been thought through and is completely biased.

    Macs are great. Far more user friendly for those who aren't super familiar with computers (not that it is an issue for me). But the advantage with macs, is that they tend to last a long, long time. Far longer than I've had any PC. They are less prone to breakdown IMO. And for those saying that you can't run your favorite programs on OSX (UDK for example), Boot camp is there for a reason :)

    I used to be a mac owner. Loved it. Now I have my personal reasons for going with a PC. Regardless, macs are definitely very, very nice.

    I don't get how people say it lasts longer simply because it is a mac.
    If you can get a mac and bootcamp it. Then why not get a PC and install mac OSX on it? That way you can get better hardware than what apple provides.
    Apple hardware has nothing exclusive compared to its PC counterpart. Actually the Mac hardware setup is very inefficient when it comes to heat. My sister's mac heats up to around 78° C, and since the case is made of metal, it heats up the entire case to around 62° C. Apple seams to enjoy doing a "good" design over efficiency to please all of the hipster elitist, but when it comes to something extremely practical and has a great demand for processing power, that is where things get messy.
  • mortalhuman
    What dude? First, no direct OFFENSE intended, but Yea right. Mac comes with everything you would want to do with basic facebook/myspace-user/music thief crap.

    Read: APPLE provides ONLY basic crap that any user on the planet would want, and they do not go out of their way to get Power Users onto their systems: BECAUSE POWER USERS KNOW THEY ARE EVIL. Read on.

    Try to replace any of those applications with something else and you find slim-pickins.

    I don't care that I need to add software to do good video editing in windows. It's the OS, it's not supposed to supply me everything and "just work". "Just working" just makes mac "very limited" and "FOR STUPID PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE GETTING THEMSELVES INTO IN THE LONG RUN"

    Sorry man, you might like macs, might enjoy it, but the whole mac camp is silly and really dumb to ever think it stands next to capabilities of a Windows box - GLOBALLY - ALL AROUND - windows is more usable, off of the sheer choice you have.

    Mac need quite some time to improve who publishes on them before any can argue differently, sorry man, it's not even a pc vs mac thing for this post. It's a power user vs noob who expects OS to do everything (and really just get locked into the lack of choice).

    Too harsh? Nah. Mac people are smug for no reasons. Literally no reason to be so proud of such a vacant and choiceless suite without anyone publishing on it (yet).


    Supercomputer -> PC (computer enters HOME) -> Mac -> MP3 Player -> iPod -> iPhone -> iPad -> next will be iView then iServe, then complete cloud and remote data NONSENSE.

    Wait till you see what Crytek and EA are going to do to your renders. You will change your tune when you see perspective based rendering and server side rendering crap JUST so they can STOP giving you RIGHTS when you buy something and instead charge you monthly access instead.

    MAC IS EVIL. SO IS WIN CLOUD. MAC IS THE ONE MAKING IT "COOL" to be stupid/locked/remotecloud based. It is not cool, and we will regret it.

    We will regret not knowing the difference between EULA and Cloud. We will regret not knowing the difference between RIGHTS TO GAMES and SERVICE PROVIDERS.

    They can track anyone online. Track down child predators in an instant. Scan amm email for certain phrases. But you can't stop silly lil old PIRACY? LIES. THEY can stop it they ALLOW it so they can go into a court room of the highest order and say: "THE PEOPLE CANNOT BE TRUSTED".

    Yes, I AM insinuating conspiracy and YES if you do not agree, you do not know enough to do so. I am a sympathizer. That doesn't mean I am part of the rebellion. You better stop us, or else, well, can't say I didn't warn the mice that we were coming...
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    I wanted to say what mortalhuman said but I wanted to target the product its self more, and not the bulk of the people that use it.
  • mortalhuman
    True. That's why I had to say "no direct offense intended" etc.

    Because it's not even the people being stupid, it is the corporations taking advantage of their ignorance to the difference between SERVICE and OWNERSHIP.

    OnLive is Evil.
    Mac is Evil.
    Cloud is Evil.
    RFID is Evil.
    Zinga is EVIL.

    They are ALL fundamentally connected and working to remove "world wide" from "web" and have "local area" instead of "a world community". To turn "EULA" into "Service, rules may vary or change without notice".

    No more knowing how evil China govt is.

    I'm telling you guys: Open your eyes. Open your eyes or you're really, really not going to like us, no matter how much you like us now. "They" are, 100% fact, trying, and being very successful at, removing the internet, and putting us back in the 80s where we rely on TV and news and hear say. THEY are connecting us all, for the sole purpose of then disconnecting us.

    ONCE they control the connection, that's it.

    AND REMEMBER: HOW wrong can I be when we are the SAME PEOPLE who charge you 100+ dollars just to boot your laptop, push f11, and reset it from a partition. THE SAME PEOPLE who rip off for centuries. The SAME PEOPLE who compete with ourselves so that whichever brand you choose, you still choose the one that locks you down.

    One love <3

    OnLive: AT&T (the same people with the stranglehold on iPhone's) is giving out FREE first year membership to OnLive and you DONT have to get a second year - that sounds too good to be true, right? When was the LAST time you got a free anything without agreeing to pay for the time that comes after that free or discounted rate?!?! Exactly. And AT&T is giving it out. The Name itself is pure marketing too: People already SAY "I'm going to play cod on Live tonight with my friends"

    naming it "OnLive" is pretty subliminal, to say the least.

    Soz yall, but I won't argue the usability of either as much as I will argue: The more heavily marketed to "stylish people", the more evil that ish is.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    I dont have a clue about cloud computing, nor do i see the relevance so im not going to go there. but so far as macs not being for power users and lacking publishers you seem pretty uninformed. lets take a look at who publishes on macs in the 3D/Creative industry as a whole
    Off the top of my head.

    Autodesk- Maya, Mudbox, Smoke, Sketchbook Pro, (Max is offically supported under Virtualisation)
    Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, AfterEffects, Flash
    The Foundry: Nuke
    Apple:Shake,Final Cut
    NextLimit: Realflow
    Luxology: Modo
    Pixologic: Zbrush

    Smaller Companys
    NeverCenter: Silo
    Pilgway : 3DCoat
    Topogun (dont know name of publisher)

    What job cant you do?
    I dont disagree that they are expensive for much the same thing as a PC but they are by no means crippled or useless.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Holy cow, mortalhuman, you come across like a crazy guy on the subway.

    The "Mac's don't have the software selection" is even more silly than the "one button mouse!" argument. It's kind of like the Mac user argument that Windows can't handle as many colors or sound channels at once.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Well art tools will obviously be ported to the mac platform, that's a given.

    But still, if we're talking about software selection on a global scale, it does have a smaller selection, most so in games.

    We can also discuss the validity in that mac hardware would be less bound to failiure, considering the hardware is the same kind we use with pc's.

    They do have pretty chassi though.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    If you remove games from the equation there really is no difference in software selection, the only time I saw issues was with very specific proprietary software, the newspaper insert sorting machine (it stuffs coupon pamphlets into the newspapers) ran on proprietary software that only worked in Windows NT.

    All the times I've done work on Dells, HPs and the like I've always shaken my head at the shoddy manufacturing decisions they made. Most of the Macs I've worked on impressed me with the build quality, of coarse there's a few hiccups now and then, like the noisy G4 and the MacBook model that got way too hot.

    I've been out of the repair biz for a while now but have PC laptop manufacturers solved the power plug stress break problem that's plagued them for years?
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Exactly, mac's are targeted to people in the design and music business, not people who play games.

    Now laptops are an interesting thing in all this, since just about all laptops will be pre-assembled, with little to no interchangable parts, so everyone is essentially doing the same thing as mac, building computer setups.

    mac seems to be solid in this area, but it sure has a super-premium price, which means you'll be spending the money that you could've also spent on that inevitable future ugrade.

    But once again, mac's are targeted to the crowd that can afford to pay the premium, in the situations when money is not a problem.
  • mortalhuman
    Holy cow, mortalhuman, you come across like a crazy guy on the subway.

    The "Mac's don't have the software selection" is even more silly than the "one button mouse!" argument. It's kind of like the Mac user argument that Windows can't handle as many colors or sound channels at once.

    Touche. I'm the ODB, as you can see. lol.

    Mac OS is taking over - and they are not just taking over, but in a big way, and a supposedly new, but ultimately more limiting way. I consider the iPod to be comparable, or literal to, the invasion of the pod people. Yea, you know, closed people out into their zone. It then became iPhone and added the "new" communication. Now here we have the iPad. It is just the new pollution.

    How long will it be, before you no longer own your games, movies, music, or other media able to be digitized that comes out and deemed "new"?

    Sure you will have San Andreas, and PS2, if you kept it, and if it didn't die (amirite? Both counts: GTA Discs <3 and PS2s).

    But will you have new games and movies? Will you even be able to replace your VHS's and DVD's? Doubtful. OnLive streams the games, Netflix streams the movies. You pay to access, or you don't watch movies. Comcast, Verizon, Satelite, or Xbox/PS3?

    Why is there only "one or the other"? Coke, Pepsi? Sprite, 7up. Democrat, Republican. Blood, Crypt or whatever it is, Console A or B, now adays Xbox and PS, or should I say Sega Dreamcast II and Super Super Super Nintendo? It is not that there are no other consoles, sodas, candidates etc - it's just that the money behind and people behind the ones we know about - and do not fear - that the everyone under the duality's are just mere blips, while only the "beasts" two "main contenders" always take the spotlight - back and forth, playing on the instincts of us, the subjects, who pick either side of any of the things listed and more for various reasons, often completely in vanity. Some people don't drink cola. Only 7 up. Some people don't play games, only watch the polls for their political party. Some people do it all. Just to be sure I don't look like I'm generalizing - that's a sidewalk bum thing to do, I consider myself to be closer and more akin to the Truth. With 23 or more examples.


    There is an ever expanding selection of software for Mac. I really can't deny that. There is an expanding audience for the platform, and an expanding grip around the minds of the people. I'm not talking about brainwashing so much as it may seem. If it seems that way, you already notice validity when you see it above because my focus here is not to talk about manipulation but about possession of the people. I do get too excited when I discuss it, but I am just a mortal human, and for me, this is like a magic trick to show people.

    Do you guys know why 1984 wasn't like 1984? Because that was the beginning.

    Mac target is changing, btw. Can't really dispute that, Steam, developers scrambling to port. It is because iView is coming. And iServe.

    And such.
  • Bibendum
    I'm no doctor but you've got all the symptoms of a serious case of trolliosis.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Talking about "crowds that can pay the premium" - such products also exist for the PC camp

    Then again, at least outside the US, the Mac premium isn't much of a premium at all. Comparable workstations / mobile workstations (if you chose to compare the Pro lines) come to pretty much the same price points when you chose similar specs and similar CPUs.

    In the last years the apple premium has dropped considerably - Now when we go back to the late 90's and early 2000's, yeah it was insane at that time!
  • MissMaddyTaylor
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    MissMaddyTaylor greentooth
    OnLive is Evil.
    Mac is Evil.
    Cloud is Evil.
    RFID is Evil.
    Zinga is EVIL.

    You forgot Microsoft is evil. But honestly from my experience with both computers, Mac is not that evil at all. In fact it's only been an angel for me.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Their policies can be a bit iffy. Customization and options are always strictly limited. They try to filter out what apps and games they accept and they've stopped programs that would allow "crappy" games to flood their market.

    Apple is cruel/harsh to anyone that leaks any info. Harsh on developers, a jerk to Adobe, who creates a bunch of their key software.

    Sneaking Safari onto peoples computers through standard itune updates. etc etc.
  • CompanionCube
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    CompanionCube polycounter lvl 12
    good luck with whatever striker decides, there is very little difference these days so just pick which one suits you best.

    its pretty dissapointing for mac users that there are only plans at the moment to bring the new Quadro 4000 to mac but none of the higher models (5000,6000,Plex 7000) at the moment. So for High End stuff i still think PC with windows/linux will always be better.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Kwramm wrote: »
    Talking about "crowds that can pay the premium" - such products also exist for the PC camp

    Then again, at least outside the US, the Mac premium isn't much of a premium at all. Comparable workstations / mobile workstations (if you chose to compare the Pro lines) come to pretty much the same price points when you chose similar specs and similar CPUs.

    In the last years the apple premium has dropped considerably - Now when we go back to the late 90's and early 2000's, yeah it was insane at that time!

    There's already been examples in the thread where a much cheaper computer can be had at the same performance.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I dont see PC's needing to have OSX installed on them like Mac's option to have Windows.

    Game. Set. Match.
  • MissMaddyTaylor
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    MissMaddyTaylor greentooth
    Autocon wrote: »
    I dont see PC's needing to have OSX installed on them like Mac's option to have Windows.

    Game. Set. Match.

    Best of both worlds? Why not! Both are useful to me so I think Mac is the better choice. There are no limitations to what I need to use my Mac for PLUS I get to use all my Windows programs. And I adore the lifespan all my Macs have lived, I've never seen one die or fail. My father's been studying Apple for years, and he's going to be certified to install Mac computers into businesses, I've learned a lot from him. :)
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    Why wouldn't you get mac OSX installed on a PC.
    You would have better hardware and performance...

    God damn hipsters just want to have a "pretty looking" computer to show off to people...
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Because it requires the software to be cracked and mac OS only supports a narrow cross section of pc hardware.
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    You sure? Anything with an Intel CPU should work fine...
    My sister did it to her computer. Before she actually bought a mac.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Im sure it works fine on some systems but why would Apple ship their OS with drivers for hardware they dont support.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah there's lots of driver issues, and a limited support of hardware.
  • trancerobot
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    trancerobot polycounter lvl 7
    Well this is a silly thread.

    All of us are adults right? If you'd like a Mac, get one. If you'd like a PC, get one. Finally, respect the choices of others. They are both good, depending on what you want out of it.

    There's no point in having pride in your purchasing choices.

    Besides, not many people really care all that much. At the end of the day, our only real concerns should be about getting work done.
  • MissMaddyTaylor
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    MissMaddyTaylor greentooth
    Well this is a silly thread.

    All of us are adults right? If you'd like a Mac, get one. If you'd like a PC, get one. Finally, respect the choices of others. They are both good, depending on what you want out of it.

    There's no point in having pride in your purchasing choices.

    Besides, not many people really care all that much. At the end of the day, our only real concerns should be about getting work done.

    Well said! I'm done here :) time to work on some models.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    eld wrote: »
    There's already been examples in the thread where a much cheaper computer can be had at the same performance.

    Yes. But you know, there's people who have broader more criteria than just raw performance when chosing a PC? built quality, support, features, looks - for laptops: size, display, weight, battery.

    Take a Macbook Pro for example - find a similar PC that has all the features (display resolution, battery, weight, size, video card) and see how much cheaper it is, ensuring ALL categories are pretty much the same, not just performance! Make sure to compare it with other brand names (dell, alienware, asus, hp, etc) which play in the same league of pre-built machines.
    You'll probably notice that the prices are not too different any more.

    Just don't compare it with self built. That's like complaining that restaurants charge you more than what it costs when you cook yourself at home.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    There's no point in having pride in your purchasing choices.

    pretty sure that's what America is all about though.
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